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PAX South 2017 Pins

thx42thx42 SeattleRegistered User regular
edited January 2017 in Pinny Arcade
PAX South Pin Post!
Pin Quest
Expo Hall Map
Expo Hall Map with pin locations
Merch Banner

New Pins
PAX South 2017 Set (PA - Merch or Merch Lite) - $30
South 2017 LE (PA - Merch Lite) - $15
Child's Play 2017 (Child's Play - 10485) - $20
The Falcon (tinyBuild - 10669) - $15
DWD Bandit Queen (Dire Wolf Digital - 10641) - $15, or win demo game
DWD Clank (Dire Wolf Digital - 10641) - $15, or win demo game
GS Edith Finch (Annapurna - 11022) - Free with demo
Table Titans Thrax (Toonhound - 0071) - $15

Rage Gabe - Trade with Mike
Rage Tycho - Trade with Jerry
Der Dorbelgorbel - Trade with Kiko
Friends in High Places - Trade with Gavin
Ursine Adventures - Trade with Dabe
Savage New Brutals - Trade with Jeff
The Ungift - Trade with staff
Codex Parentes - Trade with Dave
The Maw - Trade with Josh
Santa's Little Helper - Trade with staff
The Little Hashshashin - Trade with Kristin
A Whimsical God - Trade with Mike F
Force Multiplier - Trade with staff
Them There End Times - Trade with Erick

Possible Old Pins
Child's Play 2016 (Child's Play - 10485)
Psychomancer (Take This)
Surprise Attack Ninja, Albert, Hacknet (Surprise Attack - 10830)
Headcrab, Catbug, TF2 Set (We Love Fine - 11060)
Iver, Bellower, Bolverk (Versus Evil - 11034)
Panda Espresso, Giddy Up, Skull Fart, Skull Revere (Toonhound - 10071)
CW Haunted Beaver, CW Skull, Weedonwantcha Purdy, Weedonwantcha Cats, Camp Weedonwantcha, Dark Place Brian (Katie Rice, Bandland)
Creepy Doll BBQ, LRR Muffins, Creepy Doll, Sheriff Spoopifer, Hockey Spoop, Tugger Nutts, Tugger Nutts Goes Down Under (LRR, Bandland)
Starslip Prime, Broodhollow Iris, Zane & Mercy, Cadavre, Cthulhu Swim (Kris Straub, Bandland)
PAX AUS Roadshow Koala (PAX Aus Roadshow - 10829, 10830, 10629, 10631)
Baron Blade, Matriarch (Greater Than Games - Tabletop)

thx42 on


  • mightyh0bbesmightyh0bbes Subterranean Arcadian SeattleRegistered User regular
    @Beker had mentioned they would have both Child's Play pins available.
  • zwitterionzwitterion Registered User regular
    Tinybuild pin? Neato! Hopefully it is Speedrunners.

  • Joedel263Joedel263 Registered User regular
    @Beker had mentioned they would have both Child's Play pins available.

    I hope this is the case for East as well. I still need last years.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I must have gotten the last one at AUS this year, had to get a very helpful CB member to track down a superior to get it. Had a nice chat while we waited for her.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Joedel263 wrote: »
    @Beker had mentioned they would have both Child's Play pins available.

    I hope this is the case for East as well. I still need last years.

    We will still have a few old ones at East yes, and have allotted a chunk of the new Pin for each PAX. I want each PAX to be able to have each pin, but after that when they are gone they are gone.

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    PAX Aus roadshow might have a few pins as well - best to check.

  • thejessebthejesseb Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Asked them on twitter. Tinybuilds pin is The Falcon. They also hinted at having another one at East.

    thejesseb on
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    I'm surprised the pin list hasn't been released yet. This time last year it had been...

  • MadkineMadkine AustraliaRegistered User regular
    The Aus announcement was later than usual this time too. Announcement on October 28 for a 4 November PAX.

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    RILMS wrote: »
    I'm surprised the pin list hasn't been released yet. This time last year it had been...

    I would expect it no later than this Friday, sometimes shit happens and they can't guarantee what's there until the last minute.

  • thx42thx42 SeattleRegistered User regular
    Added pics from the merch banner to the original post.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    I love the LE Pin :)

  • DevereauxDevereaux Registered User regular
    RILMS wrote: »
    I love the LE Pin :)

    While I liked the polygon pins, there was nothing unique between them other than the different colors. I really like this year's South LE pin!

    Check out my lanyard and let's trade ;)
  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Email said it will be announced on Friday. One week before opening.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Looks like they will be selling the Mario set, the Luigi pin, Kemper pins, and Acq Inc pins

  • KingPin1KingPin1 Hardcore Casual Pin Trader Seattle WA, USARegistered User regular
  • luckycharmluckycharm Perth, AURegistered User regular
    What is the Pinny Arcade Starter Set for $60?

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    luckycharm wrote: »
    What is the Pinny Arcade Starter Set for $60?

    Two normal pin sets with a lanyard.
    No discount just to get new traders started.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • ahstoddardahstoddard President-kidnapping Ninja Houston-ishRegistered User regular
    darkinfero wrote: »
    luckycharm wrote: »
    What is the Pinny Arcade Starter Set for $60?

    Two normal pin sets with a lanyard.
    No discount just to get new traders started.

    I guess if there was a discount it would be easy fodder build up, but would also lessen the barrier to entry. I'm still a little interested as a newbie.

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    ahstoddard wrote: »
    darkinfero wrote: »
    luckycharm wrote: »
    What is the Pinny Arcade Starter Set for $60?

    Two normal pin sets with a lanyard.
    No discount just to get new traders started.

    I guess if there was a discount it would be easy fodder build up, but would also lessen the barrier to entry. I'm still a little interested as a newbie.

    Ya if you're a newbie I would get it.
    I'm still interested in getting one. I plan to grab one for my gf.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • thx42thx42 SeattleRegistered User regular
    Updated with all the pins. :)

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Not a whole lot, but poor fish is fine with that. Might grab a pint glass though..

  • AdamRWAdamRW Registered User regular
    Hey, everybody!

    I just wanted to let you all know that we will have some of the Darkplace Brian pins (from the Camp Weedonwantcha Kickstarter) at the Katie Rice table in Bandland. We're only bringing a portion of what we've got left over (we're gonna try to make sure we've got some available at every PAX this year) and we'll be sure that we've got some available on each day. You know, in case some people are only attending one day.

  • RenfamousRenfamous Weeb, Unexceptional Cosplayer Houston, TexasRegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    AdamRW wrote: »
    Hey, everybody!

    I just wanted to let you all know that we will have some of the Darkplace Brian pins (from the Camp Weedonwantcha Kickstarter) at the Katie Rice table in Bandland. We're only bringing a portion of what we've got left over (we're gonna try to make sure we've got some available at every PAX this year) and we'll be sure that we've got some available on each day. You know, in case some people are only attending one day.

    Hot damn, that's awesome! (dibsssss)

    Renfamous on
  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    AdamRW wrote: »
    Hey, everybody!

    I just wanted to let you all know that we will have some of the Darkplace Brian pins (from the Camp Weedonwantcha Kickstarter) at the Katie Rice table in Bandland. We're only bringing a portion of what we've got left over (we're gonna try to make sure we've got some available at every PAX this year) and we'll be sure that we've got some available on each day. You know, in case some people are only attending one day.

    Does that mean you and Katie are coming to Aus finally? Or just the pins? And is there a limit to how many can be purchased or will be available?

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    *every real pax


  • AdamRWAdamRW Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Yeah, I should have said "every PAX that we're able to go to." That doesn't necessarily rule out PAX Aus (I really hope we get to go this year) and we will make sure to have some available if in fact we do make it there.

    And I think we're gonna bring something like 50 to 75 to South. I wasn't planning on having any sort of per-person limit, just the per-day max so everyone would have a shot. But, I don't know. I'm guessing that most of the people who would care about the Brian pins have passes for the whole weekend...

    AdamRW on
  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    You should totally come to Aus. When was the last time you even left the continental states?

  • thx42thx42 SeattleRegistered User regular
    AdamRW wrote: »
    Yeah, I should have said "every PAX that we're able to go to." That doesn't necessarily rule out PAX Aus (I really hope we get to go this year) and we will make sure to have some available if in fact we do make it there.

    And I think we're gonna bring something like 50 to 75 to South. I wasn't planning on having any sort of per-person limit, just the per-day max so everyone would have a shot. But, I don't know. I'm guessing that most of the people who would care about the Brian pins have passes for the whole weekend...

    Originally, i think it was mentioned that DPB would later be sold in some kind of bundle (I guess to help maintain the pin's value). Is that still going to be the case? Like maybe buy $x worth of other stuff.

    If it's just gonna be a normal priced pin, I would definitely put a limit on it.

  • MadkineMadkine AustraliaRegistered User regular
    AdamRW wrote: »
    But, I don't know. I'm guessing that most of the people who would care about the Brian pins have passes for the whole weekend...
    I think you seriously underestimate this community. Don't be surprised if get requests to buy 5+ pins. Given that you aren't guaranteeing any to be available at Aus, I suspect a few Aussies will be hitting up their contacts in the US to pick one or more up for them.

  • Kiki Kiki Lady Moogle Hat Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I think most people know I am a casual collector at this point and keep only what I really love, so I can't believe I am saying this:

    I love that DWD Bandit Queen pin so much that I want a whole lanyard of it.

    Who am I.

  • AdamRWAdamRW Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    thx42 wrote: »
    Originally, i think it was mentioned that DPB would later be sold in some kind of bundle (I guess to help maintain the pin's value). Is that still going to be the case? Like maybe buy $x worth of other stuff.

    Yeah, there was at one point the thought of only making the Brian pin available in a bundle with the book. But I don't want to irritate those pin traders who want the pin, but have absolutely no interest in the book.

    I also don't want to annoy the people who backed the book at the pin tier and have them feel like, as you said, the pin isn't as valuable. (I will say, though, that the majority of the pins were given out as backer rewards, so we're not talking about a ton of pins left to distribute at PAX.)

    It's been tricky figuring out how to go about this, and I would absolutely be open to suggestions here about the best way to handle things. Thanks, everyone!

    AdamRW on
  • nohomeJeromenohomeJerome Emerald City, WA Registered User regular
    I think treating Dark Place Brian like the LE pin it is makes the most sense.

    Best case scenario: cap the purchase limit at two (standard LE system), spread the wealth, get DPB into more hands. Traders can return throughout the weekend and buy more, which they will.

    Worst case scenario: no cap and the first in line each day buys the lot. Highly unlikely, but I'm sure some have the means to make it happen.

  • surettesurette kill the switch Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    AdamRW wrote: »
    It's been tricky figuring out how to go about this, and I would absolutely be open to suggestions here about the best way to handle things. Thanks, everyone!
    as a person who backed the kickstarter, I have no problem with you wanting to give others a shot at getting the pin. all I'd say is to have a limited number each day and cap them at one or two per person (which is what it sounds like you're already planning on doing), so it still feels like a LE pin.

    surette on
  • Wraith90Wraith90 Saskatoon, SkRegistered User regular
    Maybe offer the pins to people who buy a copy of the book as an add-on, that way it would stop alot of people who already have a pin from just buying it to have an extra as they would already have the book from the Kickstarter. You would also be keeping a lot of the pins inside the trading community as most of the people who would add-on the pin onto their purchase would be new collectors who missed the Kickstarter.

  • callmegarcallmegar Registered User regular
    As a backer and a fan I have no problem at all with you selling the pins. It won't have any effect on my personal stance. As a Katie supporter I think it might not be good business to just openly sell it, it may affect or limit your options on a future kickstarter, I would stay as close as the kickstarter original statements as I could.

  • Sammy.SamSammy.Sam Registered User regular
    AdamRW wrote: »
    Yeah, there was at one point the thought of only making the Brian pin available in a bundle with the book. But I don't want to irritate those pin traders who want the pin, but have absolutely no interest in the book.

    I wouldn't worry about irritating that subset of people, I would recommend sticking to your guns on that original model. I unfortunately missed the boat on the original KS, but if I had the opportunity to get a print collection with the pin I would. Releasing the pin like that makes it more special as a commemorative item celebrating your project instead of just a pin of a character.

  • adambargadambarg Forward the Pinglorious Basterds!Registered User regular
    How about as a purchase tier reward? ex: let someone add it on for $15 if they spend $50 at your booth?

  • thx42thx42 SeattleRegistered User regular
    adambarg wrote: »
    How about as a purchase tier reward? ex: let someone add it on for $15 if they spend $50 at your booth?

    This sounds like a reasonable compromise to me. If people really want it, they can get it. If they already have the book, or don't want it, they can get something else. $50 + $15 is pretty close to the Kickstarter pin tier.

  • PAX_SkeletorPAX_Skeletor Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I have the opposite problem, I managed to trade for a DPB pin, but very much want to get my hands on a copy of the book!

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