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Penny Arcade - Comic - Best Practices

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited January 2017 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Best Practices

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • Kwisatz Haderach Kwisatz Haderach The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it. Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Did Mike get snipped?

    Kwisatz Haderach on
  • ZomagicZomagic Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    .... Mike got snipped years ago. Don't remember if it was in the comics, but it was in the blogs for sure. And I don't think it requires SIX MONTHS of downtime either way. Pretty sure this is about a hernia.

    Zomagic on
  • MattimusPrimeMattimusPrime Registered User regular
    Yeah, this is about his hernia (that kept him from drawing the previous two strips).

  • QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    Glad he's back up and about.

  • poipoigirlpoipoigirl Registered User regular
    WB Mike!

  • Comedy RefluxComedy Reflux Web creator FlandersRegistered User regular
    Doesn't laughing work those same muscles? I wonder what the next podcast will sound like. Intense, I'd wager.

    Back after a three year hiatus!
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Doesn't laughing work those same muscles? I wonder what the next podcast will sound like. Intense, I'd wager.


  • RottonappleRottonapple Registered User regular
    Doesn't laughing work those same muscles? I wonder what the next podcast will sound like. Intense, I'd wager.

    A few years ago I had an operation on my abdomen. Nothing as sever as Gabe, but you don't realize how much you use those muscles. Sneezing? AHHHHH! Coughing? Make it stop! Bearing down on your bladder to empty it? Going to stand over the toilet with a slow trickle. Taking a poop? Better have a rolled up towel or a small firm pillow to hold against the cut while you try to pinch off that loaf.

  • NoisyPerlinNoisyPerlin Registered User regular
    Doesn't laughing work those same muscles? I wonder what the next podcast will sound like. Intense, I'd wager.

    Yep. I had a hernia op done a few years ago. Laughing is not great, although that gets better. What sticks around for awhile is sneezing (keep a kleenex in your pocket) and coughing (cough drops too). As said in the comic, you can't do exercise for awhile. The tricky thing is that often you can't drive for awhile either because you use your muscles in that area when you move your leg to step on the gas or brake.

  • MyZenNolanMyZenNolan Registered User new member
    Doesn't laughing work those same muscles? I wonder what the next podcast will sound like. Intense, I'd wager.

    Can confirm. A lot of activities use those muscles. Being unable to turn off a very funny comedy show because you're in terrible pain is hilarious and can cause more laughter.

  • RavelleRavelle Registered User regular
    Same, man. Same.

  • J. D. MilknutJ. D. Milknut Lord of Chipmunks Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    Your doctor is Stanley the Plaid?

  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    who the fuck is this new artist

  • AmadeoUKAmadeoUK Registered User new member
    edited January 2017
    Love it.

    AmadeoUK on
  • shadowysea07shadowysea07 Registered User regular
    Welcome back. And get well soon. Don't work too hard.

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