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(20 mins away) Live Show "The Mads are Back" (MSTK) at Alamo Drafthouse, Fri/Sat nite

japesterjapester Registered User regular
I hope it's okay to post this here, but the Drafthouse tends to do cool stuff on the same weekend as PAX. Last year it was a Venture Bros event, and my PAX group had a blast. Obviously, this will conflict with Friday or Saturday night PAX programming and it requires transportation. Both shows are at 8:30PM, so most of the PAX stuff has died down by then. Tickets are $30 after fees.

Disclaimer: I'm not associated with this event or the Drafthouse, nor have I ever seen this particular show so I can't vouch for its quality.

Tickets are almost gone. Food at the Drafthouse isn't bad (I'm a big fan of their chocolate shakes, myself). Can't speak to the beers at they aren't my thing. :P


  • StinkyTurdStinkyTurd Registered User regular
    Man I wish I had transportation to go :(

  • ahstoddardahstoddard President-kidnapping Ninja Houston-ishRegistered User regular
    I was really hoping one of the nights would be around 6pm, since the concerts are near the top of my PAX to-do, which makes it that much harder to justify the ticket cost for this event

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