If you like Duelyst, check out Shardbound. It's in early alpha right now, mostly just finishing all the character models, but it's got a pretty big portion of the testers/players who immigrated from Duelyst and say they enjoy it much more. Similar style of TCG meets Tactical gameplay.
I watched them play Gigantic on the streams. Sometimes I wish I was good (or competent, or at least at the level of Jerry) at games like this. It looks really neat, and it seems like it would be a blast to get on a team with Mike and have the kind of fun he's having. But I know the reality is I'd be one of the players about which Mike says, "What the FUCK is this guy doing? JE-sus!"
Website: http://www.shardbound.com/
Youtube sample:
Time to try it out!
Oh, and here's the stream:
Whaat. Gigantic is pretty fun. Waiting for the full release before I start to play it again but yeah, give it a shot.