Welcome Commander
Seeing as how the
last SupCom thread died out and never became a Game On, I figured we should have one to get all the PAer's together. But first, shiny!
Supreme Commander Resources:SupCom Universe - Great unit database here for looking up costs, damage, etc...
Supreme Commander HQ - Another good unit database that provides a basic summary of each unit type.
SupCom Source - Frequently updated site hosting a lot of maps and player made mods/units.
Game Replays - Excellent all-around RTS site for tips, strategies, and replays (although GPGNet hosts their own). Forums are also active and very helpful:
SupCom ForumsSupreme Commander Wiki - Supreme Commander info Wikipedia style.
Supreme Commander Optimization - Forum link from GPGnet. Long list of options to reduce lag and cut back on graphical details making the game much more playable. Highly recommended to look through if you're having slowdown issues.
On the horizonNew patch!Patch notes hereModding
Unfortunately, I haven't been up on the mod scene yet, but I'm aware that there is some sort of support. If anyone has any more information on this, let me know and I'll update the OP.
Beginner's Guide
Thanks to TaviRider for writing up an excellent guide for new players.
Beginner's Guide by TaviRiderAnything else?
If I missed anything or if anyone has anything they'd like to add, go ahead and post it and I'll edit it in.
Let's go!
GPGNet is a great service for matchmaking, as well as downloading and watching replays. The friending process seems a little wonky, as you can only add someone if they're in the main chat room, but if we can get together at the same time we should be able to build up our friends lists pretty quickly. If there's enough support for this, I'll add a list of all the in-game names so you can add people if you see them in the chat area.
Personally, I'm not too great at the game yet, but I think the best way to get better is just keep playing online. I'd love to go against or with anyone of any skill level, so leave your GPGNet name here and we'll try to find a time to play. My in-game name is the same as my forum name.
Who's in?
Player List
Forum Name -- GPGNet Name
1. CyrixD -- Cyrixd
2. Monoxide -- ElMono
3. Veegeezee -- nomad-dc or nomad.dc
4. Demiurge -- Demiurge4
5. xYUUBINKYOKUx -- Klank_Smash
6. Bremen -- Bremen
7. krylon666 -- krylon666
8. jmillikin -- jmil
9. Vic -- Eladrin
10. TaviRider -- TaviRider
11. Lord Jezo -- Lord Jezo
12. AngelDusted -- AD-Eclipse
13. TimFiji -- TimFiji
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
REALLY good deal if you missed out on them.
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
It's side-splittingly funny that the Brood War thread gets so much attention, when nobody cares about Supreme Commander.
I played a couple of rounds of the beta and couldn't will myself to buy the game. Not even out of loyalty to Total Annihilation.
Until then I will just sit here and look at the pretty pictures.
If anyone wants to play, send me a PM and we can add eachother to our friends list.
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
I love it, but its so hidiously system demanding I can't play it very well. Even if the game is small enough for ME to play it well, there's always some moron online who's running it at 1600x1200 Full Assraping Detail on his Pentium 70, and that drags the game speed down to -10.
..ok, and exaggeration, but not much. I've had FIVE HOUR games that took up an hour of actual game-time because of slowdown.
I have to agree. I can't play until my 'puter stops acting as a data server for a class project, but after that it'd be cool to play some PA'ers.
What the hey? How is it that other peoples detail settings affect how slow the game plays for YOU? Is it because they're hosting or something? Even then I'm not sure I get how that works.
*is confused*
I'm on GPGNet as ElMono, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm in the SA Goons clan, hit me up. I'm not good at it, but that's not stopping me from loving it, especially, in the coming weeks.
A lot of RTS games are synchronous. As a consquence, if one player lags, everyone else does too. It's probably even worse with SupCom since the game is so frigging extreme with its hardware demands.
Now that I just built a bitchin' new computer that can actually run the game at more than PowerPoint speeds, I would like get in on this. Except that I suck total ass at it and have to totally unlearn everything that Company of Heroes and its ilk have pounded into me. There's actually a hotkey to add 500 units to the build queue??? Jesus fuck, I'm out of my league.
Ah, so as long as your PC can keep up with the graphics you're throwing at it, you're good to go. Thanks.
Monoxide I'll look for you on GPGNet, I'm CyrixD so if you see me friend me. I'm not very good either, but it's just so fun...
Oh! I forgot to post the most important resource I found, I'll put it in the OP, but here it is also:
Supreme Commander Optimization
I'm not sure how I found it, it could've been in the last SupCom thread, but that worked wonders for me. The most important one which I use in all my games is ren_Decals, it basically just eliminates a lot of details and makes the game run faster. You lose a lot of the pretty, but it's well worth it to be able to play smoothly.
I've also found the host's computer/connection is also very important for a smooth game. I've had a wide range of incredibly laggy, unplayable matches, to ones that went very smooth except for during intense fights. And to be honest, sometimes the pauses can be kind of nice... You're managing so much stuff, economy, engineers, front line troops, defenses, etc... A little slowdown can actually be helpful I've found.
Veegeezee and Zxerol, if you're interested why don't you try it? You can pick it up for cheap now, and I think it's definitely worth it. If you do end up getting it, post your GPGNet names here so we can find eachother.
Zilo what's your GPGNet name?
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
I've actually been playing it since a couple days after release. :P
My main gaming comp is just unavailable right now, but I'll be back online in a week or so.
Once I get to about the second stage of development my whole operation begin to break down because I'm not sure how to properly implement base defenses and I don't even know how the goddamn missile silos work. Why do I have to individually create each nuclear missile?
And for that matter where the fuck am i getting the plutonium for it?
You can tell construction facilities to repeat whatever build sequence you have queued; silos, too. There's a little button for it somewhere.
That reminds me. Have any good UI mods found their way into the wild? I'd meant to keep my eyes open for that.
Why don't you guys post your GPGNet names and I'll make a list on the OP so we can find eachother ingame?
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
Or nomad.dc ... I forget. I'll have to look when I get my computer set back up.
At the second state of development you're not created nukes yet, just cruise missiles. Building missiles is manual because they are very expensive, especially nukes.
i think i need to do some more experimenting on cruise missiles and defender missiles, i'm barely using them and they probably serve an important function
You can also just right-click the "Build Missile" button and it'll auto-build.
As far as I can tell, cruise missiles are almost completely useless. They don't even track targets, so whatever you're shooting at had better stand still long enough for your missile to hit.
that's retarded
do they at least do heavy damage?
Unknown. The only things I've ever been able to hit are those giant shielded mobile factories, and they don't even seem to notice.
Using SupCom Universe, I compared UEF Tech 2 Cruise Missiles to Tech 2 Artillery:
Cruise Missiles:
Damage: 6000
Range: 128
Refire Rate: 3
Tech 2 Artillery:
Damage: 2000
Range: 128
Refire Rate: 2
Firing Randomness: 2.5
So basically, Cruise Missiles do 3 times as much damage faster, I'm guessing (cause 3 is a bigger number than 2!), and have better accuracy, since they don't have any firing randomness...whatever that means...
I've used them before just as long range siege; it's wicked useful if you've kept tabs on your enemy, so you know which structures you need to take out to hinder his progress.
I updated the OP with GPGNet names and the names of people who haven't yet given their in-game names. If you're on the tentative list, please let us know your GPGNet name .
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
I've used the Cybran missiles to snipe enemy commanders so many times its retarded, built it up against a mountain with a remote cloaking unit handy and you're good to go, if you cant hit the commander you can take out his T3 factories and powerplants with a single missile usually.
Chris Taylor has declared that this will be the most modded RTSG yet. There's already a thriving mod community doing things from simple balance tweaks to total conversions. It's still early... a map editor is due out quite soon to replace the unofficial one. There's a wiki at http://supcom.wikia.com/ that has all sorts of unit information and a rapidly growing reference library for mod creation.
The problem with Chris Taylor's games is they are always years ahead of their time. When TA came out it was just as machine-crushingly advanced as SupCom is now, and as a result it had a really small community in its first year(s).
I'm waiting for my next system, which I plan to build in June, before I even try to mess with SupCom.
No problem, I get like that everytime I look through this thread
I'm starting to get that feeling with SupCom. It's a positively incredible game, I wish there was more support for it. However, don't be too scared of the system requirements. My computer which is a few years old can handle it just fine online (with everything at lowest settings). Single player there's slowdown, I'm guessing from the campaign overhead.
My specs:
Athlon 64 3200
GeForce 6800oc
1.5 gb RAM
Hardly a powerhouse, but it runs everything just fine without the shiny.
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797