Pax West 2017 Dates

bbcisdabombbbcisdabomb Registered User new member
Have dates been announced anywhere for West 2017? I can't find them anywhere, is there a secret deepweb section or something?


  • Croatian SensationCroatian Sensation Registered User regular
    Not officially yet sadly, I did see that wizards of the coast post it would be September 1st to the 4th.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Also unofficial, but since moving to the WSCC, PAX has been on Labor Day weekend except every 4th year. Last time that happened was 2015. So this should be a Labor Day weekend year (9/1-9/4). This agrees with the Wizard's leak.

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Also unofficial, but since moving to the WSCC, PAX has been on Labor Day weekend except every 4th year. Last time that happened was 2015. So this should be a Labor Day weekend year (9/1-9/4). This agrees with the Wizard's leak.

    Remember though that the two times Prime was not on Labor day weekend was because of two different companies. Its not like one company has the convention center reserved every so many years indefinitely. So it is possible the trend could continue, but it is not a for sure thing.

    Also, a great way to confirm the dates is to just look on WSCC event schedule. The days before & after labor day are completely open (which Pax needs for set up and tear down). We know that Pax has told the convention centers to keep their event off the schedule to prevent a run on hotels and such by scalpers. There is no way that block of time would be open for any other reason except that Pax is booked for that time and it is just not listed on the schedule.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    SkeleVader wrote: »
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Also unofficial, but since moving to the WSCC, PAX has been on Labor Day weekend except every 4th year. Last time that happened was 2015. So this should be a Labor Day weekend year (9/1-9/4). This agrees with the Wizard's leak.

    Remember though that the two times Prime was not on Labor day weekend was because of two different companies. Its not like one company has the convention center reserved every so many years indefinitely. So it is possible the trend could continue, but it is not a for sure thing.

    Also, a great way to confirm the dates is to just look on WSCC event schedule. The days before & after labor day are completely open (which Pax needs for set up and tear down). We know that Pax has told the convention centers to keep their event off the schedule to prevent a run on hotels and such by scalpers. There is no way that block of time would be open for any other reason except that Pax is booked for that time and it is just not listed on the schedule.

    I'd heard the opposite. That the preempting event was a Dental convention that was booked a looong time into the future. I'd never heard it was two separate events. I have no evidence either way, it's just something I heard. Looking at WIkipedia, it looks like Prime was not on Labor day 3 times. 2007 was in the WSCC and was 8/24-8/27. Labor Day that year was 9/3.

    Also, the WSCC schedule this year has nothing listed for either Labor Day weekend, or the weekend before. August 22nd to September 7th are open. So we just know it's not the weekend after Labor Day. <don tinfoil hat> Unless PAX has started getting the WSCC to list fake events to throw people off. <yes, I'm just joking about that> Not that I can think of a reason they would move PAX off of Labor Day without a conflict.

    YoungFrey on
  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    I remember doing the research and looking into who had those weekends booked when pax couldn't have labor day the last two times and I am fairly sure it was two separate companies. I could obviously be remembering wrong so I will have to see if I can dig that info back up somewhere.

    I see that the "10th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Life in the Life Sciences" is scheduled for Aug 21st - 24th, which Pax would need for set up time, so it has to be Labor Day weekend (unless your tinfoil hat theory is correct).

  • wolfemancswolfemancs Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Just to keep with the nothing official has been announced theme, it's actually even more than that. It has been officially unannounced as of 2/27 (yesterday)

    In response to:
    Emily‏ @septiishu_fan Feb 26

    @Official_PAX @brifodera and do you have any official dates for West?

    They responded:
    PAX‏Verified account @Official_PAX

    @septiishu_fan @brifodera Nothing has been announced for West yet, sorry!


    zerzhul on
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    @SkeleVader I'll take your "I actually read it but am now unsure" over my "I heard it from someone somewhere once". It just seems coincidental that PAX has only been moved every 4 years, and not on some less even spacing. Not impossible, but just less probable. And I did totally misread the WSCC schedule. I didn't realize they only put the start date on the schedule and you need to read the blurb to get the full dates.

  • MagnusCarterMagnusCarter Registered User regular
    Just a little more official, the D&D schedule is on the wizards site at

  • japerryjaperry Registered User regular
    Its gotta be Sept 1-4 -- if you goto the hotels around the convention center, they're all blocked out for Labor day weekend and available for the weekend before and after.

  • bacon_avengerbacon_avenger Defender of Pork Products Pacific NW, USARegistered User regular
    japerry wrote: »
    Its gotta be Sept 1-4 -- if you goto the hotels around the convention center, they're all blocked out for Labor day weekend and available for the weekend before and after.
    I may or may not have already made reservations at the homewood just to be sure... :P

  • bbcisdabombbbcisdabomb Registered User new member
    I got reservations for labor day just in case as well - thanks for the replies!

  • quikblendquikblend CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    lets hope its soon, im excited for this year though!

    quikblend on
  • SOADerSOADer Registered User new member
    I have never been to PAX, but I have been to E3 a couple of times.
    I hope I can get tickets for PAX West this year.
    Any tips for newcomers?
    How does it compare to E3?

  • godmodegodmode Southeast JapanRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    You have approximately 3.67 seconds to get in the ticket queue before they're sold out.

    (Not now, of course, I mean when they go on sale)

    godmode on
  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular
    SOADer wrote: »
    I have never been to PAX, but I have been to E3 a couple of times.
    I hope I can get tickets for PAX West this year.
    Any tips for newcomers?
    How does it compare to E3?

    Follow the official PAX twitter (@Official_PAX) to know when to enter queue. Be ready at all times.
    To simply compare: E3 is for the industry. PAX is for the fans.

    I am impatient for dates to be added to the paxsite... Purely for the countdown of how many days to go.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    SOADer wrote: »
    I have never been to PAX, but I have been to E3 a couple of times.
    I hope I can get tickets for PAX West this year.
    Any tips for newcomers?
    How does it compare to E3?

    Follow the official PAX twitter (@Official_PAX) to know when to enter queue. Be ready at all times.
    To simply compare: E3 is for the industry. PAX is for the fans.
    To expand: follow that Twitter, and have notifications set up so you'll be alerted whenever it tweets. Be ready to be in the online queue within a minute of that happening. Tickets usually go on sale between 10AM & 1PM PST. If you plan on buying with your phone, be sure it's charged or you have a way to plug it in.
    Also, if you need a hotel room, as soon as tickets go on sale start trying to get the hotel room you want. The hotels usually go live shortly after (minutes) and the Sheraton in particular goes very fast.

    E3 in particular might have more in their Expo Hall (I don't know), but PAX has tons of stuff E3 utterly lacks: boardgaming, concerts, panels, a handheld gaming area, tournaments, signings, The Omegathon, etc ...
    E3 is a place for professionals that was so awesome fans started going to it. PAX is a place for fans that was so awesome professionals started doing work at.

  • DeimirDeimir Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    godmode wrote: »
    You have approximately 3.67 seconds to get in the ticket queue before they're sold out.

    (Not now, of course, I mean when they go on sale)

    Joke's on you, it took me a whole 16 seconds to get in line for 2016, and I still got 4 sets for all four days! Though this year my friends can't count on me to be a refresh warrior, I'm just too busy to 'guarantee' badges for our whole group.

    ...In the middle of a Division-level corporate meeting. Where I set Babymetal as my Twitter notification sound. It was weird.

    Deimir on
    Time off: done. Hotel: ??? Travel: ??? Badges: ???
    PAX Prime attendance: '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16
  • byakuenbyakuen Somewhere in SeattleRegistered User regular
    Fun fact: WSCC will not officaly be posting 2017 dates until tickets go up. (So says a rep there.) Now that East is done, I'm guessing everyone is becoming very friendly with the F5 button as they wait for PAX West tickets. :)

    ♥ Properly Pleased Participant of Past PAX PrimeWest: '10, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16
  • IncreaseBlueIncreaseBlue Registered User regular
    I hope we at least get a "don't worry about it this month" tweet soon. I'm a stickler for confirming stuff so I'm holding off booking things till the dates are officially set :[

  • krae_mankrae_man Registered User regular
    Unfortunately, I'm out this year. I'm getting a dental implant in the fall and that totally destroys my travel budget for the year. I'll still F5 and see if I can get tickets in my cart. Don't want to get rusty.

  • IncreaseBlueIncreaseBlue Registered User regular
    I hope we at least get a "don't worry about it this month" tweet soon. I'm a stickler for confirming stuff so I'm holding off booking things till the dates are officially set :[

    Hooray! They gave me one:

  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Pax just tweeted that Pax West badges will only go on sale after Pax Unplugged ones (which go on sale May 3rd). So we have at least a month to not have heart attacks.

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • Canderson1989Canderson1989 Registered User regular
    That tweet itself was a heart attack. LMAO!

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    That tweet itself was a heart attack. LMAO!

    We can only do so much. Hopefully your forgive us. :-)

  • Croatian SensationCroatian Sensation Registered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    That tweet itself was a heart attack. LMAO!

    We can only do so much. Hopefully your forgive us. :-)

    It is appreciated so much! Thank you!

  • KopeAceticKopeAcetic Registered User regular
    I'm going to make this year my first PAX as well :D. I really can't wait for the tickets to go on sale.

    I'm a bit concerned though if people already said that all the hotels are already booked does anyone have any suggestions for lodging?

    Also if one is going by one's self are the events inclusive? Like could I go get in on a DND game or are they premade groups? How inclusive are the events as a whole?

  • Kirby4LifeKirby4Life SumYungGuy In a cabin in the woodsRegistered User regular
    KopeAcetic wrote: »
    I'm going to make this year my first PAX as well :D. I really can't wait for the tickets to go on sale.

    I'm a bit concerned though if people already said that all the hotels are already booked does anyone have any suggestions for lodging?

    Also if one is going by one's self are the events inclusive? Like could I go get in on a DND game or are they premade groups? How inclusive are the events as a whole?

    1) The "booked hotels" are reserved for PAX use. When the tickets go live, there will also be a link for On Peak where you can book rooms to stay in. I suggest waiting and getting a room then.

    2) All the events and booths I have ever visited have included me when wandering alone. Sometimes you even get to skip WAY ahead in line because a group of 3 needs a 4th for something. This will be my 9th PAX in total and I have never found a problem with group activities.

  • KopeAceticKopeAcetic Registered User regular
    Kirby4Life wrote: »
    KopeAcetic wrote: »
    I'm going to make this year my first PAX as well :D. I really can't wait for the tickets to go on sale.

    I'm a bit concerned though if people already said that all the hotels are already booked does anyone have any suggestions for lodging?

    Also if one is going by one's self are the events inclusive? Like could I go get in on a DND game or are they premade groups? How inclusive are the events as a whole?

    1) The "booked hotels" are reserved for PAX use. When the tickets go live, there will also be a link for On Peak where you can book rooms to stay in. I suggest waiting and getting a room then.

    2) All the events and booths I have ever visited have included me when wandering alone. Sometimes you even get to skip WAY ahead in line because a group of 3 needs a 4th for something. This will be my 9th PAX in total and I have never found a problem with group activities.

    Wow awesome all around! Thanks a lot for the reply, now I'm even more excited! I just have to handle waiting another month to get the tickets haha :).

  • bacon_avengerbacon_avenger Defender of Pork Products Pacific NW, USARegistered User regular
    KopeAcetic wrote: »
    Kirby4Life wrote: »
    KopeAcetic wrote: »
    I'm going to make this year my first PAX as well :D. I really can't wait for the tickets to go on sale.

    I'm a bit concerned though if people already said that all the hotels are already booked does anyone have any suggestions for lodging?

    Also if one is going by one's self are the events inclusive? Like could I go get in on a DND game or are they premade groups? How inclusive are the events as a whole?

    1) The "booked hotels" are reserved for PAX use. When the tickets go live, there will also be a link for On Peak where you can book rooms to stay in. I suggest waiting and getting a room then.

    2) All the events and booths I have ever visited have included me when wandering alone. Sometimes you even get to skip WAY ahead in line because a group of 3 needs a 4th for something. This will be my 9th PAX in total and I have never found a problem with group activities.

    Wow awesome all around! Thanks a lot for the reply, now I'm even more excited! I just have to handle waiting another month to get the tickets haha :).
    Also on the 'booked hotels', some of us (like myself) reserve early (way early at times) just to have one less thing to worry about when planning the PAX trip.

    If you wait until the reservation system opens for the group rate, it is usually a fair amount less expensive than booking directly with the hotel, but for myself, the extra cost is worth not having to rush and hope that the hotel and room type that I want is still available.

  • Kirby4LifeKirby4Life SumYungGuy In a cabin in the woodsRegistered User regular
    KopeAcetic wrote: »
    Kirby4Life wrote: »
    KopeAcetic wrote: »
    I'm going to make this year my first PAX as well :D. I really can't wait for the tickets to go on sale.

    I'm a bit concerned though if people already said that all the hotels are already booked does anyone have any suggestions for lodging?

    Also if one is going by one's self are the events inclusive? Like could I go get in on a DND game or are they premade groups? How inclusive are the events as a whole?

    1) The "booked hotels" are reserved for PAX use. When the tickets go live, there will also be a link for On Peak where you can book rooms to stay in. I suggest waiting and getting a room then.

    2) All the events and booths I have ever visited have included me when wandering alone. Sometimes you even get to skip WAY ahead in line because a group of 3 needs a 4th for something. This will be my 9th PAX in total and I have never found a problem with group activities.

    Wow awesome all around! Thanks a lot for the reply, now I'm even more excited! I just have to handle waiting another month to get the tickets haha :).
    Also on the 'booked hotels', some of us (like myself) reserve early (way early at times) just to have one less thing to worry about when planning the PAX trip.

    If you wait until the reservation system opens for the group rate, it is usually a fair amount less expensive than booking directly with the hotel, but for myself, the extra cost is worth not having to rush and hope that the hotel and room type that I want is still available.

    Yah, my friends and I did this for our first 3 years. Then I realized I can book my hotel room while in the queue for tickets. XD By the time its my turn to buy passes, the hotel plans are usually done. But having one less thing to worry about IS a huge deal when one is F5ing for PAX.

  • krae_mankrae_man Registered User regular
    Dates are official. Site updated with dates and Panel and PAX 10 submissions.

    Labor Day weekend it is!

  • cbelleviecbellevie Registered User regular
    krae_man wrote: »
    Dates are official. Site updated with dates and Panel and PAX 10 submissions.

    Labor Day weekend it is!

    And I know that my mobile notifications are working.


  • Croatian SensationCroatian Sensation Registered User regular
    Yeah! Now I can count down the days with the rest of you!

  • krae_mankrae_man Registered User regular
    cbellevie wrote: »
    krae_man wrote: »
    Dates are official. Site updated with dates and Panel and PAX 10 submissions.

    Labor Day weekend it is!

    And I know that my mobile notifications are working.


    I haven't turned mine off in years. My phone buzzes like crazy every East and South I don't go to but I don't care, I might forget to turn them back on, or some funky glitch will stop them from working.

  • CKingCKing Registered User regular
    krae_man wrote: »
    cbellevie wrote: »
    krae_man wrote: »
    Dates are official. Site updated with dates and Panel and PAX 10 submissions.

    Labor Day weekend it is!

    And I know that my mobile notifications are working.


    I haven't turned mine off in years. My phone buzzes like crazy every East and South I don't go to but I don't care, I might forget to turn them back on, or some funky glitch will stop them from working.

    I do the same thing. Only Twitter notifications I get are from pax, just to avoid panic.

  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    krae_man wrote: »
    cbellevie wrote: »
    krae_man wrote: »
    Dates are official. Site updated with dates and Panel and PAX 10 submissions.

    Labor Day weekend it is!

    And I know that my mobile notifications are working.


    I haven't turned mine off in years. My phone buzzes like crazy every East and South I don't go to but I don't care, I might forget to turn them back on, or some funky glitch will stop them from working.

    Same. I'm pretty sure I still get notifications from Khoo, for that matter...

This discussion has been closed.