PAX East Autograph Signing- Very poorly organized
PAX East autograph signing organization is a joke. People start lining up hours in advance of the signing, just to get in the line and wait. Today was no different. The Convention Center was supposed to open at 8am, but opened early to let attendees in from the cold. We got in at 8am, the EXPO opened at 10am. As soon as we walked in at 815am we found out the 11am autograph session was already full. What?? You don't open the doors until 10am, it was 815am and your already full? How is that possible?
So we decide that we would get to the line early for the 4pm signing. We ask and the line WILL START at 2pm. At 12 noon we begin to wait around just to get in line for the 4pm signing. At 2pm a substantial crowd has formed. The organizers let maybe 50-100 people in after everyone pushes and shoves to a lane that is maybe 10 feet wide. They then shut it down in the first 5 minutes!! We were literally the next people in line and had waited almost 2 hours, to get in line, which we would have then waited 2 more hours!!!
Very poorly run PAX East!!
What about random badge numbers picked? You could enter your badge number (would certainly get people to register them) for the session(s) you wanted to get autographs for. To get in, you have to scan your badge to get a confirm code. Then, there could be a reserve line for the folks who didn't get in, and if the "winners" don't show up, let a reserve line person go in. Sort of like the cancellation line at Hamilton :-) This way, everyone feels like they have an equal shot at the meeting the celebs.
Or what about a short session for just kids? This might encourage more kids to come, which are your future customers in reality. This would serve to make the experience memorable and encourage return visits.
I'm sure these are not perfect suggestions, but I agree there needs to be some improvement to the process. When you are trying to follow the rules and getting shut out by those that don't, it doesn't encourage people to do the right thing. I was pretty impressed by the general compliance and politeness of the crowds and know this is in large part due to the vibe of the entire conference. It was a welcome change from other large events I've attended that don't have the Enforcer-type security to keep it that way. You have something pretty special, don't lose it!