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Tabletop Cosplays?

MaiuMaiu Registered User regular
I always love cosplaying a character from a video game or show I'm obsessed with, but I'm curious about board game/tabletop cosplays. Coup characters would be a lot of fun. What other cosplay ideas are there?


  • deestardeestar [E]nforcer PAXEast Vermont Registered User regular
    Characters from Pandemic, Go as a Cards Against Humanity Card, some of the stuff from Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder is awesome and very easy to create based on the illustrations in the D&D manuals,books, videogames etc, Medieval characters from Carcassone, Settlers from Cataan, Characters from Clue, Candyland etc.. there is lots of room and it lets you use your imagination a bit more than character from a video game, or comic book.For example other than a few illustrations in a D&D manual do we really know what a Dark Elf looks like, or a Terrask?

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    I like this chance to wear all my boardgame t-shirts etc.
    there are also some great Meeple sweatshirts for some casual dressing up.
    Saw some Awesome Catan costumes with each person surrounded by their built-up hex, though maneuverability took a hit haha

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    Legend has it a group once cosplayed as the characters on the Ticket to Ride box front.

    I also expect to see some giant walking meeples

  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    deestar wrote: »
    Characters from Pandemic, Go as a Cards Against Humanity Card, some of the stuff from Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder is awesome and very easy to create based on the illustrations in the D&D manuals,books, videogames etc, Medieval characters from Carcassone, Settlers from Cataan, Characters from Clue, Candyland etc..

    Oh my word. Now I want all my cookie brigade distributors to dress as different characters from Candyland.

  • SolelronSolelron Wandering Gamer Cornelius, ORRegistered User regular
    we've had Munchkin Cosplayers show up at West before. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens again.

  • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
    Also, remember Star wars has a lot of TTG and TRPG. So, pretty much any SW cosplay would work.

    I would love to see characters from King of Tokyo or New York. Also, I think the Fantasy Flight Cthulhu series characters would be pretty easy to do.

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    Also this will be a perfect event for any eyrewood cosplay (lookouts, daughters, thornwatch)

  • ItaraItara Registered User regular
    I'm planning on bringing my MaxX (Netrunner) cosplay as well as my Inquisitor (Warhammer 40K) costumes. My group of friends is talking about putting together a group cosplay of clue, or maybe Betrayal. We haven't decided yet.

  • Ironhide13Ironhide13 Registered User new member
    If you want a wide range of options, take a look at the tabletop miniatures games. Warhammer 40k & Age of Sigmar, Warmachine & Hordes, Malifaux, all good options. Lots of factions and styles to choose from.

  • BigDumbHippyBigDumbHippy Registered User regular
    fingers crossed for an uncle pennybags cosplay

  • alpatealpate Registered User new member
    I'm not a war hammer player, but I love seeing the spacemarines cosplays

  • LauradorablezLauradorablez Derp Queen In your kitchen, eating your food.Registered User new member
    I’m planning on doing a casual sisters of battle cosplay. Kinda like a punk/biker version. :3

  • eilonwyeilonwy Registered User regular
    I was thinking about doing basic D&D classes.

  • Evie AppleEvie Apple Registered User regular
    We're planning on seriously nerding it up on Saturday and dressing as our Ravenloft PCs. I expect to get a lot of "who are you supposed to be" questions, but oh well! Hopefully we'll look badass enough that it will be worth it (and people won't think we're from Harry Potter.) :)

  • FredpoolFredpool Your Worst Nightmares. :-)Registered User regular
    I just joined this forum in part to post here. I have a costume planned for Saturday. My cosplays always follow a particular theme. (My name and avatar are a hint) so this will be no different. :biggrin:

  • BigDumbHippyBigDumbHippy Registered User regular
    Fredpool wrote: »
    I just joined this forum in part to post here. I have a costume planned for Saturday. My cosplays always follow a particular theme. (My name and avatar are a hint) so this will be no different. :biggrin:

    so some kind of freddy kruger meeple?

  • FredpoolFredpool Your Worst Nightmares. :-)Registered User regular
    Not quite, no. Hate to be a tease, but I'm too fond of the idea to spoil it before the show. If folks here are curious (and don't see me there) I'll post pics after. I suspect some people will enjoy it and some people will just be super confused. :lol:

  • nernerrynnnernerrynn Queen of Buttskirts PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    I'll be wearing Vex'ahlia from Critical Role on Friday, is anyone else familiar with or cosplaying from Critical Role? I'd love to meet up! :D

  • FredpoolFredpool Your Worst Nightmares. :-)Registered User regular
    Sadly, my mustache fell off before I even got into the event. I couldn't feel it on my fask (it was on the mask) so I didn't realize it was gone at first. It was super cheap so I will re-buy it and find a better way to adhere it for next time. For now, anybody who may have been interested... here is how my costume was SUPPOSED to look for PAX Unplugged. Luckily I got some pics at home before getting to the event.


  • LauradorablezLauradorablez Derp Queen In your kitchen, eating your food.Registered User new member
    edited November 2017
    Mod edit: removed img tags from oversized image

    This was my outfit for Saturday!!

    zerzhul on
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