Hey all! With Pinter slowly creeping up on us, I thought it’d be best to get a head start on the planning for the Pinny Pals Community West panel to keep the hype alive. I know it’s super early, but hey, early birds… get places on the panel.
We want to keep the tradition of community-driven panels about our shared hobby going by combining both new ideas, while also doing a gentle nod to some tried and true Pinny Pals Community staples (think Pinny Pals etiquette, how much it costs, when the Community Meetups are, displays, etc).
First, we have to choose a panel leader who will choose the main topic of the panel and will (with the assistance of others) have final say on who is on the panel. Similar to choosing the panel leader, anyone who wants to be on the panel can submit their idea of what they want to present on, why they think they'll do a good job and how it fits in with the main topic of the panel.
The panel leader, with the input of others in a sort of committee-type setting, will choose the panelists based on their submissions. After that point it's up to the leader and the panelists to decide upon a theme, get their submission in by the deadline, and create and execute their presentation at PAX West.
Because this is just an interest thread, we at this time would like to gauge the community’s interest and involvement.
Things also to note:
- You may be asked to submit an audio or a visual file (think Youtube video) recording of yourself, explaining your topic or position on the panel.
- You may be asked to submit an additional written proposal for your topic or position on the panel.
- Know that the ultimate submission for your position or idea will be at the beginning of June, as everyone needs time to select the panelists, have them work on the slides, and collect themselves for submission for the panel at West.
- Please advised that because this is group effort, you must be fully on board to give a solid chunk of your time towards this and that you are 100% sure you will be attendance at PAX West and the Pinny Pals Panel.
Best of luck to everyone. Let's hear your ideas!
I've only been in the community for about a year now so would be happy to address newbie-related stuffs (how to get into it, the best deals on pins, why they should save themselves now, how to manage the anxieties about being new--sidenote: maybe anxiety-related stuff could be a topic of it's own: how to manage it during community events and when you're new, how this community helps, etc. It's a bit of a heavy topic but it could be made into something fun--, etc.). I'd be happy to do another topic as well (I'll think more about topic ideas in the upcoming weeks).
I am 100% going to west (it's my "home" PAX and my airbnb is already booked). I'm more than happy (and prefer) to do a lot of the work before June. I also have speaking/presentation experience since I'm a teacher.
I am, however, not interested in leading the panel. I have never done a PAX panel before so I don't know what it entails, and I'm sure leading and organizing everyone is a lot of work. I just want to help out and talk about something fun!
/end application
Yes! In my opinion, this is long overdue. Poor presentation will crush the life out of a good idea every time. I would also suggest that whatever the process is, it's not just a cut to top 6... If you only have 4 strong presenters, run with 4; don't pad the numbers just to maximize badges.
Also would like to see more ideas on stage that can't be easily summarized on a half sheet of paper. (ex: Hanna Pintour) Burning precious panel minutes on someone reciting the pinquest hurts my soul.
Edit: Definitely interested in participating, up to and including leading if necessary... But only if there's actual choice involved! No-one should be defaulted in.
Same. If not chosen for the panel, I'm also down for sticking around if people want advice on anything as far as presenting skills, or as an "audience member" in later practice rounds.
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Hey I like to think I summed up Hanna pretty well in my pitch submission 8-)
Maybe @hingo will share it here so people who didn't see the East panel will know what you're talking about. Also I didn't save my original pitch 'cause I wrote it during a fever dream.
Time to t-t-t-t-trade! ⭐️http://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Renfamous⭐️
Given my length in the Pin collection and trading world, I could offer some unique insights into various pin collection.
I was (at one point in my life) a ranked national speaker, and have been on a PAX panel (non pinny) before. Additionally I work with teaching and guiding people through learning games so have no problems with talking to various sized groups of people.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Also, 2nded on not feeling a need to fill out the 6 person max. We should only have the number of panelists that are actually needed.
Trade me pins, yo: https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Lazorz
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Do we still need an official community pin?? I think the community is coming together and making some amazing pins on their own and honestly don't see why we'd have an official one when we have some many great ones already and I'm sure more are in the pipeline.
I'm a fan of the community chosen panels. This year could have even more judges since we are using video submissions so it won't be a blind vote. Again this is Just my two cents. These are interesting topics that can be further discussed.
I agree. Honestly if you just end up with the same people on the panel, you get a clique formed. If this is to be a community, it needs community representation, at all levels.
Also we will need judges, if you are interest in judging also let us know.
EDIT: Oh these are submission videos never mind.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard