
[LGBT] and friends: We All Float Down Here



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    NullzoneNullzone Registered User regular
    good morning


    *installs dimmer switches on all her lights*


    So what you're saying is, we should resist

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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/22/529487181/texas-lawmakers-revive-bathroom-bill-ok-religious-refusal-of-adoptions TX Senate will likely pass the bathroom bill, just passed bill letting adoption agencies discriminate

    As of December I was making plans to visit two friends in the state this year even despite everything. Now not only am I not setting foot in that hellhole ever, but one of said friends already said she plans on leaving the area soon.

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    NarbusNarbus Registered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Sorce wrote: »
    I'm late to the bus on this one, but I mostly binge watched Sense8 Season One over the weekend. I'm on like, episode 10 out of the 12 or 13 or however many there are.
    I liked Hernando! Yeah, Lito's a jerk, but Hernando, come baaack!

    Also, more of Wolfgang's naked butt, please. Dude could use some more Chewbacca genes, but that ass is foine. noice. toight.

    It took a lot of build up to get to the point of Riley's and Kala's connection stories to the other sensates. I'm enjoying them a bit more now, but Kala feels like the weakest member of the cluster because she's still mostly dealing with her own drama and doesn't help any of the others except through the occasional visit of wisdom, as I like to call them. Her dynamic with Wolfgang is cute, though.

    Back to Wolfie, I hope Felix makes it through okay. I enjoyed almost every scene the guy's been in.
    The end of Lito's arc in S1 (and to a lesser extent, Van Damn) is amazing.

    I finished up season 1 about two weeks ago, and I had a lot of trouble getting through it, and it made me think about LGBT media in general. These thoughts aren't anything new, and I spoil a lot of things (most recent thing is minor Dr. Who spoilers), so, here's a spoiler to wrap it all up
    Part of how I dealt with being in the closet was to actively avoid LGBT-centered media. After I came out, I made an active effort to reverse this, and so I hit as many "best of" lists and watched movies, plays, read books, etc. But I didn't realize what LGBT narratives were, though. If the media is gay-centered, it's going to be a story about coming out, having your friends and family reject and/or abuse them for coming out, and then suicide. If it features an LGBT supporting character, it will end up being about how the cis, straight leads coming to terms with the queer character dying. Bonus points if the queer character died because of the leads, and the leads finally realizing why homophobia is bad.

    It's everywhere:

    Brokeback Mountain? Jack dies.
    RENT? Angel dies of HIV. (The two straight leads who both also have HIV, make it through)
    Giovanni's Room? The framing device is a man waiting for his male lover's death.
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Larry dies, Tara dies.
    Watchmen? Silk Spectre dies, and it's all but said outright that she would have lived if she'd stayed in the closet.
    V for Vendetta (book and movie)? The letter writer, Valeria Page, was imprisoned and executed for being a lesbian.
    Sandman? Wanda dies.
    Doctor Who? First episode featuring the first ever openly queer companion, Bill, and involves her meeting a woman she's into, and that woman being dead by minute 48.

    It's to the point where I got well past the normal level of upset at media based on real life events, like Philadelphia, Holding the Man, Milk, and Boys Don't Cry, because they just keep reinforcing this narrative. The only stories that get told about queer people are the ones where one of us dies.

    I could handle, at most, one episode of sense8 every three days because I just kept waiting for something horrible to happen to Hernando or Amanita. One of the two die, then the cluster, particularly the straight, cis members, get to experience the pain of loss without actually losing anyone and we can all gather around the poor queer and see how strong they are and it's just the best inspiration porn. The plot line basically writes itself.

    I don't know what to do about this. I'm at the point where I'm even a little reluctant to keep watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, of all fucking shows, because they've introduced a prominent male/male (one guy is gay, the other bi) couple, and I'm waiting for something bad to happen. This is a musical comedy show, and I'm wincing whenever this couple is on screen because I'm just so sure it's going to end in pain.

    I didn't actually meet an openly gay person (much less anyone who was bi or trans) until I was 19 years old. I grew up in small towns in Nebraska; media was the only way I had to connect with the community and all of it was about how being gay meant I would be punished. Either directly, through harm to myself, or because gay men just don't get happy relationships. It's messed up my entire dating life, and I have no idea where to go from here.

    Narbus on
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    Care Free BombCare Free Bomb Registered User regular
    I implicitly trusted two trans women to handle their LGBT themes better than most media

    also the presentation of LGBT characters from the jump was way less tokenizing than usual

    3DS: 2019-9671-8106 NNID: RamblinMushroom
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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    I had someone mistake me for my opposite-sex sibling today. That was an interesting feeling. (We look very similar, to be fair.)

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    CromartyCromarty Danielle Registered User regular
    Mom told me to buy more clothes.

    Can do.

    I only got two shirts and one pair of pants at first because I wasn't sure how they would fit. I don't think it ever mattered before whether I wore something different from day to day. Feels like acceptance, in kind of a roundabout way.

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    Lucedes wrote: »
    I had someone mistake me for my opposite-sex sibling today. That was an interesting feeling. (We look very similar, to be fair.)
    Or at least, I hope it was a positive feeling.

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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    edited May 2017
    I implicitly trusted two trans women to handle their LGBT themes better than most media

    also the presentation of LGBT characters from the jump was way less tokenizing than usual

    Yeah, I went into it knowing the Wachowskis are at the helm. I was pretty confident it'd at least do right by the LGBT crowd if nothing else.

    The vast majority of writers and directors are neither queer nor trans nor women, which I think is the biggest part of this problem. Even if Hollywood wants to put out more LGBT media (Which I doubt), they're not going to get far if the communities this stuff represents aren't really involved in the creative process.

    But as for Sens8; I love the fact that Nomi, who is not a man or a fighter or even a leader type, really, is one of the most dangerous people in the cluster.

    Like, her and Sun (Who is my favorite) are the leading reason half of them aren't dead already. Everyone else helps out in varying degrees, but it seems like those two kinda carry the most weight.

    I also appreciate that her skills help in ways that actually make sense. As opposed to Felicity Snoak from Arrow, who may as well be magic for all the shit she's able to pull off somehow just with a computer terminal.

    Goatmon on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    CreaganCreagan Registered User regular
    Dubh wrote: »
    there isn't really a better thread for this

    but here's my little dose of midday thought to refine into high octane rage

    Yeah the fact that everyone is latching onto these sucks. Now kids can't bring them to school. My son has Asperger's and it was a great tool to keep him sitting in his chair and engaged while keeping his hands busy. Hell, I have one because if I don't use it I end up clicking pens or tapping shit while trying to record podcast audio.

    How does your son feel about kneaded erasers? As far as fidgeting goes, they're kind of like stiff silly putty. And since they're a school supply, they're unlikely to become a fad, or get confiscated by a teacher the way say, a regular eraser would. Assuming you're flipping regular erasers all over your desk or using them to launch pencils in the air. (I didn't have attention issues, but I was gifted, bored, and did not handle that well.)

    Other options include:
    • Taking a regular pencil eraser, rubbing it back and forward to make a really long singular eraser shaving, and seeing how long you can get it.
    • Fiddling with a piece of tape.
    • Making cubes out of tape
    • "Injecting" pencil lead into your Pink Pearl erasers.
    • Wearing an article of clothing with tassels or fringe you can braid and mess with.
    • Bringing a pen with a lot of parts specifically so you can just take it apart and put it together again. (It's better than clicking.)
    • Rubber-bands are great for fiddling with. Hair ties too.
    • Spinner Rings
    • If you've got long hair, yank out a single strand. Tie one end to a pencil, the other to your finger. Drop the pencil on the floor, and make it dance around quietly. Most people won't notice, and if you get called out, break the hair and act clueless.
    • Carry two notebooks. One for notes, one for private writings/stories. Switch off between them whenever you're losing focus. As long as you remember to periodically look at the teacher and nod before writing your next sentence, you won't get called out.
    • Very light doodles in your margins, that you erase right before you turn in.
    • Cross your eyes juuuuuuust enough to make it look like the teacher has 2 heads. It makes the lecture slightly more interesting.

    I did way, way more than just this, but I picked the stuff that was minimally distracting to other students, and didn't get me yelled at.

    Also, sorry for jumping on this. I really love coping mechanisms.

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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    I thought I was coming out of a depressive episode but I just had a couple of really bad intrusive thoughts and hallucinations

    I'm currently hiding in the bathroom until reality feels solid enough that I can walk back to my room without falling into a memory or something

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    We love you Emby!

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    Creagan wrote: »
    Dubh wrote: »
    there isn't really a better thread for this

    but here's my little dose of midday thought to refine into high octane rage

    Yeah the fact that everyone is latching onto these sucks. Now kids can't bring them to school. My son has Asperger's and it was a great tool to keep him sitting in his chair and engaged while keeping his hands busy. Hell, I have one because if I don't use it I end up clicking pens or tapping shit while trying to record podcast audio.

    How does your son feel about kneaded erasers? As far as fidgeting goes, they're kind of like stiff silly putty. And since they're a school supply, they're unlikely to become a fad, or get confiscated by a teacher the way say, a regular eraser would. Assuming you're flipping regular erasers all over your desk or using them to launch pencils in the air. (I didn't have attention issues, but I was gifted, bored, and did not handle that well.)

    Other options include:
    • Taking a regular pencil eraser, rubbing it back and forward to make a really long singular eraser shaving, and seeing how long you can get it.
    • Fiddling with a piece of tape.
    • Making cubes out of tape
    • "Injecting" pencil lead into your Pink Pearl erasers.
    • Wearing an article of clothing with tassels or fringe you can braid and mess with.
    • Bringing a pen with a lot of parts specifically so you can just take it apart and put it together again. (It's better than clicking.)
    • Rubber-bands are great for fiddling with. Hair ties too.
    • Spinner Rings
    • If you've got long hair, yank out a single strand. Tie one end to a pencil, the other to your finger. Drop the pencil on the floor, and make it dance around quietly. Most people won't notice, and if you get called out, break the hair and act clueless.
    • Carry two notebooks. One for notes, one for private writings/stories. Switch off between them whenever you're losing focus. As long as you remember to periodically look at the teacher and nod before writing your next sentence, you won't get called out.
    • Very light doodles in your margins, that you erase right before you turn in.
    • Cross your eyes juuuuuuust enough to make it look like the teacher has 2 heads. It makes the lecture slightly more interesting.

    I did way, way more than just this, but I picked the stuff that was minimally distracting to other students, and didn't get me yelled at.

    Also, sorry for jumping on this. I really love coping mechanisms.

    Realizing late in life that my primary stimming in school was putting my feet under the front legs of the desk/chair combos and alternating how much pressure I put on them.

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    KochikensKochikens Registered User regular
    Narbus wrote: »
    Sorce wrote: »
    I'm late to the bus on this one, but I mostly binge watched Sense8 Season One over the weekend. I'm on like, episode 10 out of the 12 or 13 or however many there are.
    I liked Hernando! Yeah, Lito's a jerk, but Hernando, come baaack!

    Also, more of Wolfgang's naked butt, please. Dude could use some more Chewbacca genes, but that ass is foine. noice. toight.

    It took a lot of build up to get to the point of Riley's and Kala's connection stories to the other sensates. I'm enjoying them a bit more now, but Kala feels like the weakest member of the cluster because she's still mostly dealing with her own drama and doesn't help any of the others except through the occasional visit of wisdom, as I like to call them. Her dynamic with Wolfgang is cute, though.

    Back to Wolfie, I hope Felix makes it through okay. I enjoyed almost every scene the guy's been in.
    The end of Lito's arc in S1 (and to a lesser extent, Van Damn) is amazing.

    I finished up season 1 about two weeks ago, and I had a lot of trouble getting through it, and it made me think about LGBT media in general. These thoughts aren't anything new, and I spoil a lot of things (most recent thing is minor Dr. Who spoilers), so, here's a spoiler to wrap it all up
    Part of how I dealt with being in the closet was to actively avoid LGBT-centered media. After I came out, I made an active effort to reverse this, and so I hit as many "best of" lists and watched movies, plays, read books, etc. But I didn't realize what LGBT narratives were, though. If the media is gay-centered, it's going to be a story about coming out, having your friends and family reject and/or abuse them for coming out, and then suicide. If it features an LGBT supporting character, it will end up being about how the cis, straight leads coming to terms with the queer character dying. Bonus points if the queer character died because of the leads, and the leads finally realizing why homophobia is bad.

    It's everywhere:

    Brokeback Mountain? Jack dies.
    RENT? Angel dies of HIV. (The two straight leads who both also have HIV, make it through)
    Giovanni's Room? The framing device is a man waiting for his male lover's death.
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Larry dies, Tara dies.
    Watchmen? Silk Spectre dies, and it's all but said outright that she would have lived if she'd stayed in the closet.
    V for Vendetta (book and movie)? The letter writer, Valeria Page, was imprisoned and executed for being a lesbian.
    Sandman? Wanda dies.
    Doctor Who? First episode featuring the first ever openly queer companion, Bill, and involves her meeting a woman she's into, and that woman being dead by minute 48.

    It's to the point where I got well past the normal level of upset at media based on real life events, like Philadelphia, Holding the Man, Milk, and Boys Don't Cry, because they just keep reinforcing this narrative. The only stories that get told about queer people are the ones where one of us dies.

    I could handle, at most, one episode of sense8 every three days because I just kept waiting for something horrible to happen to Hernando or Amanita. One of the two die, then the cluster, particularly the straight, cis members, get to experience the pain of loss without actually losing anyone and we can all gather around the poor queer and see how strong they are and it's just the best inspiration porn. The plot line basically writes itself.

    I don't know what to do about this. I'm at the point where I'm even a little reluctant to keep watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, of all fucking shows, because they've introduced a prominent male/male (one guy is gay, the other bi) couple, and I'm waiting for something bad to happen. This is a musical comedy show, and I'm wincing whenever this couple is on screen because I'm just so sure it's going to end in pain.

    I didn't actually meet an openly gay person (much less anyone who was bi or trans) until I was 19 years old. I grew up in small towns in Nebraska; media was the only way I had to connect with the community and all of it was about how being gay meant I would be punished. Either directly, through harm to myself, or because gay men just don't get happy relationships. It's messed up my entire dating life, and I have no idea where to go from here.

    If you want, i can give you spoilers? I basically get my partner to skim the wiki for shows before i watch them these days and tell me if anyone lgbt/minority dies before ill watch it. That way no plot gets spoiled and i dont have to be on constant edge about someone i really like dying if i decide to watch it, after all the killing lesbians in tv. I just know.

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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    So I basically sleep with this girl who has anxiety so bad she needs a service dog. I was super touch and go about boundaries at first but once I figured her out we ended up sleeping in her bed together (platonic)

    Anyway skip ahead to last night we're laying in bed and she had just fallen asleep she rolls over and puts her arm right over my hands holding my phone. I saw what was happening and tried to get out of the way. It caused her to jerk awake panicking and desperately pleading, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

    And like, my hand was already sliding up her chin to cup the side of her face and pull her against my breast. "You're fine," I let her know in a completely nonplussed tone, "nothing's wrong. Go back to sleep."

    Her panicked breath holding let out into a couple of sobs and then turned to hyperventilating that quickly list momentum and slowed down to a normal rhythm and eventually she starts to snore. I finally stroke her hair one last time and kiss her forehead.

    During all this Chase, her service dog, decides we're making too much commotion and lays on the floor.

    So I guess he thought I had everything under control

    And I'm just like fuck I have a dog's approval I never knew this was my life's goal but now it's complete

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    PinfeldorfPinfeldorf Yeah ZestRegistered User regular
    The good dog thinks you are a good dog, too.

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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    Chase is awesome. He does a lot of the same things for me that he does for Emily (his owner) like checking rooms before I enter them and putting his weight against me so I know he's watching behind me. He's even gentle with Miley

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    EinzelEinzel Registered User regular
    Puppers are so much better than people.

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    Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    So I basically sleep with this girl who has anxiety so bad she needs a service dog. I was super touch and go about boundaries at first but once I figured her out we ended up sleeping in her bed together (platonic)

    Anyway skip ahead to last night we're laying in bed and she had just fallen asleep she rolls over and puts her arm right over my hands holding my phone. I saw what was happening and tried to get out of the way. It caused her to jerk awake panicking and desperately pleading, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

    And like, my hand was already sliding up her chin to cup the side of her face and pull her against my breast. "You're fine," I let her know in a completely nonplussed tone, "nothing's wrong. Go back to sleep."

    Her panicked breath holding let out into a couple of sobs and then turned to hyperventilating that quickly list momentum and slowed down to a normal rhythm and eventually she starts to snore. I finally stroke her hair one last time and kiss her forehead.

    During all this Chase, her service dog, decides we're making too much commotion and lays on the floor.

    So I guess he thought I had everything under control

    And I'm just like fuck I have a dog's approval I never knew this was my life's goal but now it's complete

    You did a good. Also that dog seems like a good dog. I hope things work out well for you and Emily

    So if you were to do like a combo name would it be Embily or Emilby

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    SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Kochikens wrote: »
    I'm late to the bus on this one, but I mostly binge watched Sense8 Season One over the weekend. I'm on like, episode 10 out of the 12 or 13 or however many there are.
    I liked Hernando! Yeah, Lito's a jerk, but Hernando, come baaack!

    Also, more of Wolfgang's naked butt, please. Dude could use some more Chewbacca genes, but that ass is foine. noice. toight.

    It took a lot of build up to get to the point of Riley's and Kala's connection stories to the other sensates. I'm enjoying them a bit more now, but Kala feels like the weakest member of the cluster because she's still mostly dealing with her own drama and doesn't help any of the others except through the occasional visit of wisdom, as I like to call them. Her dynamic with Wolfgang is cute, though.

    Back to Wolfie, I hope Felix makes it through okay. I enjoyed almost every scene the guy's been in.
    I feel like the Sense8 gang is the most successful cluster ever because they have such a good mix of skills, like, an excellent D&D party

    And then theres fucking Riley
    who i THINK is also the only actress who isn't actually from where her characters from? And then also, she has no useful skills. Like she's completely useless other than being a DJ I guess.

    Also this season made me sob real hard.
    Yup. Riley's actress is English, and you can tell, because her name is "Tuppence Middleton". You can't really get more English than that, I think.

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    NullzoneNullzone Registered User regular
    Does Spiro smell strongly of breath mints to anyone else?

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    Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    Not strongly? But I smell some mintiness. Maybe different formulations or brands?

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    Care Free BombCare Free Bomb Registered User regular
    Spiro is basically the mintiest thing

    3DS: 2019-9671-8106 NNID: RamblinMushroom
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited May 2017
    My favorite part of the new Sense8 season is how they turned the global, everywhere-at-once event from season 1 into a staple of the show. I was worried it'd be stuck in that rut and be the same thing, but more often.

    Actual, kind of spoiler:
    get it



    MKR on
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    The BetgirlThe Betgirl I'm Molly! Registered User regular
    Yeah spiro has some mintyness on it for sure.

    Steam PSN: YerFriendMolly
    ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
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    Desert LeviathanDesert Leviathan Registered User regular
    It just occured to me that awkwardly using slang words for humorous effect is the Mom Joke but moms get no credit for it like dads do with dad jokes

    This is interesting. Could it be because the Dad Joke tends to include a sort of leering desperation for approval or at least acknowledgement ("Ha ha, get it? Get it?! That was a joke!! DO YOU GET IT?!?!"), while much of the humor in the Mom Joke seems tied up in bewildering the target about whether she's serious or not? A Dad Joke insists on recognition, while a Mom Joke confounds it.

    Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    So I basically sleep with this girl who has anxiety so bad she needs a service dog. I was super touch and go about boundaries at first but once I figured her out we ended up sleeping in her bed together (platonic)

    Anyway skip ahead to last night we're laying in bed and she had just fallen asleep she rolls over and puts her arm right over my hands holding my phone. I saw what was happening and tried to get out of the way. It caused her to jerk awake panicking and desperately pleading, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

    And like, my hand was already sliding up her chin to cup the side of her face and pull her against my breast. "You're fine," I let her know in a completely nonplussed tone, "nothing's wrong. Go back to sleep."

    Her panicked breath holding let out into a couple of sobs and then turned to hyperventilating that quickly list momentum and slowed down to a normal rhythm and eventually she starts to snore. I finally stroke her hair one last time and kiss her forehead.

    During all this Chase, her service dog, decides we're making too much commotion and lays on the floor.

    So I guess he thought I had everything under control

    And I'm just like fuck I have a dog's approval I never knew this was my life's goal but now it's complete

    You did a good. Also that dog seems like a good dog. I hope things work out well for you and Emily

    So if you were to do like a combo name would it be Embily or Emilby

    We shorten it to Emi

    So there's an Emi, an Emby and an Andi here so that's fun when a name is called

    But no we just sleep together we're not a couple

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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    E minor is one of my favorites.

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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    It just occured to me that awkwardly using slang words for humorous effect is the Mom Joke but moms get no credit for it like dads do with dad jokes

    This is interesting. Could it be because the Dad Joke tends to include a sort of leering desperation for approval or at least acknowledgement ("Ha ha, get it? Get it?! That was a joke!! DO YOU GET IT?!?!"), while much of the humor in the Mom Joke seems tied up in bewildering the target about whether she's serious or not? A Dad Joke insists on recognition, while a Mom Joke confounds it.

    probably just misogyny tho

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    I disagree. Dad jokes to me are "I'm gonna tell this joke even though you probably won't find it funny because fuck it I'm getting too old to care about looking dumb."

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    Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    My step-dad has his appointment with his oncologists today, so we'll be finding out exactly what we're dealing with. My mom is a wreck. Me and my husband feel like heaps of shit because we can't really help. We're not working or anything since school let out, we're kinda waiting on my father-in-law's life insurance money to come in the next month or so (he died back in October so we've been waiting for a fucking while.)

    Shit sucks right now yo. Luckily our buddy Cary dropped by with some herbal treatments the other day otherwise I'd be climbing the fucking walls.

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    mori1972mori1972 FF14: Rhotfyr Thosinmharsyn (Y)UKRegistered User regular
    Somehow a brofist or a hug just seems...inadequate at times like this.

    But regardless *hugs* @Metzger Meister

    It's all saltwater these days:
    Ocean, tears and heartbreak soup
    Half alive in a whitecap foam
    Half in love with a white half moon
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    ToxTox I kill threads he/himRegistered User regular
    Gundi wrote: »
    I disagree. Dad jokes to me are "I'm gonna tell this joke even though you probably won't find it funny because fuck it I'm getting too old to care about looking dumb."

    I thought it was "Imma tell this lame joke because watching you all groan and roll your eyes at me brings me joy."

    Twitter! | Dilige, et quod vis fac
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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    Tox wrote: »
    Gundi wrote: »
    I disagree. Dad jokes to me are "I'm gonna tell this joke even though you probably won't find it funny because fuck it I'm getting too old to care about looking dumb."

    I thought it was "Imma tell this lame joke because watching you all groan and roll your eyes at me brings me joy."

    that too.

    because it does

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    MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    i got dad joked at work today, of all places.

    boss was checking the phones to see if the changes worked, i was un aware of this, hear my phone ring "Good afternoon, (undeadname) speaking" "Hi (undeadname) speaking, it's dave."

    and then it all clicked.

    And then later in the day i got promoted to head of graphic designs. my staff includes me. there is no pay raise.

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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    i got dad joked at work today, of all places.

    boss was checking the phones to see if the changes worked, i was un aware of this, hear my phone ring "Good afternoon, (undeadname) speaking" "Hi (undeadname) speaking, it's dave."

    and then it all clicked.

    And then later in the day i got promoted to head of graphic designs. my staff includes me. there is no pay raise.

    Con... gratulations? dolances? Not sure what con to give you, but I know what con they gave you.


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    Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    As your own supervisor you can approve raises for yourself right

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    ShortyShorty touching the meat Intergalactic Cool CourtRegistered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    i got dad joked at work today, of all places.

    boss was checking the phones to see if the changes worked, i was un aware of this, hear my phone ring "Good afternoon, (undeadname) speaking" "Hi (undeadname) speaking, it's dave."

    and then it all clicked.

    And then later in the day i got promoted to head of graphic designs. my staff includes me. there is no pay raise.

    Con... gratulations? dolances? Not sure what con to give you, but I know what con they gave you.


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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    I would get pissed if someone gave me a higher workload with no pay raise and had the gall to call it a promotion.

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    MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    But the exposure!

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    JihadJesusJihadJesus Registered User regular
    Gundi wrote: »
    I would get pissed if someone gave me a higher workload with no pay raise and had the gall to call it a promotion.

    I'd update my resume with the new title and start trying to turn the title upgrade into a pay increase via a 'lateral move'.

    If they refused even the fig leaf of a title change, I'd metaphorically laugh in their faces and refuse the 'promotion'.

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