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Penny Arcade - Comic - Baby’s First Ovum

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2017 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Baby’s First Ovum

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • Anon von ZilchAnon von Zilch Registered User regular
    Yay, it's Broodax!

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    I hope there's a podcast for this one. It's nice to see the Broodax back in the house. But as I was unaware of The Toy Box until googling it after this strip, I feel like I'm not getting a level of the humor.

  • RottonappleRottonapple Registered User regular
    I think there may be a choking hazard with these, I foresee a recall.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Having never seen the show, I'm guessing from context that this is some sort of a Shark Tank style show, where people pitch children's toy product ideas to a panel of investors?

  • MarathonMarathon Registered User regular
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    Having never seen the show, I'm guessing from context that this is some sort of a Shark Tank style show, where people pitch children's toy product ideas to a panel of investors?

    Basically, they show their toy to a panel of 3 experts who evaluate things like design, cost, and whatever else and if enough of them like it the toy goes before a panel of children who get to play with it and see if they would actually like it.

  • ChiselphaneChiselphane Registered User regular
    What's flooring me is the video linked in the news post was put up by the lady herself. Like, how could you be proud of that performance?

  • rchourchou Registered User regular
    He had an idea that there existed some kind of collusion on the part of the entire “Gaming Industry” to defame him, when the truth is just that the Internet does that sometimes. Sometimes a lot people agree at once. It’s like those old cartoons, where a swarm of bees becomes a giant fist and then hits a person. It’s a process I have a familiarity with, as the fist, and also as the recipient. Every day, we uncover the strange laws of our new social physics.

    That was quite the gem by Jerry.

  • WarforgedRusWarforgedRus Registered User regular
    Egads. Jerry said BeetleJack twice in his posting... once more and Mike would have received a phone call and bullshit law suit today. Or JT would appear as a new white house adviser for FCC media regulations. Need to be careful.

  • MatthewTheLuckyMatthewTheLucky Registered User regular
    Wacky Chompers! Wacky Chompers! Put them in your ingestion orifice!

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    ::sung to the tune of Mr. Bucket::

    Wacky Chompers the balls go into your mouth. Wacky Chompers having a ball is what it's about. Wacky Chompers- you will be our new seedlings. Wacky Chompers, chompin for fun!

    Darkewolfe on
    What is this I don't even.
  • ButlerButler 89 episodes or bust Registered User regular
    I read the comments on that video from the lady herself and... she actually seems a lot more sane than she did in that video. I think there's a combination of nerves and aggressive editing going on with what we saw of her performance.

    That "double fisting" comment though... it's difficult to imagine a favourable context for that.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Her idea could have been the next Minecraft and it wouldn't have mattered. No one is going into business with a person who loses their shit in a meeting like that.

  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    Maybe if she marketed her hinge as an action figure....

    No, a hinge still isn't a toy.

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Nightslyr wrote: »
    Maybe if she marketed her hinge as an action figure....

    No, a hinge still isn't a toy.

    It's 100% articulation points.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Butler wrote: »
    That "double fisting" comment though... it's difficult to imagine a favourable context for that.

    My wife used "double fisting" in a similar fashion. My reaction and her reaction to my reaction just made me quietly ponder whether I'd watched too much internet porn.

  • SwampMonsterSwampMonster Registered User new member
    edited April 2017
    I, like your comic, have a very wicked sense of humor. Double fisting back in my day was a drinking term, but I quit drinking 25 years ago, so I guess it has taken on new meaning? Anyhow, I am the product of a computer engineer and flaming liberal smoker in the 60s. Creative, intelligent people are often persecuted and for that reason I have never had a social media presence. I find the far reach of your fan base fascinating. Sarcasm and outrage on The Toy Box was one way for me to cover my true and awkward discomfort in front of cameras. I was prepared to do anything to bring the face to face "Butterfly Book" to the masses and that included self-impalement. I hope you all get the opportunity to feel this passion someday. People will squash dreams or tell you you're crazy, but they could be wrong, that is why science is science and the mind is a frontier. The comic Baby's first Ovum is spot on, I like the throttle wide open. Carry on! xo, m

    SwampMonster on
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    I, like your comic, have a very wicked sense of humor. Double fisting back in my day was a drinking term, but I quit drinking 25 years ago, so I guess it has taken on new meaning? Anyhow, I am the product of a computer engineer and flaming liberal smoker in the 60s. Creative, intelligent people are often persecuted and for that reason I have never had a social media presence. I find the far reach of your fan base fascinating. Sarcasm and outrage on The Toy Box was one way for me to cover my true and awkward discomfort in front of cameras. I was prepared to do anything to bring the face to face "Butterfly Book" to the masses and that included self-impalement. I hope you all get the opportunity to feel this passion someday. People will squash dreams or tell you you're crazy, but they could be wrong, that is why science is science and the mind is a frontier. The comic Baby's first Ovum is spot on, I like the throttle wide open. Carry on! xo, m

    (In case some people didn't get it, this at least appears to be the person who was in the pitch video Jerry posted.)

    Did you know that Penny Arcade actually made its own reality show called Strip Search a few years back? In it, they mocked the reality show format (both in terms of copying it but also in terms of poking fun at it). Yet their show was (at least as far as an outsider can tell) one without the typical editing tricks to create drama. It was one where the show creators (who were also the judges) were pretty clear that they loved all the contestants and regretted ever having put themselves (the creators) in a position where they have to be "mean" to them by picking losers.

    Anyway, just thought you might find it interesting. I'm not sure what I would do in that position. I don't think I would ever be able to even GET in that position. As a father of two, the youngest of which is 18 months, I definitely "got" your idea. I also get that you're about as suitable a pitch person as I would be, so I have sympathy for you. I'm sorry that you came off looking like you did (a huge part of which I'm sure is due to editing), but I wonder if you can appreciate the "Michael Scott"-ness of it.

  • SwampMonsterSwampMonster Registered User new member
    Yep. SwampMonster was a better moniker than SwampAss, which is really how I feel. Keep reading to those babies. You can rubber band two board books together back to back and get a make-shift face to face book that is fun, until I get Butterfly Book off the ground. I appreciate guys like you. I grew up surrounded by computer programmers, where the terminals road in seats and I sat on the floor of the station wagon, good times.

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