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Help a mom out to make a child's dream happen

MissDelanne34MissDelanne34 Registered User new member
Heya seasoned Pax'ers and knowledgeable ones. My 10 year old son is a CRAZY fan of YouTuber sensation Jack Septiceye. Every time the fellow comes to a PAC event we don't hear about it until it is too late. How do I get in some kind of mailing list for future appearances? Help a mom out, 'eh?


  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Honestly? Ask Jack directly. The official schedule only gets released a few weeks before the show, but people start announcing their presence at a show well before then. Even then, if you wait until they say something you're going to have to buy passes second-hand if we're talking about PAX West or East, since those sell out in hours.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • klzklz Registered User regular
    And in addition, this past year, anytime he had an appearance, the lines were at capacity long before the event itself. The number of upset people for his Saturday appearance when the line was full before 8:00am (when the convention opens at 10:00 and I believe the scheduled event was 11:30am) was amazingly huge. People were shocked since many hadn't even left their hotel rooms yet to get on line.

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