So by the time Pax West rolls in we will have at least 3 great multiplayer games on the Switch: MK8, ARMS and Splatoon 2 (granted, I am not sure about local co-op on Splatoon 2 or if you can lobby online w/ friends). I skipped bringing the Switch to East, but will def be bringing it to West, even though it looks fragile compared to my trusted 3DS.
What other Switch games will everyone be bringing to West?
I also wonder if the Switch will be in Console Freeplay for PAX West or is it still too early.
Still! Don't forget that sweet 3DS StreetPass love! The single greatest con-going accoutrement. I'll have mine to StreetPass with all of you beautiful people :biggrin:
How often did you have to clear our your street passes though? With all the games released, at PAX South, I felt like I was almost playing streetpass stuff more than conventioning at times. X3
Nindendo added something new in Streetpass (I don't even look at it until PAX) that lets you hold more in "storage". Not sure if you have to pay for it, but it's nice they're doing something about it.
And in re: Switch games, does anyone know if Jackbox needs a internet connection to play? Cause the wifi in the convention center is awful.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
I am pretty sure you do have to pay for it, but it adds other stuff too, it's absically like another streetpass game since it has so many features (save your fav miis, unlock a Birthday collection, probs other stuff).
I think Jackbox DOES need an internet, but the devs said that it does not take a strong one, even a phone tethering would do. I have never used the wifi there so I would not know how bad it is.
Monopoly is coming to the Switch... but I think that might be TOO long, even for the lines. X3
Hahahahahaha....hahaha...yeeeah, about's what I did like 90% of the time. I got the expanded mii plaza when they released it last year but it makes new problems. I have all the games so I like to try to play them instead of just getting tags. But with the new 100 mii line max, you'll fill up the line and them it will take hours to chug through everyone playing everything. Couple that with wanting to get people multiple days in a's a lot. But it's why I have soooo maaaaannny miiiiiis.
As mentioned before, you can now have 100 people on the queue. I usually fill up my queue on the last day and take 100 StreetPasses home Paxes are the only time I make any progress on those games and it feels like I'm delaying Pax's end.
There is a demo on the eShop so you can try it to see if you like it. The mode where is vs and it switches from PuyoPuyo to Tetris as you play the match is very fun.
Will pick Mario+Rabbids right before hopping on the plane to go to Seattle for Pax. Hope the game has good multiplayer
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
I dont know if you want to encourage fistfights and drawing blood in lines. Overcooked ruins lives and ends relationships
Will definitely be playing MHXX in the MHW line.
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