I went to PAX last year and played D&D for the first time. When I came home, I immediately bought all the books and read through them, then put on my DM hat and introduced my gaming group to the game. I started out with LMoP, and transitioned into SKT, but throughout, I've been crafting little one shot adventures, all set in my own little world, for the weeks when we have absentees, or when we have guests and don't want to play the main campaign. Some of these one shots, I'm super proud of, and I've poured a bunch of time into fleshing them out and making sure to pack as much story, drama, dilemma and combat into a limited time as possible. I love using them both to introduce new players to the game, or to run through with veterans to give them something fresh.
I've been considering bringing my little (big) bag of tricks to PAX as I'm sure there will be many willing and appreciative participants there, but my question is, is there someplace where it would be totally acceptable to commandeer a table and lay out all my papers and props and invite random passersby to sit down for a casual 3 hour D&D sesh? I remember last year there was a large freeplay D&D and Pathfinder area, but if I remember correctly, those tables were all like an organised thing for Adventurers League. Is there an area, or an accepted time where people can just show up out of the blue and host games for randoms?
In other words, determine what you can reasonably arrange then talk to the enforcer(s) running TableTop this year.
There are free-play tables, for boardgaming or role-playing, which fill up very quickly at the best times. These are rectangular, and aren't great for role-playing with more than about 4 players.
Your best option is to try contacting the Tabletop people at PAX Aus in advance and see if you can be assigned an "Other RPG" table; I don't know if Andrew still has slots available but it can't hurt to ask!
I am also currently running an Age of Rebellion campaign, might come up with something for that.
Either way, unfortunately I cannot confirm my attendance at this stage, so I will have to go with the informal session option.
I always thought the vacant space could be used for LARP.