I love how this girl basically destroyed his life twice and didnt even remember him. There could have been a moral in there, but there's no such thing as morals because there's no such thing as stories, just crappy stuff that happens to you for little to no reason.
That's sad but not horribly so. Reading the comments it made it sound worse than it actually was. Like she fired him because she could and remembered him.
I'm not sure if it was during that or not, but I definitely remember hearing him tell the story before.
He's told it on the Podcast.
oh shit! for real? I never heard this one before. I remember the story about the "witch" he dated for awhile.
I'd heard about the earlier part, but not this bit. Yikes.
EDIT: Wow I guess I've been reading Penny Arcade for at least 14 years now. Jesus Christ.
Oh yeah. That was in the intro of one of the comic collections.
Yeah that's real good.
It's really well told, right?! Probably one of Jerry's best posts from a storytelling perspective.
Thread proved me wrong. Wow.
Time for a new T-shirt design! XD