The tyranny of the majority is pretty irrelevant here given that most of those people are citing common human frustration (disatisfying work/love life) and not like, actual dire circumstances. Which isn't to say that those experiences aren't meaningful or affecting but that they are not the sum of the day.
So is Monster Hunter Shadow of the Collosus like? Because I could go for that.
It really doesn't fit into any specific mold. People compare it to dark souls because it has a lot of unexplained systems and the combat system hasn't changed since its inception...
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
So is Monster Hunter Shadow of the Collosus like? Because I could go for that.
Not really, there isn't like any climbing to find weakpoints and stuff like that. They've made it a lot more active in the last iterations but generally the combat is pretty deliberate, souls-y I guess. Combat maneuvering was very dependent on your weapon type so there's a very big difference in the feel and mobility between the different types. Typically you are focusing on one big bad at a time, sometimes two, but there will be other little enemies around. Monsters do usually have less armored parts but it'll be like, an arm or their head or their tail or something not just like one specific point you have to target.
So is Monster Hunter Shadow of the Collosus like? Because I could go for that.
It really doesn't fit into any specific mold. People compare it to dark souls because it has a lot of unexplained systems and the combat system hasn't changed since its inception...
It's a game of fighting dragons with fantasy strong men who handle like old tractors
Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
BeNarwhalThe Work Left UnfinishedRegistered Userregular
Hearts of Iron is really suspenseful if you're an idiot
The game starts in the pre-war years - one of the first major actions that occurs is that the German Reich moves troops into the Rhineland, openly breaking the terms of the treaty of Versailles
Not too long after, the Spanish Civil War starts
But now we're in a bit of a lull, and it's fantastic
Because I'm so dumb, I don't know when the Second World War started
1938 I'm pretty sure, but day and month? Fuck me, May? May sounds like a good time to invade Poland, I dunno!
I always imagined the sarlacc would hook you up with a tube for all orifices (all) and the sarlacc would nurse you as part of a horribly inefficient digestive process, and eventually your DNA would be replaced with sarlacc DNA and you would become one with the worm
"and the morning stars I have seen
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
In the original Star Wars EU continuity, the Sarlacc was basically a god within its own stomach. It basically hooks itself up to its victim's brains, torturing them and integrating their knowledge. They effectively become part of the Sarlacc's biology as their original bodies are digested and merged with the Sarlacc's stomach.
In the original Star Wars EU continuity, the Sarlacc was basically a god within its own stomach. It basically hooks itself up to its victim's brains, torturing them and integrating their knowledge. They effectively become part of the Sarlacc's biology as their original bodies are digested and merged with the Sarlacc's stomach.
I always imagined the sarlacc would hook you up with a tube for all orifices (all) and the sarlacc would nurse you as part of a horribly inefficient digestive process, and eventually your DNA would be replaced with sarlacc DNA and you would become one with the worm
BeNarwhalThe Work Left UnfinishedRegistered Userregular
In the original Star Wars EU continuity, the Sarlacc was basically a god within its own stomach. It basically hooks itself up to its victim's brains, torturing them and integrating their knowledge. They effectively become part of the Sarlacc's biology as their original bodies are digested and merged with the Sarlacc's stomach.
It is Luke who is the stupid.
Oh fuck yeah
"and the morning stars I have seen
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
Hearts of Iron is really suspenseful if you're an idiot
The game starts in the pre-war years - one of the first major actions that occurs is that the German Reich moves troops into the Rhineland, openly breaking the terms of the treaty of Versailles
Not too long after, the Spanish Civil War starts
But now we're in a bit of a lull, and it's fantastic
Because I'm so dumb, I don't know when the Second World War started
1938 I'm pretty sure, but day and month? Fuck me, May? May sounds like a good time to invade Poland, I dunno!
If you're ever at an international conference of historians, you can use that question to start a brawl.
Falling in the shower makes me think of 30 Rock and and Fey's fear of dying alone in her apartment which is totally going to happen to me since I don't actually talk to people all that much and work comms are usually sporadic
In the original Star Wars EU continuity, the Sarlacc was basically a god within its own stomach. It basically hooks itself up to its victim's brains, torturing them and integrating their knowledge. They effectively become part of the Sarlacc's biology as their original bodies are digested and merged with the Sarlacc's stomach.
It is Luke who is the stupid.
from my point of view it is the EU that is
Isn't that most peoples point of view? You're not anakin off the reservation with these hot takes wandering.
but they're listening to every word I say
This seems strikingly incorrect!
It really doesn't fit into any specific mold. People compare it to dark souls because it has a lot of unexplained systems and the combat system hasn't changed since its inception...
uh castle and elki and shark want to play gigantic some more?
it's not as stripped-down, there's a lot of item management and resource grinding and stuff to go with the monster fighting
PSN/XBL: Zampanov -- Steam: Zampanov
It's kind of like a PSO. You can do solo and group stuff, at a certain level of hunter rank you end up really only doing multiplayer.
the other type of japanese game
PSN/XBL: Zampanov -- Steam: Zampanov
I like the idea of crafting items from monsters to fight more monsters but not huge into the grind.
but they're listening to every word I say
I'll say it's been a long time since I played one of these so I dunno how grindy it is these days, but expect some grind
the good news is, the combat loop is super fun so you at least partially grind on accident anyway
PSN/XBL: Zampanov -- Steam: Zampanov
this is one of my favorites
WORLD STAR!!!~ :whistle:
Not really, there isn't like any climbing to find weakpoints and stuff like that. They've made it a lot more active in the last iterations but generally the combat is pretty deliberate, souls-y I guess. Combat maneuvering was very dependent on your weapon type so there's a very big difference in the feel and mobility between the different types. Typically you are focusing on one big bad at a time, sometimes two, but there will be other little enemies around. Monsters do usually have less armored parts but it'll be like, an arm or their head or their tail or something not just like one specific point you have to target.
It's a game of fighting dragons with fantasy strong men who handle like old tractors
Chu is right. Being old sucks. I just stepped on a baby toy and now my foot kills.
This would have never happened to be at 18.
but they're listening to every word I say
*scatters legos in front you*
Catch me now, James Bond!
*looks at what I made*
eh close enough
The game starts in the pre-war years - one of the first major actions that occurs is that the German Reich moves troops into the Rhineland, openly breaking the terms of the treaty of Versailles
Not too long after, the Spanish Civil War starts
But now we're in a bit of a lull, and it's fantastic
Because I'm so dumb, I don't know when the Second World War started
1938 I'm pretty sure, but day and month? Fuck me, May? May sounds like a good time to invade Poland, I dunno!
Since Trump seems to be carrying over his whole fire someone every week format, can that KKK member AG Sessions be next?
I always imagined the sarlacc would hook you up with a tube for all orifices (all) and the sarlacc would nurse you as part of a horribly inefficient digestive process, and eventually your DNA would be replaced with sarlacc DNA and you would become one with the worm
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
God damnit people stop dying
It is Luke who is the stupid.
Don't worry desc, I'm gonna be young and beautiful forever! Thanks to that deal I made with that gypsy where I sacrified Override to h-
I mean
Oh fuck yeah
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
If you're ever at an international conference of historians, you can use that question to start a brawl.
Isn't that most peoples point of view? You're not anakin off the reservation with these hot takes wandering.