
Marvel! Makes kids comic with Arms Company, forgets Iron Man's origin story.



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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    yeah and no one likes those comics
    I like the modern comics!

    ...which are all about dismantling that society.

    Eh, they were super happy to take as much advantage of genocide as they possibly could.

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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    yeah and no one likes those comics
    I like the modern comics!

    ...which are all about dismantling that society.

    Eh, they were super happy to take as much advantage of genocide as they possibly could.
    Okay dogg I know you don't like that era of X-Men but literally of the heroic Inhumans except for Black Bolt tried to help as many mutants as possible

    They weren't encouraging the mist. They worked with the X-Men to try and get any mutants in its path out of the way and gave all of their scientific resources to try and find a cure.

    Only one who should be blamed for it is Black Bolt and even then he had no idea about what it would do to mutants

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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    yeah and no one likes those comics

    I like those comics!

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    DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    yeah and no one likes those comics
    I like the modern comics!

    ...which are all about dismantling that society.

    Eh, they were super happy to take as much advantage of genocide as they possibly could.
    Okay dogg I know you don't like that era of X-Men but literally of the heroic Inhumans except for Black Bolt tried to help as many mutants as possible

    They weren't encouraging the mist. They worked with the X-Men to try and get any mutants in its path out of the way and gave all of their scientific resources to try and find a cure.

    Only one who should be blamed for it is Black Bolt and even then he had no idea about what it would do to mutants

    Especially because the Mutant Pox side effect literally did not exist when the Terrigen bomb went off. That entire storyline was forced in after the Secret Wars shuffle. The whole thing is bad writing put in place after the fact in order to create a rivalry that never existed prior to when the whole line got reshuffled. No one is in character for that because it was forced and retroactively made everyone worse.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Okay, you guys are right. I think the whole dilemma of IvX, especially with the ending of ending the terrigen being some decision that required any consideration, soured me on inhumans.

    From what I've read of the Inhuman nation, they actually do seem pretty cool, divorced of that. But then Pirate coats will go a long way with me.

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    see317see317 Registered User regular
    Xeddicus wrote: »
    I'm with you except for Lockjaw and Crystal:
    That idiot was riding IN THE DARK in a JUNGLE. The writers hit him. And that was Lockjaws fault 2nd, he controls where they go. And Crystal may be used to "All done." meaning all better and she's worried. She hasn't done enough to really develop a character. Well, she let the ocean distract her from her family being hunted down.... so OK, she's a little dumb.
    I don't know, Crystal's still pretty stupid.
    Why would I want to use my highly visible powers to create a highly visible display to help find the people I'm looking for? Oh! So I could make a signal! Sure, let's call down the lightning right here and now in the middle of this barn!

    And Lockjaw was written (here) to be less reliable as he got more worn out, and taking the royal family from the moon to earth one at a time apparently wore him out. So we can't really blame Lockjaw for landing in the middle of what was apparently a well worn trail. Of course the more likely reason is that Lockjaw's CGI is expensive so they can work around that by having him hit by a motorcycle and sleeping it off in a barn for a couple episodes, then teleporting just off screen for the majority of the time.
    Interesting to note: the teasers for the next episodes keep saying "X episodes until the season finale" instead of "Series finale", so I'm wondering if we might see a season 2 after all. Or if they just decided it wasn't worth the price of a pizza to get an intern to redub that line.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Why the fuck would you advertise when the last episode is like that? It seems utterly counterintuitive to me

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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    IMAX officially apologized for the show and said in the future they'd make it clear they weren't throwing around Game of Thrones money.

    With IMAX pulling out the show is as dead as it can be until it actually is announced flat out.

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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    If it hasn't actually been canceled by the network, they're not going to say series finale

    See: every show canceled in their first season

    (bring back Sweet/Vicious)

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Wasn't this show officially camceled before it even aired?

    How's it doing in ratings?

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    never dienever die Registered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Okay, you guys are right. I think the whole dilemma of IvX, especially with the ending of ending the terrigen being some decision that required any consideration, soured me on inhumans.

    From what I've read of the Inhuman nation, they actually do seem pretty cool, divorced of that. But then Pirate coats will go a long way with me.

    IvX drove me crazy with how it resolved the whole thing. Having Medusa give a speech about how not even one mutant life was worth the terrigen mist drives me insane as someone who read the X-books before and during the event, where it was very clear mutants were dying in droves due to the mist and Medusa still pushed against the terrigen cloud being destroyed. The fact the book doesn't really address the contradiction really bugs me, among other things about the whole shebang (and ironically enough, pushed the whole "Cyclops was right" thing one last time with his actions in Death of X being the same solution found 8 months later in story).

    I don't really blame the inhumans as a whole with it, but really just the fact that Marvel really should have had this event more ironed out than they did. Books written a year before your event should not contradict the main premise of the finale of your event.

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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    Wasn't this show officially camceled before it even aired?

    How's it doing in ratings?

    It's not dead last, but close. And since Marvel lost their funding partner, it's been slammed critically and most everyone thinks it's some flavor of bad it will take miracle for a renewal.

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    HeatwaveHeatwave Come, now, and walk the path of explosions with me!Registered User regular
    A recasted Inhumans should be brought into the movies the same way Rhodey appeared in Iron Man 2 after the actor change

    "Look, it's me, I'm here, deal with it"

    Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
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    DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    Heatwave wrote: »
    A recasted Inhumans should be brought into the movies the same way Rhodey appeared in Iron Man 2 after the actor change

    "Look, it's me, I'm here, deal with it"

    Forget the royal family, just bring the Agents of SHIELD Inhumans into the movies.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    edited October 2017
    never die wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Okay, you guys are right. I think the whole dilemma of IvX, especially with the ending of ending the terrigen being some decision that required any consideration, soured me on inhumans.

    From what I've read of the Inhuman nation, they actually do seem pretty cool, divorced of that. But then Pirate coats will go a long way with me.

    IvX drove me crazy with how it resolved the whole thing. Having Medusa give a speech about how not even one mutant life was worth the terrigen mist drives me insane as someone who read the X-books before and during the event, where it was very clear mutants were dying in droves due to the mist and Medusa still pushed against the terrigen cloud being destroyed. The fact the book doesn't really address the contradiction really bugs me, among other things about the whole shebang (and ironically enough, pushed the whole "Cyclops was right" thing one last time with his actions in Death of X being the same solution found 8 months later in story).

    I don't really blame the inhumans as a whole with it, but really just the fact that Marvel really should have had this event more ironed out than they did. Books written a year before your event should not contradict the main premise of the finale of your event.

    This is basically my feeling, but add to it how they basically completely fucked any vestige of the relationship between Emma and Scott.

    Fencingsax on
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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    I'm not sure "semblance" is the word you want there.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    edited October 2017
    That should make more sense

    Fencingsax on
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    never dienever die Registered User regular
    Mr. G wrote: »


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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    it looks very cool but I'm still not feelin' the suit

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular

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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    I really hope Inhumans gets renewed.

    I want to see what that show looks like with even less of a budget.

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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    edited October 2017
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I really hope Inhumans gets renewed.

    I want to see what that show looks like with even less of a budget.
    The sets are already featureless boxes stacked on top and inside of featureless boxes, right?

    With less of a budget, the characters will be portrayed by boxes, too.

    Delduwath on
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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    it looks very cool but I'm still not feelin' the suit

    I would be shocked if there aren't alternate costumes you can unlock buy


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    see317see317 Registered User regular
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I really hope Inhumans gets renewed.

    I want to see what that show looks like with even less of a budget.
    Lockjaw gets hit by a bus in the season premiere and now has to spend even more time in the barn just off camera. Listen to the big guy whine though, breaks my heart.
    Medusa likes the short hair look. Saves her so much time getting ready in the morning. Sure, she can't use her hair to do anything, but that's just part of blending in.
    Black Bolt is now glowering at only 75% max. Also, developing the sign language he uses is expensive, so his hands join Lockjaw in the "Just off camera" club. Up side: all jazz hands all the time now.
    Crystal now spends her free time in a night club. "What's this earth beverage called? Alcohol? We don't have that back in Attilan."
    Karnak's concussion is renewed, this time he walks into a low ceiling joist that his faulty concussion math vision told him would break if he head butted it right.
    Maximus is acting even crazier to try and convince the audience that he's the bad guy here. He's now literally chewing on the sets. A considerable portion of the budget is now spent on edible Attilan thrones.
    Attilan slave mines lighting budget is reduced a further 50%. Less light means less makeup effects.

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    ChallChall Registered User regular
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I really hope Inhumans gets renewed.

    I want to see what that show looks like with even less of a budget.

    So we filmed every scene in front of a green screen that we couldn't afford to replace digitally? No problem! This entire season will be "The Inhumans vs. The Green Dimension!"

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    The JudgeThe Judge The Terwilliger CurvesRegistered User regular
    edited October 2017
    Approximately 15 minutes into Homecoming.

    This is delightful thus far.

    Edit: that was fun!

    The Judge on
    Last pint: Turmoil CDA / Barley Brown's - Untappd: TheJudge_PDX
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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Apparently Scarlett Johansson, Pom Klementieff, Tessa Thompson, Brie Larson, Zoe Saldana and Karen Gillen all "cornered" Kevin Fiege at the big MCU photo shoot and pitched an all-female Marvel team up movie, which he, according to the actresses, seemed very interested in.

    Mentioning this publically is a good call on their part as far as holding his feet to the fire on it.

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    JimothyJimothy Not in front of the fox he's with the owlRegistered User regular
    Mr. G wrote: »

    The story looks really interesting, but I wish they were going for a more stylized look

    The attempts at photorealistic faces aren't working for me

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    NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    I haven't seen any of inhumans, but I have seen pictures of shaved head medusa.

    And er....what?

    It's like making a wolverine TV show with no claws or a Batman show with no batman (wait a minuite....)

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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    Norgoth wrote: »
    I haven't seen any of inhumans, but I have seen pictures of shaved head medusa.

    And er....what?

    It's like making a wolverine TV show with no claws or a Batman show with no batman (wait a minuite....)

    oh there's a batman in gotham

    his name is jim gordon


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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Norgoth wrote: »
    I haven't seen any of inhumans, but I have seen pictures of shaved head medusa.

    And er....what?

    It's like making a wolverine TV show with no claws or a Batman show with no batman (wait a minuite....)

    oh there's a batman in gotham

    his name is jim gordon

    And also teenage Bruce Wayne!

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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    Norgoth wrote: »
    I haven't seen any of inhumans, but I have seen pictures of shaved head medusa.

    And er....what?

    It's like making a wolverine TV show with no claws or a Batman show with no batman (wait a minuite....)

    I think they did it because she gets her head shaved in the Marvel Knights series, although that was a third act escalation and not a first act fall from grace sort of situation.

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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    Norgoth wrote: »
    I haven't seen any of inhumans, but I have seen pictures of shaved head medusa.

    And er....what?

    It's like making a wolverine TV show with no claws or a Batman show with no batman (wait a minuite....)

    I think they did it because she gets her head shaved in the Marvel Knights series, although that was a third act escalation and not a first act fall from grace sort of situation.

    Also cause CGI Hair (no matter how crappy it looks) is probably expensive to animate.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    I was gonna say, I thought it was because no way they had the budget for her all season

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    If you don't have the budget to do the Inhumans, maybe don't do the Inhumans!!!

    This isn't hard!

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    sarukunsarukun RIESLING OCEANRegistered User regular
    edited October 2017
    Jimothy wrote: »
    Mr. G wrote: »

    The story looks really interesting, but I wish they were going for a more stylized look

    The attempts at photorealistic faces aren't working for me

    Holy shit, I think my buddy from high school is the villain in this game.

    That is his face and a slightly higher pitched version of his voice.

    Edit: Holy fucking shit, it completely is, everybody buy this fucking game.

    sarukun on
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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    If you don't have the budget to do the Inhumans, maybe don't do the Inhumans!!!

    This isn't hard!

    Should have been a movie.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    I'm hoping when they do Runaways, the change the end of the season/ beginning of next season so the foster system isn't just cartoonishly terrible.

This discussion has been closed.