Hey everyone.
If you're like me, you prefer scheduling your convention gaming in advance. Someone set up a Game Scheduler Geeklist on boardgamegeek.com (
https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/225219/pax-unplugged-2017-organized-play-post-your-bigger. I've used Geeklist schedulers for other conventions, and they work great if you like to plan your con. But I fear not a lot of people know about it so I'm trying to spread the word. The more people, the more games.
If you would like to host a game (bring the game or borrow it from the PAX library & teach or find a teacher if necessary), just add a Geeklist item and include the pertinent information. If you prefer playing with only experienced players, that's cool too; just mention it in your post. If you have a list of games you'd like to play, just add them in the comments at the bottom.
Hope to play some games with yinz.
Do we know if the PAX library in whole is traveling to Unplugged? Is that how they usually do things?
How is the library expanded? Purchased, donated, or gifts from companies? All of the above?