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PAX AUS 2017 Pin Quest!


  • SachiiSezSachiiSez Laughter and Sunshine! Registered User regular
    Hi Pinny Peoples!

    Question: there is a pin icon on the AFK room on the PAXAus Map, but I cannot see on the pin quest list a pin listed to be bought in this room. Is it just a marker as a place we can find people to trade?

    Laughter and Sunshine!


    Laughter and Sunshine!
  • astroboiastroboi Melbourne, AusRegistered User regular
    Gabe’s post says that the Doggo pin is for sale at the Diversity Hub.

  • SachiiSezSachiiSez Laughter and Sunshine! Registered User regular
    Diversity Hub/Lounge is upstairs by the VR section - so maybe I am just getting confused then, as that doesn't have a pin icon on it.


    Laughter and Sunshine!
  • astroboiastroboi Melbourne, AusRegistered User regular
    Yeah you’re totally right. My guess would be that the Doggo pin is now available at the afk room instead. That said, the Diversity lounge has had pins in the past, so who knows.

  • Tubby2877Tubby2877 Addicted Pinner Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Im hoping they bring over the pryomancer from west, that pin looked sweet and was for the afk charity. The doggo pin is for checkpoint. A great aussie charity about games and health. The afk room is run by a few people with strong ties to checkpoint. But id say the pins will mainly be in diversity lounge, the afk room is a quiet room to get away from the hussle and bussle of pax, for people feeling a bit overwhelmed by the enormity that can be pax.

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    Is there a Pin Proxy for Aus this year?

  • SachiiSezSachiiSez Laughter and Sunshine! Registered User regular
  • SachiiSezSachiiSez Laughter and Sunshine! Registered User regular
    edited October 2017
    So don't want to start a stampede, but could the pin icon be in regards to this AFK pin ->

    Edit: So I should probably justify my speculation - the article says it will come out at a PAX in the future, after the Kickstarter campaign is over. They wouldn't say which PAX, and the Kickstarter ended in April this year.

    SachiiSez on

    Laughter and Sunshine!
  • astroboiastroboi Melbourne, AusRegistered User regular
    That pin was sold at West this year I think. It’s possible they may have it at Aus as well.

  • NefilyNefily Melbourne AURegistered User regular
    As i was browsing facebook a contact of mine who works at hipster whale was posting that the micky mouse pin will only be avaliable at aus and not again, thought ppl might wanna know then that today is last chance to get it.

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Yep, the Mickey pin has an interesting history and story, and it was briefly touched upon in the Pin Community panel. I'm hoping to follow up on that for a facebook interview. There were quite a few threads that had to be either dropped or shortened to fit all we could during that panel.

    The Mickey pin was easily available all show but will never be available again.

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