So ive read the rules regarding nerf guns, however i had some questions from either staff/enforcers or experienced cos-players. Im going as starlord and have a set of blasters.
I've disabled the spring function in the gun so they cant work unless i pull the things apart. However i note the requirement for an orange safety tip? are these for all nerf guns or just the ones that look like real guns? given starlords blaster looks almost like dagger hilt (below)
I've looked at a ton of cosplay shots at PAX last year and years prior and i see very few "orange caps" on guns unless they are fake current day replica's.
any tips? im looking for fact or experience, not just your interpretation of the rules.
I don't believe any of the other PAXen have the orange tip policy, which leads me to believe either it is a local law of some kind, or something the venue has asked us to do.
The FAQ might help shed some light.
"NERF weapon are allowed if they have been rendered completely inoperable. Convention staff/Enforcers are the final arbiter of whether or not a weapon is inoperable, so please be ready to clearly show and explain what measures you have taken. Make sure to include an orange safety tip!"
So Nerf needs to be both inoperable and orange tipped. If you want to try to risk it you can, as always the folks at weapons check have the final say. But if you do want to risk it you may want to bring some orange nail polish, or something to fix them if they do require the orange tip.
Going by that document, and by the pretty relaxed PAX stance, I'd say it's completely reasonable to see people with replica weapons and not feel intimidated or alarmed as long as they're in obvious costume and at a geek convention. OPs looks perfectly proplike.
The FAQ might help shed some light.
"NERF weapon are allowed if they have been rendered completely inoperable. Convention staff/Enforcers are the final arbiter of whether or not a weapon is inoperable, so please be ready to clearly show and explain what measures you have taken. Make sure to include an orange safety tip!"
So Nerf needs to be both inoperable and orange tipped. If you want to try to risk it you can, as always the folks at weapons check have the final say. But if you do want to risk it you may want to bring some orange nail polish, or something to fix them if they do require the orange tip.