So I am finally heading out to America for PAX. I am travelling from the UK, really excited but nervous. I haven't really been on holiday on my own 100% before. Can't wait to meet some of my gamer friends I'll be staying with! So far I have spent around £865 ($1710usd), yes... i am now poor.
Who else is travelling from out of the US & Canada? How far? How much you paying to do the whole thing?
Transoceanic flights sure are expensive, but it'll be worth it believe me. If it's any consolation, I pledge to give you a crack at some of the (relatively) expensive booze I'll be bringing to the (Party at) Sealab Party. Just look for some guy with glasses in a mandarin collar, it's probably me.
(I am not one of them, nonetheless they do come to PAX every year)
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
I'm going in the middle of a round the world trip, so my costs don't really apply as they include a year of bumming around the globe
Wow, I used to live in Gosport (near Portsmouth) O_o; that's crazy! Maybe i'll see you there - Arm Team