Theres no release date - we don't even have a direct image. This was shared with the Aus community pin panel just the other week. Hopefully more will be known soon.
Based on the listed rarities, the unknown rarity pins (if equal) are each 1/300. More likely a combined rarity of 1/150. But then the listed rarities were wrong for the AI blind boxes, so who knows?
To show my work:
8 pins are 1/15
6 pins are 1/20
4 pins are 1/25
If there were 300 pins, there are 20, 15, and 12 of each of pin at each rarity respectively. So 20*8+15*6+12*4=298. So for every 300 pins made, there are 2 that aren't in the listed probabilities. It could of course be something like 12/3000 and 8/3000.
Also, for those that don't read the news posts closely, there's a case pin also:
Behold the Super Mario Bros.™ 3 Blind Box. There are two secret “chaser” pins in this set, including the largest Pinny Arcade pin ever manufactured. And, just as with the now sold out Acquisitions Incorporated Blind Box series, there’s a “case pin” this time around - available with orders of a full case - that is sure to delight the true aficionado. There’s something about this precise shade of yellow that stirs something very deeply in the nostalgic soul, and we could not be more proud to bring you this delightful set.
I'm a bit sad that they released these days after the Green Flame hoodie and other blind boxes, since I immediately ordered them...extra shipping cost. Hoping my Club PA discount that dropped my $100+ dollar subtotal below 100 doesn't lose me the merch pin; then I'd be extra sad since the Mario pins would have easily put that over the top.
Looks like the other unknown pin is the leaf. though I may be wrong. If you go to PinnyPals to update your lanyard you'll see the "super leaf" pin (which is not pictured of the box) next to bowser.
...I've said this a few times before, they just keep doing this to me...
You don’t need them all...
My brain begs to differ.....
20 pins total, 18 shown. Bowser isn't ruled out yet and could be a really impressive large pin, given how huge big mario is in 1-2 set.
I'd also be satisfied if a secret pin was the whistle, as that seems lore appropriate :P - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
would be pretty ridiculous if they didn't..
Pinny Pals Lanyard
I'm just starting to get serious about collecting! Forgive my noobocity
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Only a mere 136 pins to go!
Based on the listed rarities, the unknown rarity pins (if equal) are each 1/300. More likely a combined rarity of 1/150. But then the listed rarities were wrong for the AI blind boxes, so who knows?
To show my work:
8 pins are 1/15
6 pins are 1/20
4 pins are 1/25
If there were 300 pins, there are 20, 15, and 12 of each of pin at each rarity respectively. So 20*8+15*6+12*4=298. So for every 300 pins made, there are 2 that aren't in the listed probabilities. It could of course be something like 12/3000 and 8/3000.
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I’d assume so.
So i suspect Bowser will be one of the ??? . What will the other be?
Behold the Super Mario Bros.™ 3 Blind Box. There are two secret “chaser” pins in this set, including the largest Pinny Arcade pin ever manufactured. And, just as with the now sold out Acquisitions Incorporated Blind Box series, there’s a “case pin” this time around - available with orders of a full case - that is sure to delight the true aficionado. There’s something about this precise shade of yellow that stirs something very deeply in the nostalgic soul, and we could not be more proud to bring you this delightful set.
Trade me pins, yo:
If there's an Angry Sun pin I'm cashing out of this hobby. Nightmare fuel.
Trade me pins! -
Check out my PinnyPals Lanyard!