I would like to run a short D&D (5e) game for 3-4 adventurers who are planning to line up early for Acquisitions Incorporated. Due to the need to finish in under two hours, some familiarity with the rules is important.
we could arrange to meet somewhere at 6:30 and then walk over and line up early and start the game. Players should bring a character sheet that is easy to work with while standing in line (however that works for you--clipboard, iPad, etc). Ideally players will also have a dice app downloaded and ready to use (or be willing to roll dice on the floor).
If you are interested, please post here and let me know if you what kind of character(s) you'd like to play and if you have any preferred elements for the adventure (combat, exploration, story, politics).
I would be interested in doing this. I prefer more story and rp style games. Not entirely sure how to make a 5e character but i prefer to play spellcasters.
Welcome aboard, nevermore13! You can get the basic rules for 5e free from the wizards of the coast website. Wizard is one of the basic characters. I think the basic rules have a limited spell selection, so you might want to look on line to fine others. Don't roll for stats--use the standard distribution of point-buy method. I find that games, especially games that focus on RP and story, are more interesting when each character has at least one less-than-great stat. Other than that, let me know if you prefer the one-shot adventure have a particular tone or combination of tomes--light, gritty, mystery, adventure, intrigue, fantastical. The more I know up front the better it will be and the more likely we are to hit the ground running and get through a really fun adventures in 90-120 minutes.
Hi, I'd be interested in playing! I was planning on getting in line about that early anyway. I'm pretty familiar with 5e - I'm playing CoS and AL ToA weekly right now. I usually play charisma casters, but I could get down with another class to fill whatever gaps we have. Ooooooor I'd be down with an all one class party (i.e. all wizard party), though that kind of requires us to start at like lv 3 so we can do a bit of multiclassing.
I'd think with such a short amount of time that maybe one of of the DM's Guild 2hr adventures would be fun - a little bit of story/RP, and an encounter. I play with groups that rp and table talk/goof quite a bit, so I don't prefer anything too heavy in tone.
Great! Welcome sbrook! I can keep things light, and I think that it would be more fun and interesting if everyone starts at 3rd level, even if you're not a single class party. I can adjust the challenges to focus on the party, so don't worry about that. I have Tomb of Annihilation, so I can run something in that setting with no problem. Sbrook, which modules have you played already, or is your campaign based on the book? Also, I don't want to spoil anything in your ToA game, so let me know how far you have gotten and what parts of Chult you have explored. I think it would be fun to run a short Chult-centered game, since that's the setting for the Acquisitions Inc right now. Oh, and nevermore13--don't worry about knowing everything. Just know what your character can do and how to make the required rolls for those actions.
I played a bunch of 4e and limited 5e so i generally know how things work and I'll have my spellbook phone app just need to get the character created. We starting at third level?
Perfect! Let's start everyone at 3rd level unless either of you have a problem with that. The only problem I can see would be if you want to make this an official adventurers league game in order to acquire xp and loot for an adventurers league character. If that is the case, we should start at level one and make sure to use the adventurers league rules for character creation (not a big deal). I am thinking of running "A City On the Edge," which is also being offered at the con, so if either of you plan to participate in those games, let me know and I will pick something else. However, "A City on the Edge is actually 5 one-hour adventures loosely connected. If you attend one at the con, the DM will ask everyone which ones they have already done. So even if you are signed up for a few, we could still pick one or two that are new to you.
@drakuldragon You would be most welcome! I bought the "A City on the Edge" Module, but everyone, please let me know if you have played it or parts of it before! I have other options (also set in Chult) if any of you have done this story before.
We should meet somewhere as a group so that we can find each other, then move to the line. I suggest meeting at 6:30, when the line opens. This will give us nearly two hours to play.
@drakuldragon@nevermore13@sbrook :
I plan to run a casual and fun game. Here are some things you players can do that will help get things moving quickly:
1. Send me a copy of your character sheet (remember, we are all starting at LEVEL 3) ahead of time. Including personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws will make things more interesting and you will have a chance to earn inspiration.
2. Be familiar with how to make skill checks, the options you have (especially in combat), and how your characters abilities work.
3. Let me know if you have played or plan to play any part of A City on the Edge. If I know what you have already done or plan to do at PAX, I can prepare something new/different.
4. Dice or a dice app are both good, but a dice app on your phone might make things easier in line.
5. There will be no minis or grid due to being in line, so combat will all be theater of the mind--just saying so you know what to expect.
BF and I will join. Haven't played that mod yet so good to go. I have a half elf sorcerer ready to go at 3, he's got a wood elf ranger (if he wants to play it, I'll check when he's out of work)
I would like to run a short D&D (5e) game for 3-4 adventurers who are planning to line up early for Acquisitions Incorporated. Due to the need to finish in under two hours, some familiarity with the rules is important.
we could arrange to meet somewhere at 6:30 and then walk over and line up early and start the game. Players should bring a character sheet that is easy to work with while standing in line (however that works for you--clipboard, iPad, etc). Ideally players will also have a dice app downloaded and ready to use (or be willing to roll dice on the floor).
If you are interested, please post here and let me know if you what kind of character(s) you'd like to play and if you have any preferred elements for the adventure (combat, exploration, story, politics).
This is a brilliant idea and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner! Bravo.
I'd think with such a short amount of time that maybe one of of the DM's Guild 2hr adventures would be fun - a little bit of story/RP, and an encounter. I play with groups that rp and table talk/goof quite a bit, so I don't prefer anything too heavy in tone.
DOTS RPG Project - Guild Master Jess | @dotsrpg
We should meet somewhere as a group so that we can find each other, then move to the line. I suggest meeting at 6:30, when the line opens. This will give us nearly two hours to play.
@drakuldragon @nevermore13 @sbrook :
I plan to run a casual and fun game. Here are some things you players can do that will help get things moving quickly:
1. Send me a copy of your character sheet (remember, we are all starting at LEVEL 3) ahead of time. Including personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws will make things more interesting and you will have a chance to earn inspiration.
2. Be familiar with how to make skill checks, the options you have (especially in combat), and how your characters abilities work.
3. Let me know if you have played or plan to play any part of A City on the Edge. If I know what you have already done or plan to do at PAX, I can prepare something new/different.
4. Dice or a dice app are both good, but a dice app on your phone might make things easier in line.
5. There will be no minis or grid due to being in line, so combat will all be theater of the mind--just saying so you know what to expect.
DOTS RPG Project - Guild Master Jess | @dotsrpg
This is a brilliant idea and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner! Bravo.