PAX Unplugged Badge hasn't arrived yet.

Jack083Jack083 Registered User new member
I ordered my badge months ago and was suppose to have it mailed to me. I still haven't received it. I called the number on the confirmation email and they redirected me to an office that has yet to respond to my messages. Has anyone had to deal with this issue before and if so what did you do?


  • FitzyDFitzyD Registered User new member
    Me too. I’m on the road for a business trip too and I’m not sure what to do when I have no pass and show up on Thursday night. The frustrating thing is the lack of response.

  • FredpoolFredpool Your Worst Nightmares. :-)Registered User regular
    I definitely can't say this for sure... but I would hope and assume that as long as you can provide them your receipt/QR Code, they should be able to honor your badge/ticket at Will Call if it never arrived in the mail. Though, I obviously understand that you wouldn't want to show up without a ticket in hand and just HOPE that they have it together enough for that.

    For me, I ordered fairly recently so it already said they were no longer mailing tickets. I have to pick up at Will Call anyway.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    If you bought them before October 13th, call at 877-674-8241.

    If you bought them after, you missed the badge mailing deadline and your badges will be available for pickup on site.

  • Jack083Jack083 Registered User new member
    I spoke with someone at the number above. They said my badge should arrive this week. If not they put a note on my account and I can pick it up at will call with a photo ID and the QR code in my confirmation email. Will call opens at 8 on Thursday.

  • FredpoolFredpool Your Worst Nightmares. :-)Registered User regular
    I don't know why this didn't occur to me before, but I guess that might mean if your badge is at Will Call, you can pick it up on any day once Will Call opens. I am going on Saturday, but actually work right near there. So, it might make sense to swing by tomorrow during a break or something to see if I can pick up my Saturday badge then. At least then I wouldn't have to fuss with Will Call on Saturday.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    That should be true, yes

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