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2018 San Antonio Nerd Night Pre-South Gametacular

dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular

San Antonio Nerd Night's pre-PAX game night is back with a vengeance! This year, we'll be gathering to support CASA - Child Advocates San Antonio. This fabulous group works tirelessly in support of children under the care of Child Protective Services, looking out for their best interests and advocating for them under extremely difficult circumstances. We'll be raising money with a silent auction, as well as accepting donations of new socks, shoes and pajamas in all sizes.

This year we are using "pay-what-you-like" ticketing. This means, if you'd like to support this event financially, just add on a small (or large!) donation when you purchase your General Admission + Donation ticket. Any contributions will be used to help fund the MUCH larger meeting space we have reserved and will be very much appreciated! Our new space should hold more than 400! Otherwise, this event is completely free to attend with a General Admission ticket. We just want to pre-register you to cut down on paperwork at the door. We have moved to the Henry B. Gonzalez meeting rooms on the ground floor. Food and snacks are available for purchase just upstairs from our rooms, and we are planning a cash bar as well. Outside food and drinks are not allowed. We should have water stations available.

We are seeking sponsors for this event. If you, your business, or your wealthy aunt is interested in supporting the gaming community in San Antonio and a FANTASTIC charity in CASA - please reach out to us at



  • QuickAndDirtyGamesQuickAndDirtyGames We make offensively fun party games Registered User regular
    Ah, here's the details on this night I was searching for! It's a great event you guys put on and I've sent you an email to see if I might be able to help you with sponsorship.

    - Jeff @ Quick And Dirty Games

  • dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular
    Thanks Jeff! I've sent you some details. Looking forward to talking soon!

  • crashmurphycrashmurphy Registered User regular
    I promise I'm not trying to ask a dumb question, but what all do y'all do at this event? Is it just boardgames, or BYOC as well?

  • dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular
    Not a dumb question, I should've been clearer in my post :) Last year it was primarily boardgames. We have space for more things this year so I'm open to additional kinds of gaming, but if you need power or A/V we'd need to get that added to the contract with the convention center, so let me know asap.


  • crashmurphycrashmurphy Registered User regular
    dragnsteph wrote: »
    Not a dumb question, I should've been clearer in my post :) Last year it was primarily boardgames. We have space for more things this year so I'm open to additional kinds of gaming, but if you need power or A/V we'd need to get that added to the contract with the convention center, so let me know asap.


    Gotcha! I was hoping for boardgames, so no A/V required here. I'm planning on attending the pub crawl that night, but I might try to stop by before then if I have the chance!

  • dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular
    We're excited to announce a special perk for people who support the Pre-South Gametacular with a minimum $10 donation!

    We have a limited run of commemorative pins! These are hard enamel like the PA pins*, and are one of two designs donated to San Antonio Nerd Night by a local artist friend. If you'd like a pin, simply select "General Admission + Pin" when registering at the ticketing website. We only have 85 of these available, so get them while you can!

    If you've already registered and would like to add a donation to get the pin, or increase your existing donation, you may do so at and then please email me at to let me know to set one aside for you. If you've already donated $10 or more, there's one set aside for you already :).

    Artist's mockup below.

    *Not an official Pinny Arcade pin.

  • japesterjapester Registered User regular
    Nice! Room 6 is down on the River Level, no? Fancy, fancy.

    I might not be able to make it this year, so I haven't picked up a ticket yet. If I am able to attend, I might go crazy and bring Kingdom Death: Monster. I figured that's a game most folks won't see in the wild. Depends on how organized I can get between then and now. No way I'll have anything painted before then, and I only have a few figures built so far. But that's enough to demonstrate the basics.

  • dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular
    Hey everyone - We're in a last-minute push to fund this thing. We need to raise several hundred dollars before the end of next week. Please, please please -- if you're on the fence about joining us, or if you think it's a great cause but can't attend, or just haven't gotten around to making a small donation yet -- we need your help!

    Thanks in advance :)


  • dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular
    edited January 2018
    2 weeks left! Convention center contract is signed and plans progress happily. We've collected quite the assortment of donations for the silent auction, and the pins arrived this week! If you haven't pre-registered yet, please visit the ticketing website to add your info and maybe pick up a pin or chip something in to help us pay for these shenanigans. It should be a lot of fun, hope to see you there!

    dragnsteph on
  • dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular
    Fixed link :) thanks @japester !

  • StinkyTurdStinkyTurd Registered User regular
    hmm thinking of bringing some deception murder hong kong and coup. Would anyone be interested in me bringing the dark souls tabletop game? i backed it on kickstarter but have yet to get a chance to actually play it.

  • CabooseCaboose Event Manager TexasRegistered User regular
    StinkyTurd wrote: »
    hmm thinking of bringing some deception murder hong kong and coup. Would anyone be interested in me bringing the dark souls tabletop game? i backed it on kickstarter but have yet to get a chance to actually play it.

    I would love to see someone flip a table out of frustration, yes.

  • japesterjapester Registered User regular
    Heh. Reviews of Dark Souls do show a lot of disagreement. Some say it requires house rules to be enjoyable, but others seem to like it just fine. I'd like to take a peek at the components, but if I'm going to be punished by a dark, depressing game I'll stick to Kingdom Death: Monster. That's more than enough darkness for my life. LOL

    Since the content of KD:M is often misrepresented in the media, let me reassure any family types that nothing objectionable will be on display if I bring my copy. The core game is mostly PG, with a few (relatively tasteful) R-rated images contained in the rule book. The more outrageous monsters are in the expansions, and the really over-the-top sexy stuff are non-gameplay pinups people purchase separately just to paint. To be clear, it isn't a game for kids, but there's almost zero chance of accidentally seeing something inappropriate.

    If anyone is at all curious, please stop by and say hello. I'm learning the game myself, and will likely have two from my group joining up with us. That leaves at least one or two spots at the table for people who want to participate in showdowns. Though, to be honest, the game works best as a communal venture where everyone takes part in decisions. There is no character ownership, per se. And people can drop in/out at will without affecting things. I will respectfully ask that any experienced players please steer clear and resist the urge to coach. I'm still discovering the game, and I'd rather make mistakes and keep it fresh for all involved. :)

  • StinkyTurdStinkyTurd Registered User regular
    japester wrote: »
    Heh. Reviews of Dark Souls do show a lot of disagreement. Some say it requires house rules to be enjoyable, but others seem to like it just fine. I'd like to take a peek at the components, but if I'm going to be punished by a dark, depressing game I'll stick to Kingdom Death: Monster. That's more than enough darkness for my life. LOL

    Since the content of KD:M is often misrepresented in the media, let me reassure any family types that nothing objectionable will be on display if I bring my copy. The core game is mostly PG, with a few (relatively tasteful) R-rated images contained in the rule book. The more outrageous monsters are in the expansions, and the really over-the-top sexy stuff are non-gameplay pinups people purchase separately just to paint. To be clear, it isn't a game for kids, but there's almost zero chance of accidentally seeing something inappropriate.

    If anyone is at all curious, please stop by and say hello. I'm learning the game myself, and will likely have two from my group joining up with us. That leaves at least one or two spots at the table for people who want to participate in showdowns. Though, to be honest, the game works best as a communal venture where everyone takes part in decisions. There is no character ownership, per se. And people can drop in/out at will without affecting things. I will respectfully ask that any experienced players please steer clear and resist the urge to coach. I'm still discovering the game, and I'd rather make mistakes and keep it fresh for all involved. :)

    Hmmm I may join you all I've done was play through the first tutorial fight awhile back on tabletop simulator and have wanted to give it another go.

  • japesterjapester Registered User regular
    StinkyTurd wrote: »
    Hmmm I may join you all I've done was play through the first tutorial fight awhile back on tabletop simulator and have wanted to give it another go.

    The more the merrier. We'll be starting from scratch, but in our regular meetup we did the Prologue and the Settlement phase before stopping, so about the same as you. That Prologue ended in a rather hilarious and spectacular fashion, so we are all itching to dive back in. LOL

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