[FFRK] An honest to goodness Global collab with Kingdom Hearts! 2/22



  • FryFry Registered User regular
    So for long-term players, it looks like all stamina potions should go towards farming Power crystals, and all regular stamina should go towards farming Black and Power crystals on the days they're up. Pretty much what I was doing anyway, but the new abilities just reinforce that.

    It's too bad they made Power the main crystal type for all of the new abilities, I was really hoping they would realize the existing massive imbalance in crystal costs, like they eventually did for 5* abilities, and introduce some abilities with costs like wind/lightning/non or ice/holy/dark, etc.

  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    Fry wrote: »
    So for long-term players, it looks like all stamina potions should go towards farming Power crystals, and all regular stamina should go towards farming Black and Power crystals on the days they're up. Pretty much what I was doing anyway, but the new abilities just reinforce that.

    It's too bad they made Power the main crystal type for all of the new abilities, I was really hoping they would realize the existing massive imbalance in crystal costs, like they eventually did for 5* abilities, and introduce some abilities with costs like wind/lightning/non or ice/holy/dark, etc.

    You can always punt on the useless abilities and... not impact the need for power crystals in any way, but sure won't need any non elemental ones!

  • chrisnlchrisnl Registered User regular
    I don't really care if the crystal costs of abilities are balanced or not, as long as they are at least somewhat in line with the rate we acquire crystals. For 5* motes we pretty much get them at an even rate, so balancing the costs between mote types makes sense. For crystals I'm pretty sure the event rewards have been biased towards power a decent amount, as I have spent more power than any other type and they are still tied for 4th place in how many I have currently. Additionally, we can influence our crystal acquisition rate, which we cannot do with 5* motes as those are solely available as stage rewards.

    That said, I doubt the event rewards are going to reflect the costs completely accurately, which is unfortunate.

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    I think five star mote rate is going to drop like a stone now that all torments are done and we are maximum distance from a fest.

    Also we get a ton of crystals for beating four star magicite. If that is a thing you can do.

    38thDoE on steam
  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    38thDoe wrote: »
    I think five star mote rate is going to drop like a stone now that all torments are done and we are maximum distance from a fest.

    Also we get a ton of crystals for beating four star magicite. If that is a thing you can do.

    Jump start is our 5* mote source for now, until torments come back.

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Right, so we are down to 30/week or one dive every two months assuming ever event has a jumpstart. I don't think we get a jump start with this event.

    38thDoE on steam
  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited January 2018
    38thDoe wrote: »
    I think five star mote rate is going to drop like a stone now that all torments are done and we are maximum distance from a fest.

    Also we get a ton of crystals for beating four star magicite. If that is a thing you can do.

    Only 30 crystals each if you master them all, not counting the 30 sec reward, although what gives what doesn't always make sense. Kraken, for example, gives 15x White, Holy, and Earth, and 1 Summon for 30 sec. Marilith and Tiamat both give 15 power crystals for mastery, but no others do, and obviously, power isn't farmable from any of them if you can 30 sec.
    Jragghen wrote: »
    38thDoe wrote: »
    I think five star mote rate is going to drop like a stone now that all torments are done and we are maximum distance from a fest.

    Also we get a ton of crystals for beating four star magicite. If that is a thing you can do.

    Jump start is our 5* mote source for now, until torments come back.

    Monthly Crystal Tower as well. Fests also give out chunks.

    There's also a bunch of weird mini events in the timeline, but I'm not sure the rewards on them. Extreme training (Zero throttle stuff), 'Endless' Archeoaevis/Tonberry, etc.

    ArcTangent on
  • GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    Jragghen wrote: »
    38thDoe wrote: »
    I think five star mote rate is going to drop like a stone now that all torments are done and we are maximum distance from a fest.

    Also we get a ton of crystals for beating four star magicite. If that is a thing you can do.

    Jump start is our 5* mote source for now, until torments come back.

    I think Crystal Tower gives them out faster honestly. There are 5 types which means most months we get more from it than Jump Starts. Especially when not all events have them. Only accelerates everything a little bit, but it doesn't hurt.

  • Gnome-InterruptusGnome-Interruptus Registered User regular
    So for crystals farming.

    What is the easiest way to do FFKReeper

    Emulator or wifi iPad?

    MWO: Adamski
  • FryFry Registered User regular
    edited January 2018
    Assuming you can put together the four non-overlapping teams needed to do Crystal Towers the "proper" way, you average a bit less than 60 5* motes of each type per month: monthly Crystal Tower missions give 30 motes of each type, and there should be a new Jump Start most weeks for 30 motes of one type (on a fairly balanced rotation).

    Fry on
  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited January 2018
    So for crystals farming.

    What is the easiest way to do FFKReeper

    Emulator or wifi iPad?

    Drop trackers don't help at all for crystal farming. You can't S/L to get magic pot spawns. It's only really useful for farming majors from Torments, and for farming specific magicite drops from magicites.

    ArcTangent on
  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Oops forgot crystal tower. Shouldn't they run tower to tower? Why this long gap?

    38thDoE on steam
  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    theres always a gap because the event only last 2? weeks but they're every month.

    the current gap is longer than usual because of the festival crystal tower though iirc.

  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    The more I think about Yuffie USB the more I like it going into Marilith. I was really not looking forward to not having Gathering Storm on my healers due to first turn AOE, and Yuffie's USB very neatly solves that problem since I can just put Mako Might on her instead to heal the initial damage away.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited January 2018
    38thDoe wrote: »
    Oops forgot crystal tower. Shouldn't they run tower to tower? Why this long gap?

    DeNA's bad at schedules. It's supposedly coming on Tuesday though.
    Deathguise (FF9)
    Vinuskar (FF12)
    Ultima Weapon (FF6)
    Atlas (FF13)

    Atlas is the powered up one. Lost his ice resist, speed/power increased so his AoE dispel spam is all the more fun. Supposedly much easier than the last one, and especially the next one, although I'm not sure how much of that is because Type-0's Shinryuu is the headliner, and starts out as a huge pain in the ass even before getting ubered up.

    Actually, checking the last update datadump, the next Crystal Tower's stuff isn't in it. So new maintenance and data dump should probably come Monday or Tuesday.

    ArcTangent on
  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Running through the Nightmares with the alt account and ugh, I forgot how annoying these gimmick fights can be.

  • DarklyreDarklyre Registered User regular
    Aegis wrote: »
    The more I think about Yuffie USB the more I like it going into Marilith. I was really not looking forward to not having Gathering Storm on my healers due to first turn AOE, and Yuffie's USB very neatly solves that problem since I can just put Mako Might on her instead to heal the initial damage away.

    What I like about it is that because Tidus runs up his chain so quickly, I never have to bother using Yuffie's BSB for the aura first. Her ninja skills and USB immediately cap once his chain gets going.

  • GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    So I did a couple pulls on the water banner because my water strength is laughable at best. Well, at least compared to other elements. I walked away with Yuffie BSB2 and USB as well as Rydia BSB2. I think I came out pretty well overall. Nothing I was aiming for, naturally, but I think useful stuff overall. I have tried since forever to get anything for Rydia. She was one of my zero SB 99s. I dunno how useful the dang thing will be, but it doesn't hurt to have it.

    Yuffie has me confused though. This is mainly for trying to get a sub 30 Liquid Flame. I am uncertain which one offers more damage overall. Eyeballing it I would say her BSB, but I appear to over value imperil's based on the discussions I see here. Her -def attached to the USB would normally be a factor, but clearly not for my intended target. I dunno thread. Help me. Am I over valuing the buff from BSB + imperil vs a dual break, heal, and more initial damage?

  • LeeksLeeks Registered User regular
    I have both Yuffies BSB1 (I think) and USB, in my sub 30 Liquid Flame runs I almost never touch the BSB. But I also have Tidus and Bartz tearing things up, so what Yuffie does with meter isn't all that important, either one is going to let me hit the sub 30 mark so I go with the instant cast.

  • GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    I think I am going to have to do a major overhaul of my team with all of this from what you are saying. I am currently running my standard OK, Ramza, Aphmau combo, but that leaves me replacing either Bartz or Paine/Tidus to slip her in. Hum. Many ideas.

  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Finally plugged my abilities with desired hones into a spreadsheet and worked out how many orbs I'd need.

    *starts crying*

    Well, time to re-evaluate my wants, because THIS sure as hell ain't happening.

    ...I should probably also plug in upcoming abilities (looking at YOU, earth ninja....and maybe the upcoming 6* stuff) just so I can feel even worse.

    On the topic of job mote abilities - none of the new 6*s use job motes, right? I'm not going to start buying to shatter YET, but just looking at some of them, I don't entirely get the value.

    Snowspell strike - real good, pity I don't have anyone who's oriented towards spellblades
    Sky High - only becomes powerful in what's basically a full Dragoon team. Who ever runs those? Aerial Dive is almost as strong without the ally multiplier. Don't get the point.
    Lifebane - worth having if you've got a good monk, primarily because you can only have one Omega Drive.
    Mug Bloodlust - Straight up good.
    Aegis Strike - Still don't get how damage scaling works on this, but it looks like Guardbringer with 4 hits actually hits harder, it's just AoE. I can think of a grand total of one fight that'd be useful for (FFT Torment), but there's other ways to handle that.
    Demonsblood - Another "AoE in a class where a 5* hits single harder". Retaliate is 15s, but still. Hailstorm seems straight-up better.
    Stitch in Time is good.
    Allegro con Moto is good (but weirdly I have yet to field a team and actually use it extensively)
    Penalty Snipe - Straight-up bad. 5* ones hit harder unless the enemy has a status effect, who has those anymore? Seriously considering grabbing some just to shatter here.

  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    The new spellblade 6* abilities just make me sad that Lightning isn't Spellblade 5 base.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    edited January 2018
    Demonsblood has its uses. Mug bloodlust is less important because we have a dance that does that now. Well it doesn't buff but that's not usually the important part anymore.

    They made up the abilities while drunk and went with it. That some are usable is unintended.

    38thDoe on
    38thDoE on steam
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    edited January 2018
    38thDoe wrote: »
    Demonsblood has its uses. Mug bloodlust is less important because we have a dance that does that now. Well it doesn't buff but that's not usually the important part anymore.

    They made up the abilities while drunk and went with it. That some are usable is unintended.

    Not so on Mug Bloodlust. It mugs ATK/DEF. the new dances are ATK/MAG or DEF/RES. If you need an extra ATK or DEF break, or your thief needs an extra layer of ATK buff and you can't get that from Steal Power, it's plenty viable, as it stacks with the dances.

    Enlong on
  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    38thDoe wrote: »
    Demonsblood has its uses. Mug bloodlust is less important because we have a dance that does that now. Well it doesn't buff but that's not usually the important part anymore.

    They made up the abilities while drunk and went with it. That some are usable is unintended.

    I use Mug Bloodlust all the time. It's aces on Vaan, or whatever the thief of the realm is. I use Demonsblood basically never.

  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Sidenote, in one of the hone discussion threads, someone made an observation which I've thought about.

    Relics are obviously super important. And you can get a ton of utility out of a single draw, if you get a lot of relics. Or you could get next to nothing with a bad 1/11. Now weigh that against 50 refreshes of running dailies to get orbs and high hones of abilities.

    50 refreshes is a lot of orbs.

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    edited January 2018
    Did they forget the cid missions AGAIN?
    ArcTangent wrote: »
    38thDoe wrote: »
    Demonsblood has its uses. Mug bloodlust is less important because we have a dance that does that now. Well it doesn't buff but that's not usually the important part anymore.

    They made up the abilities while drunk and went with it. That some are usable is unintended.

    I use Mug Bloodlust all the time. It's aces on Vaan, or whatever the thief of the realm is. I use Demonsblood basically never.

    I guess abilities are only as good as the characters who could use them. I never had a good thief so never even made Mug Bloodlust as you can probably tell. Orlandu and Cloud make good use of Demonblood. Only way I was able to pass the FF IV Asura and Leviathan Tag team was Orlandu and Demonblood.

    38thDoe on
    38thDoE on steam
  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Alright, Thursday new event let's do this.

    2 seconds later

    Welp. Here's to next week I guess.

  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    Two entire mythril, be still my beating heart

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited January 2018
    Don't do any of the things now. They've fucked up the CMs again. Every dungeon's supposed to have them.

    Instead, we got the CM for the upcoming FF14 event in a month.

    Also, it's new dungeons every day.


    This wasn't supposed to be an event on its own, so whomp whomp

    ArcTangent on
  • JavenJaven Registered User regular
    The music hall is great and I love it

    ...we’re never going to get more after this event, are we

  • BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    Just had 3 magic pots in a row, farmed a good 12 power crystals today my lucks been off the chain

    100 gemmed Tiny Bee

    It keeps happening (I warned you about bees bro)

  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    ....I'd actually be happy to 100 gem a Tiny Bee, at this point.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Javen wrote: »
    The music hall is great and I love it

    ...we’re never going to get more after this event, are we

    Hell, we don't even have the music we collected in the BRA BRA events.

  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    The music hall is great and I love it

    ...we’re never going to get more after this event, are we

    Hell, we don't even have the music we collected in the BRA BRA events.

    Future fests have music record dungeons. I know the Christmas (summer for us) one did. Not sure if the 3rd anniversary did or not. Doesn't look like it though.

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    I am not sure why I'm constantly surprised by how little they care about Global. It should be just port over this event. Now port the next one over. Now the next one. How do you drop all these Cid Missions, Legend Dives, Memory Crystals, Multiplayer Fights, etc? Hire one guy for an hour a week, have his job be checking the reddit to see what we should get. Seriously!

    38thDoE on steam
  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    And now I got started reading upcoming abilities in Enlir's spreadsheet. :P

    Stats on the new spellblade abilities are out.

    Explosion Strike is p4.4/4 Fire/Earth
    Rainstorm Strike is p4.4/4 Water/Lit
    Scorching Godstrike is p4.5/5 Fire

    Aside from having a cooler name, Scorching Godstrike doesn't seem more useful than Explosion Strike (I guess fifth hit for chains and if you're capping). They're all just a straight upgrade to the p3.2/4 5* abilities, so given I'm not spellblade oriented at the moment, probably not going to bother honing the 5*s more than I have.

    Do we always get the 5* abilities that come out with events? Seems to happen anymore.

    Other idle thoughts:
    Icicle Rush is weaker than Gaia/Burning Rush. Or are they all nerfed when it comes out?
    Saber abilities seem counterproductive - knights have high DEF, and the bringers hit harder with higher def. Better to aim for higher def and more damage, right? I guess they don't require DEF setup, but still.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    I'm interested in Assault Saber.

    I use WOL for his Holy chain, but I always have Guardbringer on a different Knight; one who has a Sentinel command or soul break. So a 5-hit Holy attack that doesn't require the same setup as Guardbringer would immensely improve his power output in my team.

  • ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    Jragghen wrote: »
    And now I got started reading upcoming abilities in Enlir's spreadsheet. :P

    Stats on the new spellblade abilities are out.

    Explosion Strike is p4.4/4 Fire/Earth
    Rainstorm Strike is p4.4/4 Water/Lit
    Scorching Godstrike is p4.5/5 Fire

    Aside from having a cooler name, Scorching Godstrike doesn't seem more useful than Explosion Strike (I guess fifth hit for chains and if you're capping). They're all just a straight upgrade to the p3.2/4 5* abilities, so given I'm not spellblade oriented at the moment, probably not going to bother honing the 5*s more than I have.

    Do we always get the 5* abilities that come out with events? Seems to happen anymore.

    Other idle thoughts:
    Icicle Rush is weaker than Gaia/Burning Rush. Or are they all nerfed when it comes out?
    Saber abilities seem counterproductive - knights have high DEF, and the bringers hit harder with higher def. Better to aim for higher def and more damage, right? I guess they don't require DEF setup, but still.

    Icicle Rush has the same multiplier as Gaia/Burning Rush originally did. They were buffed... before it was released. It's almost certainly an oversight that has just persistently gone uncorrected.

  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    I'm interested in Assault Saber.

    I use WOL for his Holy chain, but I always have Guardbringer on a different Knight; one who has a Sentinel command or soul break. So a 5-hit Holy attack that doesn't require the same setup as Guardbringer would immensely improve his power output in my team.

    And thus it makes sense to me, and I realize a 5 hit Earth attack would be great for my chain as well, since with ONLY the chain getting ingus to 4 is hard anyway. So that's that!

This discussion has been closed.