Hidden Forum Agrees/Awesomes Taking Up Profile Page Space
i would imagine this is a pretty unimportant concern all told, but i figured i'd mention it in case it's a problem in some way
if you go to your profile and try to browse the Agrees or Awesomes pages, you lose the ability to click "next page" when it hits Agrees/Awesomes that were given in the holiday forums
later pages can be manually accessed through putting in the proper URL
“Agree” still shows a bunch of posts, as normal.
That makes sense though
That was just the timing of things. Your Awesomes that were now hidden took up the whole first "page" of your Awesome post list.
You've since received another Awesome, so you can see it show up.
You still have the problem of not being able to go onto the next page, though, so you'll have to do the URL hack as OP said. (For example, add "&Page=p10" to the end of the Awesome page in your profile.)
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