Do you love someone, and want to talk about it? Platonically, romantically, it's all good. This is the thread for you.
Are you looking for love? Platonic or romantic, this is also the thread for you. We can commiserate, help you set up or tweak your dating profile, even give you hot tips for dates*.
Wanna talk about being British, or stuff going on in the UK right now? This is, weirdly enough, also the thread for you.
If you're looking to discuss awful tabletop roleplaying systems, gross reddit posts, or controversial alcohols ...maybe find another thread.
Anyway I love you all and hope your quests for love in your own lives are all going well.
*Advice not guaranteed to be useful, or even good.
Is dating someone out of boredom bad? Probably.
Sounds like maybe seeking platonic companionship would be a healthier option at the moment. Friends can help with boredom and loneliness too
Edit: I guess I shouldn't assume your dating goals are romantic. Platonic dates are totally a thing and are, in fact, awesome
I will have my revenge.
I want you to know that when I saw your thread was immediately modlocked, I laughed hard.
I do need more good friends, all my good friends moved away and I'm left with mediocre friends.
I don't even think it needs to be platonic. As long as people are upfront about it, the "I'm not looking for anything more than some good times, companionship, and maybe some sex. " dating scene is okay. Or just friends is cool. As long as people are upfront is the big key.
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
An old fool, yes
She's cute and fun, and she's doing a PhD in bionanochemistry. Which is really interesting! I asked her about it and she was surprised and said most guys don't want to know or find it a turn off that she's a real science expert.
Clearly these "guys" are fucking losers is what it is. She also has a kitten that is called Kylo, apparently he whines a lot. Suitable really.
"No Mr. Zonugal, I expect you to love!"
no you won't
I haven't been totally anxiety free but it's been surprisingly good overall, especially considering some of my stresses (esp. job-hunting related nervousness) have felt nearly permanent
One of the best things I've done for myself in the last few months (actually just before the break started) has been totally cutting idle clicker games out of my life altogether because those fuckers were ruining my mental health
Dude's responding with Frasier Crane and Sideshow Bob, he clearly knows any revenge he enacts will hurt himself far more than any of us.
At one point she said something like "what are you going to tell your kids when one day they ask for the story about [x]" and started to tell her I probably wasn't going to have any kids but decided the conversation had gone on long enough and that would only start it up again
Anyway guys who's ready to get tanked this weekend
So someone else!
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
Oof. I had a similar thing with my mom recently where she was talking about inheriting my grandmother's wedding ring for me to use someday and I really didn't have it in me to broach the subject that while, yes, in the circumstance that I'd have reason to use it, that would genuinely mean a lot to me, I'm not entirely comfortable with the assumption that 1) I will definitely get married someday and 2) it will be to a woman.
I have a whole 12-pack of Cherry Coke Zero ready to go!
Also some peach sparkling water.
She was talking about goats, you dope
Yeah but goats don't care if a story is true, they just want it to be fun.
Alas I am in North Carolina for New Year's and not NoVA or I'd actually offer to buy you a drink
Once again you have me confused with @Gustav
I love a warm shower on a cold day.
Oh also I have been messing around with free software synths in Reaper and that's fun.
I kind of want to get a cheap midi keyboard and a license for reaper to really dive in to trying to make music this way.
Oh also I closed my OKcupid account since that shit was getting annoying to use, what is the new hotness to look for dates that isn't a tinder clone? I don't do first impressions through pictures that well.
I hardly even message people who I already know and am friends with.
That's pretty gruff
Then one day I'll just stop and be normal and we'll see how it reacts.
Good luck. I'm currently a spooky uncle (or maybe a spooky godfather, nobody is quite sure), but I don't really have plans to ever stop being spooky so I'm gonna miss out on that second bit.
Oh my god you should visit one day and be my spooky dead husband.
I've always had better luck than that but I send a pretty low volume of messages. I think I get almost a 20 percent response rate but I send only like 5 a year total at most.
once I get a response though it goes to half that in actual continuous conversations. and I've gotten maybe 2 dates ever because even after a conversation is going I don't know how to ask someone out.
Yeah, they SUCK!
But the girl I messaged sent me back a message saying it a postponement was totally cool.
So, yay!
Some to the same person in an attempt to strike up a conversation
Like I said I tired, I failed, I now go to the undying lands to the west