Yeah someone wanted to know what both sides were there. Youtube's position is to make more money they want the none logan paul/pewdie pies off their platform.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Well, specifically I wanted to know what arguments in favor of YouTube @RenegadePhantom thinks deserve to be heard, since his complaint is that both sides aren't represented.
I remember a comic about "res", or how PA was going to move into the world of higher res. I guess it was in 2005. And now... I could not see what it was the Youtube was eating. I thought it was a sack of money. But it was supposed to be a kitten?
I remember a comic about "res", or how PA was going to move into the world of higher res. I guess it was in 2005. And now... I could not see what it was the Youtube was eating. I thought it was a sack of money. But it was supposed to be a kitten?
Today's comic was 2,099 x 1,052 pixels. Which is more pixels than my monitor even shows at one time.
You're mixing up resolution (or "res") with how big they present it on screen.
So, what is the "token gesture" they're referring here? Did Youtube un-banned James Yeager? There's no Tycho Text yet this morning, so I cannot know.
They canceled some of Logan Paul's shows (or just one I forget how many youtube red shows he has/had) and then in the aftermath put out a release they are demonetizing small channels further if you don't meet youtube arbitrary guidelines.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
So, what is the "token gesture" they're referring here? Did Youtube un-banned James Yeager? There's no Tycho Text yet this morning, so I cannot know.
They canceled some of Logan Paul's shows (or just one I forget how many youtube red shows he has/had) and then in the aftermath put out a release they are demonetizing small channels further if you don't meet youtube arbitrary guidelines.
From what I understand, Youtube has been quick to blame its recent problems (ad-pocalypse auto-demonetizing LGBT channels, procedurally generated dummy videos full of kid-ad-friendly keywords) on its automated "algorithm," which I suppose is true, in a sense - people are learning how to trick the algorithm to achieve their goals of targeted cyberbullying/harassment of LGBT creators and/or scamming ad-revenue. So Youtube's solution has been to just change the monetization rules for all channels to get rid of the scam channels, (sweeping up smaller creators in the process), rather than make the algorithm less exploitable or (gasp) having humans do the job instead.
So, what is the "token gesture" they're referring here? Did Youtube un-banned James Yeager? There's no Tycho Text yet this morning, so I cannot know.
They canceled some of Logan Paul's shows (or just one I forget how many youtube red shows he has/had) and then in the aftermath put out a release they are demonetizing small channels further if you don't meet youtube arbitrary guidelines.
From what I understand, Youtube has been quick to blame its recent problems (ad-pocalypse auto-demonetizing LGBT channels, procedurally generated dummy videos full of kid-ad-friendly keywords) on its automated "algorithm," which I suppose is true, in a sense - people are learning how to trick the algorithm to achieve their goals of targeted cyberbullying/harassment of LGBT creators and/or scamming ad-revenue. So Youtube's solution has been to just change the monetization rules for all channels to get rid of the scam channels, (sweeping up smaller creators in the process), rather than make the algorithm less exploitable or (gasp) having humans do the job instead.
That may be the spin, but the truth of the matter is youtube wants less small channels taking up space from their mega content producers. If they can mask the decision behind getting rid of hate speech and spammers so be it.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
So, what is the "token gesture" they're referring here? Did Youtube un-banned James Yeager? There's no Tycho Text yet this morning, so I cannot know. know how Gabe and Tycho occasionally make fun of traditional editorial cartoons for labelling everything?
This is one of those strips that goes in the opposite direction so far I'm not entirely sure what the hell they're going on about.
I think the crux of the problem is that if you need those labels (not out of stupidity but just from it being outside your general knowledge-zone), you're still not really going to get it. At least not in a way that you'll really enjoy the comic anyway.
I mean, the comic is titled "Tubethumping" and you've got a giant logo for youtube behind a figure sitting on stacks of gold, talking about the problems he has with people using his platform. *shrug*
I've always pictured Youtube HQ as this immense underground server lair filled with miles upon miles of wire running through huge tunnels carved deep in the earth and at the center of it all a single poor armless, legless, mouthless customer service representative trying their futile best to convince Youtube's AI to have a shred of mercy and just end it.
So, what is the "token gesture" they're referring here? Did Youtube un-banned James Yeager? There's no Tycho Text yet this morning, so I cannot know.
They canceled some of Logan Paul's shows (or just one I forget how many youtube red shows he has/had) and then in the aftermath put out a release they are demonetizing small channels further if you don't meet youtube arbitrary guidelines.
From what I understand, Youtube has been quick to blame its recent problems (ad-pocalypse auto-demonetizing LGBT channels, procedurally generated dummy videos full of kid-ad-friendly keywords) on its automated "algorithm," which I suppose is true, in a sense - people are learning how to trick the algorithm to achieve their goals of targeted cyberbullying/harassment of LGBT creators and/or scamming ad-revenue. So Youtube's solution has been to just change the monetization rules for all channels to get rid of the scam channels, (sweeping up smaller creators in the process), rather than make the algorithm less exploitable or (gasp) having humans do the job instead.
That may be the spin, but the truth of the matter is youtube wants less small channels taking up space from their mega content producers. If they can mask the decision behind getting rid of hate speech and spammers so be it.
I seriously doubt that. You have to look at the trend of HOW their mega-content producers were created, and they all started off small. Shooting down small channels would be burning their potential for a future, and death knells for YT as a whole. Mega channels will eventually decline; things come and go. For instance, I watched GMM for years. I have stopped watching them. The bigger they get, the more their content feels recycled and formulaic. Which is probably because it HAS become recycled and formulaic, instead of two guys chatting and goofing off, with only a modest expectation of success. I don't have anything against them, but success genuinely does ruin some things and some people. I don't see GMM staying at the height of popularity they've obtained.
Things must come and go. They wouldn't want to shoot down everything that might be coming up. They just don't know what to do in the face of some of their biggest cash cows- cows they absolutely NEED- decide to become monstrous douchebags. They are flailing.
I've always pictured Youtube HQ as this immense underground server lair filled with miles upon miles of wire running through huge tunnels carved deep in the earth and at the center of it all a single poor armless, legless, mouthless customer service representative trying their futile best to convince Youtube's AI to have a shred of mercy and just end it.
Personally, I just imagine that AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is in charge of the whole thing
So, what is the "token gesture" they're referring here? Did Youtube un-banned James Yeager? There's no Tycho Text yet this morning, so I cannot know.
They canceled some of Logan Paul's shows (or just one I forget how many youtube red shows he has/had) and then in the aftermath put out a release they are demonetizing small channels further if you don't meet youtube arbitrary guidelines.
From what I understand, Youtube has been quick to blame its recent problems (ad-pocalypse auto-demonetizing LGBT channels, procedurally generated dummy videos full of kid-ad-friendly keywords) on its automated "algorithm," which I suppose is true, in a sense - people are learning how to trick the algorithm to achieve their goals of targeted cyberbullying/harassment of LGBT creators and/or scamming ad-revenue. So Youtube's solution has been to just change the monetization rules for all channels to get rid of the scam channels, (sweeping up smaller creators in the process), rather than make the algorithm less exploitable or (gasp) having humans do the job instead.
That may be the spin, but the truth of the matter is youtube wants less small channels taking up space from their mega content producers. If they can mask the decision behind getting rid of hate speech and spammers so be it.
I seriously doubt that. You have to look at the trend of HOW their mega-content producers were created, and they all started off small. Shooting down small channels would be burning their potential for a future, and death knells for YT as a whole. Mega channels will eventually decline; things come and go. For instance, I watched GMM for years. I have stopped watching them. The bigger they get, the more their content feels recycled and formulaic. Which is probably because it HAS become recycled and formulaic, instead of two guys chatting and goofing off, with only a modest expectation of success. I don't have anything against them, but success genuinely does ruin some things and some people. I don't see GMM staying at the height of popularity they've obtained.
Things must come and go. They wouldn't want to shoot down everything that might be coming up. They just don't know what to do in the face of some of their biggest cash cows- cows they absolutely NEED- decide to become monstrous douchebags. They are flailing.
Wouldn't be the first time a company killed long term growth for short term gains. Penny smart and dollar stupid and all that. I mean this new plan hurts small streamers effectively putting a huge barrier for making it a viable choice for anyone who doesn't have a pre built audience. And its having ripple effects on even mid tier people. A streamer I watch that is above the reqs recently opened a twitch dual stream because youtube with this move is signaling its not if its when the numbers raise up and only the logan paul worthy numbers can get monetization.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
So, what is the "token gesture" they're referring here? Did Youtube un-banned James Yeager? There's no Tycho Text yet this morning, so I cannot know.
They canceled some of Logan Paul's shows (or just one I forget how many youtube red shows he has/had) and then in the aftermath put out a release they are demonetizing small channels further if you don't meet youtube arbitrary guidelines.
From what I understand, Youtube has been quick to blame its recent problems (ad-pocalypse auto-demonetizing LGBT channels, procedurally generated dummy videos full of kid-ad-friendly keywords) on its automated "algorithm," which I suppose is true, in a sense - people are learning how to trick the algorithm to achieve their goals of targeted cyberbullying/harassment of LGBT creators and/or scamming ad-revenue. So Youtube's solution has been to just change the monetization rules for all channels to get rid of the scam channels, (sweeping up smaller creators in the process), rather than make the algorithm less exploitable or (gasp) having humans do the job instead.
That may be the spin, but the truth of the matter is youtube wants less small channels taking up space from their mega content producers. If they can mask the decision behind getting rid of hate speech and spammers so be it.
I seriously doubt that. You have to look at the trend of HOW their mega-content producers were created, and they all started off small. Shooting down small channels would be burning their potential for a future, and death knells for YT as a whole. Mega channels will eventually decline; things come and go. For instance, I watched GMM for years. I have stopped watching them. The bigger they get, the more their content feels recycled and formulaic. Which is probably because it HAS become recycled and formulaic, instead of two guys chatting and goofing off, with only a modest expectation of success. I don't have anything against them, but success genuinely does ruin some things and some people. I don't see GMM staying at the height of popularity they've obtained.
Things must come and go. They wouldn't want to shoot down everything that might be coming up. They just don't know what to do in the face of some of their biggest cash cows- cows they absolutely NEED- decide to become monstrous douchebags. They are flailing.
Wouldn't be the first time a company killed long term growth for short term gains. Penny smart and dollar stupid and all that. I mean this new plan hurts small streamers effectively putting a huge barrier for making it a viable choice for anyone who doesn't have a pre built audience. And its having ripple effects on even mid tier people. A streamer I watch that is above the reqs recently opened a twitch dual stream because youtube with this move is signaling its not if its when the numbers raise up and only the logan paul worthy numbers can get monetization.
Dont forget Patreon recently tried to fuck over all of it's minor earners too.
No big business wants to actually have to serve its smaller customers. If each of the little guys requires 1/5 of a tech support dude or CSR, but each whale requires only 1 or 2, and the whale is bringing in 1000x (or more) revenue...
No big business wants to actually have to serve its smaller customers. If each of the little guys requires 1/5 of a tech support dude or CSR, but each whale requires only 1 or 2, and the whale is bringing in 1000x (or more) revenue...
Which is a workable approach in a blind market where all those customer entities operate in an information vacuum and have no influence over each other. (Or they are fed misinformation to the same end effect)
From what I understand Youtube is busy engaging in demonetizing any videos they determine don't meet their arbitrary guidelines, without notifying the creator it has been demonetized until the creator notices ad revenue has significantly dropped. This has been sending out waves through the streamer crowd especially, because it also seems as though the larger channels are being left alone. To sum things up
No big business wants to actually have to serve its smaller customers. If each of the little guys requires 1/5 of a tech support dude or CSR, but each whale requires only 1 or 2, and the whale is bringing in 1000x (or more) revenue...
It's a mixed bag, like where I work we serve 1 customer, and not even all of the customer, just a small subsection of that customer. If they ever decide we suck and bounce us, that wipes out the business. So basing the business on whales is nice, unless the whales decide to go somewhere else, you don't have the wide base to absorb the shock.
I seriously doubt that. You have to look at the trend of HOW their mega-content producers were created, and they all started off small.
I suspect the point is, they must want to transition away from the organic model. I think Kizuna AI didn't start off small. She always was financed for a year or so and if she didn't reach millions of subscribers in that time, she would be canceled. This is the sort of thing Youtube needs to reach their revenue goals. This model works for TV.
I seriously doubt that. You have to look at the trend of HOW their mega-content producers were created, and they all started off small.
I suspect the point is, they must want to transition away from the organic model. I think Kizuna AI didn't start off small. She always was financed for a year or so and if she didn't reach millions of subscribers in that time, she would be canceled. This is the sort of thing Youtube needs to reach their revenue goals. This model works for TV.
But YouTube is (could be?) fundamentally different from TV. It's not like NBC with its finite number of timeslots (or having to spend any money to fill them). YouTube can't promote everything, but the main value of a mostly automated, digitally distributed, and infinitely scaling system should be working at every level. Why wouldn't smaller advertizers match up with smaller makers? Or even have big advertizers pay less when their ads are seen by smaller numbers. If The Long Tail is at all real, you'd think YouTube could make lots of money on the small sums going to the huge majority of small creators. I would guess there is some place where the scaling breaks (probably in getting advertizers to go small), so they don't. Google isn't exactly known for hiring people bad at math.
From what I understand Youtube is busy engaging in demonetizing any videos they determine don't meet their arbitrary guidelines, without notifying the creator it has been demonetized until the creator notices ad revenue has significantly dropped. This has been sending out waves through the streamer crowd especially, because it also seems as though the larger channels are being left alone. To sum things up
The small creators are fighting back! Come join a revolution!
I made myself sad by going to the youtube page for the video and seeing "727 views" for this video. From four days ago.
Maybe it might brighten your day to know it's a little over 1000 views now and is on an upward trend.
That really doesn't matter to YouTube. Bear in mind the clown that caused this latest drama has millions of followers and a similar amount of views.
It's clear who YouTube is wanting to protect.
Just like they were with Pewdie. They smacked his hand for the racism and side line nazi advocation. But in the end they'll wait for the furor to die down and then put him back on you tube red.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
What's the other side here?
Youtube as a business wants to make more money.
I think that’s pretty well represented in the comic.
Today's comic was 2,099 x 1,052 pixels. Which is more pixels than my monitor even shows at one time.
You're mixing up resolution (or "res") with how big they present it on screen.
They canceled some of Logan Paul's shows (or just one I forget how many youtube red shows he has/had) and then in the aftermath put out a release they are demonetizing small channels further if you don't meet youtube arbitrary guidelines. know how Gabe and Tycho occasionally make fun of traditional editorial cartoons for labelling everything?
This is one of those strips that goes in the opposite direction so far I'm not entirely sure what the hell they're going on about.
From what I understand, Youtube has been quick to blame its recent problems (ad-pocalypse auto-demonetizing LGBT channels, procedurally generated dummy videos full of kid-ad-friendly keywords) on its automated "algorithm," which I suppose is true, in a sense - people are learning how to trick the algorithm to achieve their goals of targeted cyberbullying/harassment of LGBT creators and/or scamming ad-revenue. So Youtube's solution has been to just change the monetization rules for all channels to get rid of the scam channels, (sweeping up smaller creators in the process), rather than make the algorithm less exploitable or (gasp) having humans do the job instead.
That may be the spin, but the truth of the matter is youtube wants less small channels taking up space from their mega content producers. If they can mask the decision behind getting rid of hate speech and spammers so be it.
I think the crux of the problem is that if you need those labels (not out of stupidity but just from it being outside your general knowledge-zone), you're still not really going to get it. At least not in a way that you'll really enjoy the comic anyway.
I mean, the comic is titled "Tubethumping" and you've got a giant logo for youtube behind a figure sitting on stacks of gold, talking about the problems he has with people using his platform. *shrug*
I seriously doubt that. You have to look at the trend of HOW their mega-content producers were created, and they all started off small. Shooting down small channels would be burning their potential for a future, and death knells for YT as a whole. Mega channels will eventually decline; things come and go. For instance, I watched GMM for years. I have stopped watching them. The bigger they get, the more their content feels recycled and formulaic. Which is probably because it HAS become recycled and formulaic, instead of two guys chatting and goofing off, with only a modest expectation of success. I don't have anything against them, but success genuinely does ruin some things and some people. I don't see GMM staying at the height of popularity they've obtained.
Things must come and go. They wouldn't want to shoot down everything that might be coming up. They just don't know what to do in the face of some of their biggest cash cows- cows they absolutely NEED- decide to become monstrous douchebags. They are flailing.
Personally, I just imagine that AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is in charge of the whole thing
Wouldn't be the first time a company killed long term growth for short term gains. Penny smart and dollar stupid and all that. I mean this new plan hurts small streamers effectively putting a huge barrier for making it a viable choice for anyone who doesn't have a pre built audience. And its having ripple effects on even mid tier people. A streamer I watch that is above the reqs recently opened a twitch dual stream because youtube with this move is signaling its not if its when the numbers raise up and only the logan paul worthy numbers can get monetization.
Dont forget Patreon recently tried to fuck over all of it's minor earners too.
Which is a workable approach in a blind market where all those customer entities operate in an information vacuum and have no influence over each other. (Or they are fed misinformation to the same end effect)
But YouTube is (could be?) fundamentally different from TV. It's not like NBC with its finite number of timeslots (or having to spend any money to fill them). YouTube can't promote everything, but the main value of a mostly automated, digitally distributed, and infinitely scaling system should be working at every level. Why wouldn't smaller advertizers match up with smaller makers? Or even have big advertizers pay less when their ads are seen by smaller numbers. If The Long Tail is at all real, you'd think YouTube could make lots of money on the small sums going to the huge majority of small creators. I would guess there is some place where the scaling breaks (probably in getting advertizers to go small), so they don't. Google isn't exactly known for hiring people bad at math.
When i saw the thumbnail i was worried YouTube was something to prozd.
What's to understand? Youtube is a depraved fatmans who sits in Scrooge McDuck money and snacks on kittens.
I thought it was pretty unambiguous.
I made myself sad by going to the youtube page for the video and seeing "727 views" for this video. From four days ago.
Maybe it might brighten your day to know it's a little over 1000 views now and is on an upward trend.
Just like they were with Pewdie. They smacked his hand for the racism and side line nazi advocation. But in the end they'll wait for the furor to die down and then put him back on you tube red.