You'll definitely get a number of snickers and/or sneers, but chances are nobody's going to tell you not to do it. There were a dozen or so last year. Personally I'd er, rather you didn't.
My advice is if you're going to do it, do it well. Put the honest effort into making your costume real good, and you'll get compliments and awe. If you just slap something shitty together, you'll get an appropriate response.
there has been very little cosplay at pax
I totally agree with Pola, if you're gonna do it your costume would have to be fan0fucking-tastic. Either really funny and bad on purpose (really hard to pull off) or pro-level (just as hard)
Otherwise you would be nothing but a walking joke.
Thirded on Polos comment, do it well or not at all.
Also, cosplay is fun and all, but it tends to be more an anime thing than a gamer thing and dosen't go over as well at PAX as it would at Sakuracon. But If you can pull it off really well, and go as someone more fitting (as in a game character rather than someone from an anime) you'll probably get some good reactions
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
edited May 2007
Well I don't know if this would exactly be considered cosplay or not.
While the denim jacket and down feather vest are worn by Marty McFly in back to the future, and the hat is simlar to what he wore in back to the future part 2, I also have a power glove, wear a gamer army t-shirt, my dogtags, and weild a zapper and a phaser. So in essence it's sort of my own character.
I was planning on cosplaying m'self, actually. I may or may not, depending if I can get the costumes together in time, but we'll see. Was going to do Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear and probably a night elf costume (based off the Hallowed Raiment robes, and the shoulders if I can get them to work).
Clearly, I don't mind being laughed at. XD
Akiotena on
"It's pretty easy to figure out how much DPS you're doing as a corpse on the ground."
Last year I saw a fantastic My Tallest from Invader Zim, as well as a really great Zelda and Link (I think they were both girls but couldn’t really tell even close up). On the flipside I saw some really bad cosplay as well, like the dude in jean shorts and a ninja mask. So I second everyone who said if you are going to do it go all the way or just don’t do it at all.
I was thinking of maybe making a suit of Enclave Advanced Power Armor Mk.II to wear at PAX, but I probably will not get around to it this year at least due to my lack of funds/patience.
If I get off my ass in time and locate a seamstress that I am willing to trust with the $$$ necessary, I might commission a shenyi hanfu (similar but more ornate than this one) in time to wear at PAX.
However, I wouldn't consider that to be cosplay because I'm not trying to portray a specific person or character. I just have really eccentric taste in clothes (and a healthy sinophilia).
ElectricTurtle on
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the sword Userregular
edited May 2007
If I can find something matching for the white pimp suit-- I might bring it along. Maybe a white pimp hat and cane. Err-- I dunno.
After reading this thread I have decided against cosplaying. I do mind being laughted at -_-;
I find this post with this avatar very amusing.
I find it amusing that they ever thought no one would laugh.
Honestly, people. Someone's going to laugh at you no matter how good the costume is. Just wear it... unless you're that creepy looking dude from last year. You're not allowed to wear that again.
That said, the SC girls that have appeared throughout the years have always had my approval, as well as the Princess Daisy who had the riding crop
Scotasianglish on
The original chinese-welsh-scotsman with a japanese last name.
As far as I could tell yeah, cosplaying is allowed. Though unless your going dressed as someone from PA, it just looks... weird... to me.
I know this doesn't TECHINCALLY count as cosplaying, but at the same time, I don't care.... suckahs.
I thought it'd be awesome to go dressed in that table tennis clothes (polo shirt, damn near inappropriate short shorts) with a paddle and a sign that says "I CHALLENGE PA TO A GAME TO THE DEATH!" Or something along those lines.
Magically_Stoopid on
My Wii numbers - 5427 1165 2806 1979
~PM me if you add me to your Wii Address book with your Wii numbers~
Yeah I lost to someone in table tennis cause they had inappropriate short shorts once. Was to hard to focus on the game cause I couldn't stop laughing at them.
Edit: We just put blades on the edges of the paddle for the eviscerating. Problem solved.
TNTrooper on
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the sword Userregular
Now see, Thats borderline weird. Comic gabe and/or tycho? ok-- thats fine. But khoo? I mean I think khoo is awesome because without him there wouldn't be PA in the first place. Cosplaying real people is just.. weird.
Viscountalpha on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited May 2007
Moe Fwacky on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
Now see, Thats borderline weird. Comic gabe and/or tycho? ok-- thats fine. But khoo? I mean I think khoo is awesome because without him there wouldn't be PA in the first place. Cosplaying real people is just.. weird.
This would only work, if say a whole crowd of people did it. I'm talking like 30-50 people, all dressed as Khoo, styled hair, PA shirt, sport jacket and jeans. Tell me that wouldn't turn some heads at PAX. Also, he's been in the comic, and well, here, just watch.
Now see, Thats borderline weird. Comic gabe and/or tycho? ok-- thats fine. But khoo? I mean I think khoo is awesome because without him there wouldn't be PA in the first place. Cosplaying real people is just.. weird.
This would only work, if say a whole crowd of people did it. I'm talking like 30-50 people, all dressed as Khoo, styled hair, PA shirt, sport jacket and jeans. Tell me that wouldn't turn some heads at PAX. Also, he's been in the comic, and well, here, just watch.
I find it funny that if I had the t-shirt, I could easily cosplay Kara with only it and a pair of jeans
I totally agree with Pola, if you're gonna do it your costume would have to be fan0fucking-tastic. Either really funny and bad on purpose (really hard to pull off) or pro-level (just as hard)
Otherwise you would be nothing but a walking joke.
Also, cosplay is fun and all, but it tends to be more an anime thing than a gamer thing and dosen't go over as well at PAX as it would at Sakuracon. But If you can pull it off really well, and go as someone more fitting (as in a game character rather than someone from an anime) you'll probably get some good reactions
While the denim jacket and down feather vest are worn by Marty McFly in back to the future, and the hat is simlar to what he wore in back to the future part 2, I also have a power glove, wear a gamer army t-shirt, my dogtags, and weild a zapper and a phaser. So in essence it's sort of my own character.
This is what I intend to wear to PAX
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
(not gay)
...if you aren't drinking some already. In that case, you'll be getting a "Hey, awesome power glove!" from me. :P
Clearly, I don't mind being laughed at. XD
Already been done.
The shiny shirt doesn't count either
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
However, I wouldn't consider that to be cosplay because I'm not trying to portray a specific person or character. I just have really eccentric taste in clothes (and a healthy sinophilia).
Just pick something up when you get here, trust me, Leroy Mens Wear is unparalleled.
I might just :P
HAHA, I bet they have my pimp cane and everything there.
I find this post with this avatar very amusing.
Do it!
I will flock to you, I promise.
Or give you cookies. Or something.
I find it amusing that they ever thought no one would laugh.
Honestly, people. Someone's going to laugh at you no matter how good the costume is. Just wear it... unless you're that creepy looking dude from last year. You're not allowed to wear that again.
That said, the SC girls that have appeared throughout the years have always had my approval, as well as the Princess Daisy who had the riding crop
I know this doesn't TECHINCALLY count as cosplaying, but at the same time, I don't care.... suckahs.
I thought it'd be awesome to go dressed in that table tennis clothes (polo shirt, damn near inappropriate short shorts) with a paddle and a sign that says "I CHALLENGE PA TO A GAME TO THE DEATH!" Or something along those lines.
My Wii numbers - 5427 1165 2806 1979
~PM me if you add me to your Wii Address book with your Wii numbers~
But enough of this thread hijackery!
My Wii numbers - 5427 1165 2806 1979
~PM me if you add me to your Wii Address book with your Wii numbers~
Edit: We just put blades on the edges of the paddle for the eviscerating. Problem solved.
Uh, ok. What kind of cookies are we talking about? I'm not sure I can say no to cookies being offered.
Now see, Thats borderline weird. Comic gabe and/or tycho? ok-- thats fine. But khoo? I mean I think khoo is awesome because without him there wouldn't be PA in the first place. Cosplaying real people is just.. weird.
This would only work, if say a whole crowd of people did it. I'm talking like 30-50 people, all dressed as Khoo, styled hair, PA shirt, sport jacket and jeans. Tell me that wouldn't turn some heads at PAX. Also, he's been in the comic, and well, here, just watch.
I find it funny that if I had the t-shirt, I could easily cosplay Kara with only it and a pair of jeans
Shit, I thought people were talking about me. But alas, it is a legitimate fashion establishment.