Well, what do you want, you expect YouTube to alienate all the racist, loudmouthed assholes? Thats like a third of their entire userbase. Racism and stupidity is their lifeblood.
Ha! Got a good hearty laugh out loud from this strip. Panels 1 and 2 especially
This is why I just stick to the mostly "wholesome" Youtubers that play videogames. Game Grumps, ProJared, The Sw1tcher, and my boy Jim effing Sterling, son.
Also Binging with Babish, and First We Feast with that awesome Hot Ones show.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
We all wish we lived in a world where that wasn't the truth.
YouTube really shouldn't try to have their cake and eat it too with these moron teen celebs who do shock things for views. I feel like the line wouldn't even be drawn if one of these vapid idiots knocked someone out and stole someone's crack and smoked it, or something.
Well, what do you want, you expect YouTube to alienate all the racist, loudmouthed assholes? Thats like a third of their entire userbase. Racism and stupidity is their lifeblood.
Until I read this I was blissfully unaware of his existence.
I was happy, then.
Looking at my subscribed channels, it's split three ways between makers, outdoorsy/camping channels and comedic news feeds like The Daily Show or Samantha Bee.
Asshats like Logan Paul are the reason I've become proficient at scrubbing my viewed videos and it chaps my narrow ass that I am required to do so.
Until I read this I was blissfully unaware of his existence.
I was happy, then.
Looking at my subscribed channels, it's split three ways between makers, outdoorsy/camping channels and comedic news feeds like The Daily Show or Samantha Bee.
Asshats like Logan Paul are the reason I've become proficient at scrubbing my viewed videos and it chaps my narrow ass that I am required to do so.
I've gotten into Primitive Technology lately (as in, the YT channel). It's about the most un-YouTube channel you could think of. He's posted an average of one video a month for the last three years and they're between 5 and 10 minutes long. He doesn't say a single WORD or really look at the camera, rather relying on a few terse subtitles to describe what he's doing. I don't even have a clue what his name is. He knows it's unimportant. He just does interesting shit. And yet he has over 7 million subscribers and his videos range in the 5M to 45M views band. I guess I'm saying that gives me hope.
Edit: Oh, and I should mention that I found out about him from my brother and his sons, who are squarely in the pewdiepie demographic, but freaking love this channel and rewatch the videos regular. As do my 6 year old son and I now.
Until I read this I was blissfully unaware of his existence.
I was happy, then.
Looking at my subscribed channels, it's split three ways between makers, outdoorsy/camping channels and comedic news feeds like The Daily Show or Samantha Bee.
Asshats like Logan Paul are the reason I've become proficient at scrubbing my viewed videos and it chaps my narrow ass that I am required to do so.
I've gotten into Primitive Technology lately (as in, the YT channel). It's about the most un-YouTube channel you could think of. He's posted an average of one video a month for the last three years and they're between 5 and 10 minutes long. He doesn't say a single WORD or really look at the camera, rather relying on a few terse subtitles to describe what he's doing. I don't even have a clue what his name is. He knows it's unimportant. He just does interesting shit. And yet he has over 7 million subscribers and his videos range in the 5M to 45M views band. I guess I'm saying that gives me hope.
Edit: Oh, and I should mention that I found out about him from my brother and his sons, who are squarely in the pewdiepie demographic, but freaking love this channel and rewatch the videos regular. As do my 6 year old son and I now.
PrimTech is deceptively good at youtube. I love how whenever he's hammering or hitting something, it's an even 1, 2, 3, next, 1, 2, 3, next. He knows how to never linger on a shot.
Tycho's news post is on point. Trolls are the new punk, and it fucking sucks.
40 years from now we'll see middle-schoolers with tazered rat keychains, their parents will be all "I remember when tazering rats meant something" and my generation will be all "just unplug me already"
40 years from now we'll see middle-schoolers with tazered rat keychains, their parents will be all "I remember when tazering rats meant something" and my generation will be all "I don't want to live in this thought matrix anymore"
I'd never even heard of Logan Paul until this whole shitshow surrounding him started. And judging from other critic's complaints about his antics in Japan alone, I'm glad I've ignored him until now.
CambiataCommander ShepardThe likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered Userregular
Tycho's news post is on point. Trolls are the new punk, and it fucking sucks.
Meeeeeh. I liked the comic but disagree with the post. Like I could be remembering the 80s wrong (like Gabe and Tycho, I wasn't even a teenager until the 90s), but I remember punk as something I only ever heard about at home (because my family was a bunch of weirdos), not like a super-popular movement that every kid was into. Like, while I was listening to tape dubs of The Dead Milkman, my classmates were swooning over New Kids On the Block and Vanilla Ice. I said in another post, our president is exactly this species of trolldom, and I don't think you can get less anti-establishment that the president of the United States. Logan Paul isn't Johnny Rotten, he's this generation's Gordon Gekko. Making a buck off of trampling on other people.
Of course maybe Tycho is referencing 90's "punk", the style of can't-get-away-from-it music poppy-ass Avril Lavigne did. In which case yeah, that does fit.
Or I dunno, there's another spin on punk in saying it's the thing kids do to piss off their parents... but I feel like that's too broad. That's kids being fucking kids, not a genre.
To me, punk specifically means anti-establishment, and if you're a mouthpiece for the establishment (and are getting paid beaucoup bucks for it), you can't really be what I consider punk, even if old people really hate how you make your money.
Cambiata on
"excuse my French
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
The news post is wrong. Trolls aren't the new punk. Trolls are the old punk, wrapped up in Jackass, CKY, Trigger Happy TV, and hell, even Punk'd to a certain extent. But what always happens to teen counterculture? Give it time, and it'll be repackaged, stripped bare of what it originally meant, and sold back to their younger siblings at a markup. Logan Paul isn't the new punk rock, he's the new Hot Topic.
your post sickens me with how right you are, @Veit
The thing that is sustaining me at the moment is that something he does will backfire while he is in Russia, and end up getting his ass mudstomped by a Russian SOBR team.
CambiataCommander ShepardThe likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered Userregular
After thinking about it a bit, I believe I understand the disconnect between what I think about people like Logan Paul and what Tycho and some others think about people like Logan Paul. When I think of something being counter-culture or suppressed, I think of things like people scheduling a protest against it, where people like go out into the street and carrying signs or torches, I think of people burning the offending piece of art in a bonfire, I think of actual requests to get something banned in a legal sense (even if those requests get laughed off). A weirdly large amount of people today seem to think something is forbidden or counter-culture when a monetary platform won't invite you as their artist or when your advertising goes away. I've always tried not to be a "get off my lawn" adult, tried to understand the perspective of younger generations and how the culture around them would have formed their worldview, but this idea is the one I have the most trouble with. Surely even Jerry remembers a time when advertising money was not a given? When he just, figuratively, howled his art into the void and that's how he found his audience?
Hmm, and now I wonder why there aren't turn-key "buy your own streaming platform" services aren't shouting at me from every podcast like Casper mattresses and SquareSpace plugs. How much money would it really be for Logan Paul to just order himself some cloud servers and stream from his own domain? For an added money cushion, he could even invite other controversial Youtubers to his platform and rent them some server space and bandwidth.
"excuse my French
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
the qualifier, Cambiata is that he'd have to use his own money for that. When youtube stops being the centralized one stop shop for all video media, left, right, absurd, etc wing, he'll buy his own.
The caveat with Youtube, is that *everyone* goes there. that is how you get found. if you made your own little spot on the internet without the followers, no one would know you existed.
With however many millions of followers he has now, sure he can do that now, but not before then.
Zilla36021st Century. |She/Her|Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered Userregular
I really can't understand why Logan Paul hasn't had his channel deleted, and his account perma-banned already.
If a smaller channel did the same horrible shit they'd get shutdown by YT. Yet it seems like it's one rule for bigger channels and different ones for everyone else.
the qualifier, Cambiata is that he'd have to use his own money for that. When youtube stops being the centralized one stop shop for all video media, left, right, absurd, etc wing, he'll buy his own.
The caveat with Youtube, is that *everyone* goes there. that is how you get found. if you made your own little spot on the internet without the followers, no one would know you existed.
With however many millions of followers he has now, sure he can do that now, but not before then.
Oh sure, if he was a no-name I'd totally get why he doesn't do his own spinoff streaming service. But since he has made a name for himself already, and is actually being discussed in the news so much that now even an old fogey like me knows who he is, you'd think he'd spin that into his own money-making opportunity - TrollTube or some shit, renting out space to all the internet personalities THEY don't want you to see. I bet even some non-controversial personalities would want to come over just because lots of people (rightly) hate Youtube right now. Supposedly he's worth 13 mil, that should be more than enough to get him started... if not maybe he could get some silicon valley investors, he seems their type of hero.
Cambiata on
"excuse my French
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
I really can't understand why Logan Paul hasn't had his channel deleted, and his account perma-banned already.
If a smaller channel did the same horrible shit they'd get shutdown by YT. Yet it seems like it's one rule for bigger channels and different ones for everyone else.
Shit Golem brings in that money. A smaller channel is easier to get rid of because it offers less to Youtube than someone super popular like Shit Golem. Though, I think I read somewhere that his videos have been temporarily demonitized or something?
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
On a positive note, Logan Paul having a platform means you all have been well informed of his shittyness and can now decide your associations accordingly without being surprised about it later on.
On another note, the breadth of his platform as other have hit upon at least in part is a consequence of it being on a centralized resource that is controlled by a collective entity that does not necessarily share your values. A corporation's primary purpose is to obtain profit while minimizing liability after all. So shitbirds being heard is unlikely to change. Just make what use of it that you can and move on with life.
Yes, Logan Paul was attempting to defibrillate a dead rat using a Taser?
For the purposes of verifying this claim, I watched the relevant section of the video in question (relevant section: 4:20-6:18). He clearly shouts "Die!" at 5:11, after having discharged the Taser at the dead rats (there are two).
Yes, Logan Paul was attempting to defibrillate a dead rat using a Taser?
For the purposes of verifying this claim, I watched the relevant section of the video in question (relevant section: 4:20-6:18). He clearly shouts "Die!" at 5:11, after having discharged the Taser at the dead rats (there are two).
I think that's proof enough against the theory.
obviously he was just reenacting
KragaarA Million Feet Tall of AwesomeRegistered Userregular
the qualifier, Cambiata is that he'd have to use his own money for that. When youtube stops being the centralized one stop shop for all video media, left, right, absurd, etc wing, he'll buy his own.
The caveat with Youtube, is that *everyone* goes there. that is how you get found. if you made your own little spot on the internet without the followers, no one would know you existed.
With however many millions of followers he has now, sure he can do that now, but not before then.
Oh sure, if he was a no-name I'd totally get why he doesn't do his own spinoff streaming service. But since he has made a name for himself already, and is actually being discussed in the news so much that now even an old fogey like me knows who he is, you'd think he'd spin that into his own money-making opportunity - TrollTube or some shit, renting out space to all the internet personalities THEY don't want you to see. I bet even some non-controversial personalities would want to come over just because lots of people (rightly) hate Youtube right now. Supposedly he's worth 13 mil, that should be more than enough to get him started... if not maybe he could get some silicon valley investors, he seems their type of hero.
There's no reason for him to go to a streaming service that he has to pay for himself since he can stay on YouTube for free and up to very recently, get paid to be there. People who monetize their content on YouTube get paid for serving ads, so in order for another streaming service to make sense, he'd have to be able to sell ads, and that adds a whole other layer of complexity to someone who just wants to shout and be a dickhead. As long as YouTube doesn't ban you, there's no upside for anyone to pay for a different streaming service.
A few popular Youtubers have tried to make new platforms and failed. In my e-commerce class we discussed this. Once a platform is established, it's very difficult for it to go away cause people will naturally drift back to the sites that are most prevalent in their mind. It's the same reason people drift into Walmart rather than a smaller department store. Or why they'll continue to eat at Applebee's rather than a vastly superior local place. This is compounded online because it's so much easier just to visit your favorite sites than search for new ones. So yeah, without an outright banning there is zero incentive to create your own platform because it's pretty much doomed to fail.
On a positive note, Logan Paul having a platform means you all have been well informed of his shittyness and can now decide your associations accordingly without being surprised about it later on.
The artwork and script here are both impeccably calibrated. I feel this man's rage, and his resignation.
Would that the subject matter were less repulsive.
It's mainly the Vloggers that litter YouTube.
That's the last couple years in a nutshell.
This is why I just stick to the mostly "wholesome" Youtubers that play videogames. Game Grumps, ProJared, The Sw1tcher, and my boy Jim effing Sterling, son.
Also Binging with Babish, and First We Feast with that awesome Hot Ones show.
YouTube really shouldn't try to have their cake and eat it too with these moron teen celebs who do shock things for views. I feel like the line wouldn't even be drawn if one of these vapid idiots knocked someone out and stole someone's crack and smoked it, or something.
Steam: TheArcadeBear
Then I read the line "Logan Paul is the sort of creature an evil wizard would make out of shit, and I hate him."
This is exactly how I feel, thanks again Tycho!
Cannot unsee.
51% in the US.
I was happy, then.
Looking at my subscribed channels, it's split three ways between makers, outdoorsy/camping channels and comedic news feeds like The Daily Show or Samantha Bee.
Asshats like Logan Paul are the reason I've become proficient at scrubbing my viewed videos and it chaps my narrow ass that I am required to do so.
...and maybe also cute animal vids.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
I've gotten into Primitive Technology lately (as in, the YT channel). It's about the most un-YouTube channel you could think of. He's posted an average of one video a month for the last three years and they're between 5 and 10 minutes long. He doesn't say a single WORD or really look at the camera, rather relying on a few terse subtitles to describe what he's doing. I don't even have a clue what his name is. He knows it's unimportant. He just does interesting shit. And yet he has over 7 million subscribers and his videos range in the 5M to 45M views band. I guess I'm saying that gives me hope.
Edit: Oh, and I should mention that I found out about him from my brother and his sons, who are squarely in the pewdiepie demographic, but freaking love this channel and rewatch the videos regular. As do my 6 year old son and I now.
WTB: C-Team audio dubbed over puppies cavorting on a gaming table
PrimTech is deceptively good at youtube. I love how whenever he's hammering or hitting something, it's an even 1, 2, 3, next, 1, 2, 3, next. He knows how to never linger on a shot.
40 years from now we'll see middle-schoolers with tazered rat keychains, their parents will be all "I remember when tazering rats meant something" and my generation will be all "just unplug me already"
Meeeeeh. I liked the comic but disagree with the post. Like I could be remembering the 80s wrong (like Gabe and Tycho, I wasn't even a teenager until the 90s), but I remember punk as something I only ever heard about at home (because my family was a bunch of weirdos), not like a super-popular movement that every kid was into. Like, while I was listening to tape dubs of The Dead Milkman, my classmates were swooning over New Kids On the Block and Vanilla Ice. I said in another post, our president is exactly this species of trolldom, and I don't think you can get less anti-establishment that the president of the United States. Logan Paul isn't Johnny Rotten, he's this generation's Gordon Gekko. Making a buck off of trampling on other people.
Of course maybe Tycho is referencing 90's "punk", the style of can't-get-away-from-it music poppy-ass Avril Lavigne did. In which case yeah, that does fit.
Or I dunno, there's another spin on punk in saying it's the thing kids do to piss off their parents... but I feel like that's too broad. That's kids being fucking kids, not a genre.
To me, punk specifically means anti-establishment, and if you're a mouthpiece for the establishment (and are getting paid beaucoup bucks for it), you can't really be what I consider punk, even if old people really hate how you make your money.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
The thing that is sustaining me at the moment is that something he does will backfire while he is in Russia, and end up getting his ass mudstomped by a Russian SOBR team.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Hmm, and now I wonder why there aren't turn-key "buy your own streaming platform" services aren't shouting at me from every podcast like Casper mattresses and SquareSpace plugs. How much money would it really be for Logan Paul to just order himself some cloud servers and stream from his own domain? For an added money cushion, he could even invite other controversial Youtubers to his platform and rent them some server space and bandwidth.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
The caveat with Youtube, is that *everyone* goes there. that is how you get found. if you made your own little spot on the internet without the followers, no one would know you existed.
With however many millions of followers he has now, sure he can do that now, but not before then.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
If a smaller channel did the same horrible shit they'd get shutdown by YT. Yet it seems like it's one rule for bigger channels and different ones for everyone else.
sometimes it really is that simple.
Oh sure, if he was a no-name I'd totally get why he doesn't do his own spinoff streaming service. But since he has made a name for himself already, and is actually being discussed in the news so much that now even an old fogey like me knows who he is, you'd think he'd spin that into his own money-making opportunity - TrollTube or some shit, renting out space to all the internet personalities THEY don't want you to see. I bet even some non-controversial personalities would want to come over just because lots of people (rightly) hate Youtube right now. Supposedly he's worth 13 mil, that should be more than enough to get him started... if not maybe he could get some silicon valley investors, he seems their type of hero.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
So obviously YouTube auto-demonetizes all their content.
Dollah Dollah Billz yall
Shit Golem brings in that money. A smaller channel is easier to get rid of because it offers less to Youtube than someone super popular like Shit Golem. Though, I think I read somewhere that his videos have been temporarily demonitized or something?
On another note, the breadth of his platform as other have hit upon at least in part is a consequence of it being on a centralized resource that is controlled by a collective entity that does not necessarily share your values. A corporation's primary purpose is to obtain profit while minimizing liability after all. So shitbirds being heard is unlikely to change. Just make what use of it that you can and move on with life.
Yes, Logan Paul was attempting to defibrillate a dead rat using a Taser?
For the purposes of verifying this claim, I watched the relevant section of the video in question (relevant section: 4:20-6:18). He clearly shouts "Die!" at 5:11, after having discharged the Taser at the dead rats (there are two).
I think that's proof enough against the theory.
obviously he was just reenacting
There's no reason for him to go to a streaming service that he has to pay for himself since he can stay on YouTube for free and up to very recently, get paid to be there. People who monetize their content on YouTube get paid for serving ads, so in order for another streaming service to make sense, he'd have to be able to sell ads, and that adds a whole other layer of complexity to someone who just wants to shout and be a dickhead. As long as YouTube doesn't ban you, there's no upside for anyone to pay for a different streaming service.
Isn't this a bit of a tautology?