Is anything LoL related at PAX East this year? Should I not cosplay a LoL character?

TalonTalonTalonTalon Registered User regular
I was going to build a Talon cosplay but my friend just mentioned that Riot pulled out from PAX. I haven't been following it too closely so this was news to me. Should I cosplay something from another videogame? My heart was deadset on Talon:(


  • eevee135eevee135 Registered User new member
    you can still do a talon cosplay, a lot of people cosplay league

  • TalonTalonTalonTalon Registered User regular
    eevee135 wrote: »
    you can still do a talon cosplay, a lot of people cosplay league

    Is there a cosplay contest at this thing?

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    There have not been any official cosplay contests at PAX. Some exhibitors have run them, namely Riot.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • TalonTalonTalonTalon Registered User regular
    whypick1 wrote: »
    There have not been any official cosplay contests at PAX. Some exhibitors have run them, namely Riot.

    ;_; hahah dang it!

  • ChimneyImpChimneyImp Shifty Eyes BostonRegistered User regular
    Definitely cosplay, LoL is always popular.

  • TalonTalonTalonTalon Registered User regular
    ChimneyImp wrote: »
    Definitely cosplay, LoL is always popular.

    Glad to hear! I'll see you there then :D be on the lookout for Talon :)

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