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Anyone going to be around with a camera Thursday?

StifinStifin Registered User regular
edited May 2007 in PAX Archive
The Cross Country Super Trip is scheduled to arrive in seattle at 2:00PM Pacific time. Seeing as the convoy is going to be 12-15 cars (and one motorcycle) filled with people who have just spent about two days in their cars, we want to make sure that the arrival is recorded properly, so if any PAX-goers that could be around with a digital video camera to get some footage that we could add on to the rest of what we'll be filming would be greatly appreciated. (multiple people filming works even better)

So anyone up to it?

"The most aesthetically pleasing kick in the balls in the history of modern cinema" -William Goldman

Stifin on


  • BrokenAngelBrokenAngel Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Why funny you should ask... as I shall be there thursday, and with a video camera! And considering I will have to meet up with Moe at some point anyways since I am rooming with him I'd be more than happy to film you guys. :D

    BrokenAngel on
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  • TomExMachinaTomExMachina Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Why funny you should ask... as I shall be there thursday, and with a video camera! And considering I will have to meet up with Moe at some point anyways since I am rooming with him I'd be more than happy to film you guys. :D

    Thank you kindly!

    TomExMachina on
  • StifinStifin Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Awesome! We win!

    Anyone else who'd like to help would still be appreciated too.

    Stifin on
    "The most aesthetically pleasing kick in the balls in the history of modern cinema" -William Goldman

  • skwisgaar Skwigelfskwisgaar Skwigelf Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I will be at PAX all three days so if I catch you I can record and take still photos.

    skwisgaar Skwigelf on
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    "Let me be the first to tell you you look like shit".
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