Regarding the broken threads, please read
this post.
I was looking forward to a bunch of TRPGs, but after looking through the app, it seems like they've all abandoned PAX East. I didn't see Paizo, Chaosium, Fantasy Flight, Modiphius, or Catalyst on the exhibitor's list. Am I missing something? Or is there really no official Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars, Star Trek Adventures, or Shadowrun representation?
It does seem that they aren't attending. I can't really say if I know how many attended in the pas, but they don't seem to be there.
From an exhibitor standpoint, I would check out the Burning Wheel booth, which has doubled in size this year and will host many other indie RPG publishers. These games are all fantastic, and well worth checking out. Greater Than Games will probably be pushing the Sentinels Comics RPG too.
From a play perspective, PAX will have a 30-table RPG zone. 18 tables of D&D, 6 tables of Pathfinder, and 6 tables of indie RPGs. All of the tables here will fire off new games "on demand," so no need to register for events. The D&D/Pathfinder tables are expected to turn over en masse every two hours, so well start a queue in-between games for people who want to ensure they can get a seat. This is twice as many RPG play tables as prior PAX Easts, so hopefully there will be less of a need to queue up early. Still a personal decision of "how badly do I want to do this thing vs other things" though.
Edit: Forgot to mention exhibitors in the main Expo Hall, adjacent to Tabletop. Several RPG publishers landed in there, many for the first time at PAX East. 9th Level Games, Cubicle 7, John Wick Presents, and Table Titans. There is a Hasbro booth in Expo, but don't get your hopes up on D&D content. I expect that will be a Dropmix booth. Gale Force Nine will be there though, and will be acting as WotC's retail presence, while also selling much of the licensed D&D accessories that GF9 produces.
DOTS RPG Project - Guild Master Jess | @dotsrpg
BCEC is way, way bigger than the PA convention hall unplugged was in. From the recent East experiences, the unplugged game play area was actually about the same size of East's TT gameplay area, especially if you don't play MtG.
Imho, the biggest difference was the amount of TT vendors/manufacturer present at unplugged. I mean I don't think John Wick has ever been to East.
PS, I think you could fit at least two 747's in east main exhibit hall.