Pros -
Freeplay PC. My son and friend were getting super frustrated at how hard it was to play ANY game on the floor, this was a pretty great outlet for them. I did get feedback that they could have used some more games actually installed on them though - they ended up playing a shitton of the Duck Game.
Enforcers. As usual, great experiences all around, no complaints.
Food Trucks. We had a bowl with korean bbq beef and rice and salad and it was a great alternative to the con food.
Walking space. With the exception of some of the paths on the outside, there felt like more walking space this year in general which was nice.
Board Game Companies. Just wanted a chance to call out the Gamewright reps, the Sparkle Kitty folks and the Wild East Games folks who were all inviting and knowledgeable and just the cream of the crop for booth people. They were all rewarded with my credit card.
Game Show Night: Second night I've been and it's wonderful and fun and we had a blast. I'll never forget Diddy Kong's cosplay.
Cons -
The VIP stuff. I know I'm an idealist but PAX is supposed to be for everyone, and I didn't feel those lounges areas fit that mold. I will say it's fun to see what huge corporation tries to jump into gaming each year though - last year we had the huge DirecTV presence, this year Geico?
Coat check. We had to go into the coat check room to help them find our stuff on Saturday night. They were unprofessional, goofing off, and in the end our coats were exactly where they were supposed to be numerically so it was a waste of our time.
Gaming in general. It was nearly impossible to sit and play a game on the floor and finding a table in Tabletop was tough. I don't know the solution, but finding a way to ensure someone can't just wander for hours trying to find something to actually get their hands on would be nice. I'm not a outgoing person (which is admittedly my fault but I'm 41 and pretty unlikely to change) so trying to push in to get next game honestly just comes very, very hard for me. I really wanted to try Shaq Fu as an example but space to watch was really limited and you felt in the way all the time and the demo was long enough that standing waiting felt like you were being an imposition to the other people just trying to pass by.
Suggestions - I'd really like to see them find a way to get more people able to play games on the floor. I don't know if it's pushing exhibitors to do booth layouts more conducive to playing/watching, limiting demo lengths, having some off floor "demo arcades" or finding a way to open up table top more for free tables, but just in general make it easier to play things (especially for someone like me that didn't really card what I played, I just wanted to try things).
Could you consider running a few buses each day to the hotels on the onpeak system that aren't on the normal routes? It cost us $35 each way for Lyft/Uber and it would be great if just a few could be run each day (we were at the Embassy Suites Logan).
TopherRocksRockstar Beard GrowerKent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered Userregular
Could you consider running a few buses each day to the hotels on the onpeak system that aren't on the normal routes? It cost us $35 each way for Lyft/Uber and it would be great if just a few could be run each day (we were at the Embassy Suites Logan).
If I remember correctly, I believe there's a shuttle from the airport to the World Trade Center station that's free coming from the airport and pretty cheap the other way. I stayed at the Hilton Boston Logan a few years back and know I had a free non-pax shuttle at least one way.
This is my 11th PAX and I believe my 8th East and I don't have a ton of feedback so a couple things
+ As most people have said Thursday was great lines were fairly short and the show floor wasn't overly crowded. I was able to get in a Nintendo line that was relatively short.
+ acq inc being Thursday night was great. The line was handled very well and it gave them freedom to go long so the show didn't seem rushed like it sometimes has on the past.
+ All lines for panels I went to were handled very well by enforcers
A couple areas for improvement:
- in one case the panelists in guide book were not up to date I went expecting one group of panelists and saw a completely different group.
- bandland seems to have less and less people every year maybe it was the difference in concerts but I didn't even see Paul and Storm there (having bill amend was a positive surprise)
- the skybridge was not open on Thursday yet was open every day after that takes away a huge advantage of the Westin if it can't be used.
- lack of variety in PC Freeplay, while console Freeplay has a huge selection for single and multiplayer games PC Freeplay seemed to have not only less gsmes but mostly multiplayer focused ones.
Overall a great show and I can't wait for next year. Oh and I know they don't have a ton of control but PLEASE try to stay in April.
-The line statuses in the app is brilliant!
-Logistics on the expo floor continue to be better. I remember my first time coming here, how many times I literally couldn't move on the floor!
-I see some shade being thrown at the PAX Arena, so I am putting it in the pros. I enjoy the rare chance to see some live esports. And you can just saunter up whenever, you don't need a ticket or even to wait in a line.
-Classic Console has a Vectrex!! Maybe that's normal, I rarely make it to the console rooms, but that blew my mind.
-Likewise this was my first time checking out Jamspace. That is a really cool deal. And a few console stations on the side, nice touch!
-D&D Adventurers League (what a great concept) was being run smoothly and the 'stations' to play in were nice.
-Herding the people in the morning queue is a thankless job, y'all probably get a lot of dirty looks, so THANKS to those enforcers.
-The 'League of Legends Shop' was not a shop at all. So, that was a wasted walk for my group, one of whom wanted to buy something for a friend who couldn't make it to PAX.
-There was an Ashes of Creation panel that was not in the schedule. A late addition? Is there a way to know about stuff like this?
-Classic Arcade. Is it dead forever? If it is, I'd like to know, so our group can stop getting our hopes up.
-Outside lines on Friday were a horror show. That's no secret!
I can't really think of anything substantial on the con side. We had a great time overall.
Cobalt Blue on
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
-There was an Ashes of Creation panel that was not in the schedule. A late addition? Is there a way to know about stuff like this?
The programs are printed weeks before the show and last minute changes happen, so it's rare that the printed program matches the final schedule 100%. The Guidebook app will be accurate though, as that can be updated very quickly.
Could you consider running a few buses each day to the hotels on the onpeak system that aren't on the normal routes? It cost us $35 each way for Lyft/Uber and it would be great if just a few could be run each day (we were at the Embassy Suites Logan).
If I remember correctly, I believe there's a shuttle from the airport to the World Trade Center station that's free coming from the airport and pretty cheap the other way. I stayed at the Hilton Boston Logan a few years back and know I had a free non-pax shuttle at least one way.
This. The SL1(Silver Line 1) fancy bus line runs from WTC station to airport for $2.75. Your hotel has a free shuttle from airport. On the return trip it is free hotel shuttle to airport then the silver line bus is free from airport to WTC. So only $2.75/person/day.
- bandland seems to have less and less people every year maybe it was the difference in concerts but I didn't even see Paul and Storm there (having bill amend was a positive surprise)
This was my first true PAX, first being unplugged. I went in expecting NYCC levels of booths and people and was way off. I didn’t mind though, it was nice to be at what I consider a “smaller” show. They could use lane/number markers, I often wandered around lost trying to find a booth. Getting around the expo hall was slightly confusing for Saturday, but better on Sunday when I got the hang of it for the specific places I needed to go. Tabletop area was smaller than I thought it would be (coming from pax unplugged I knew it was different anyway). Autograph area I was SO pleasantly surprised about! After the tweets about lining up two hours early I accepted that I once again would miss out on acq inc signatures as I did at unplugged where the line capped in a few minutes it seemed. I walked by about 20 mins before signing and it was bacially empty! Accessibility could have been better for disasbled/wheelchair bound/etc individuals. Booths that have a tendency to have a bigger audience (such as square enix, blizzard and Nintendo) were placed fairly well, out of main traffic areas or with enough space to handle the crowd. Giveaway times at individual booths sucked trying to navigate crowds, and could have been managed better by booth staff and pax staff.
My largest complaint comes today - I’ve gotten my third email from a publisher at pax, and this one specifically says they got my email from the people at pax. I KNOW I didn’t sign up for any booths. I didn’t scan my badge anywhere and I didn’t fill anything out. I’m really not happy that it looks like pax gave my email out to publishers/developers. As someone who works in marketing, this is a huge no no; adding people to a mailing list who never even interacted with you.
I could be wrong but I am pretty sure every room is already used, even if it's not always obvious or public facing
Actually, if I interpreted some conversations correctly - we may be able to use some more of the expo hall next year. So that should be fun. Could be wrong though.
I'm not sure to what you are referring, but I'm not certain that will free up any meeting rooms? We can wait and see. My point was that there isn't just a free room or two to have a booze lounge in
Yeah, not THAT much free space. I'm not super sure of the details either, first PAX East for me - but it sounded like there was part of the conv center that we don't use...yet.
-There was an Ashes of Creation panel that was not in the schedule. A late addition? Is there a way to know about stuff like this?
The programs are printed weeks before the show and last minute changes happen, so it's rare that the printed program matches the final schedule 100%. The Guidebook app will be accurate though, as that can be updated very quickly.
I feel like a change to the panel schedule is a big deal and justifies more than just a stealth update in the phone app. Why not have the official Twitter make a mention, right?
My feedback is that the Enforcers moderating the Twitch channels need to lay off the "English only" rule. I was watching the Final Fantasy XV concert stream for Friday night and noticed a bunch of people tuning in from Japan we're effectively being silenced by the mods. It wasn't a great look for both PAX and Square-Enix.
I feel like a change to the panel schedule is a big deal and justifies more than just a stealth update in the phone app. Why not have the official Twitter make a mention, right?
There are more than a few changes (like 50+) that happen between printed program and the show. It would significantly increase the amount of Tweets we send out to put them there and unless you were monitoring all the tweets, would not guarantee you saw a change you cared about. Sometimes if a large\popular panel is changed significantly it does get tweeted out, but we have to be sensitive to how much information @official_pax tweets out so we don't flood people.
My feedback is that the Enforcers moderating the Twitch channels need to lay off the "English only" rule. I was watching the Final Fantasy XV concert stream for Friday night and noticed a bunch of people tuning in from Japan we're effectively being silenced by the mods. It wasn't a great look for both PAX and Square-Enix.
This is good feedback. From what I was told they actually stopped enforcing that rule during the concerts, although i'm not sure at what point they did that. Trying to find a better way to be language inclusive is something we are thinking about.
Better placement of food trucks outside the BCEC. Overall, a better placement of food vendors in the Expo Hall than the last couple of years where they were all over the place and people just sat in the middle of expos walkways eating food.
Fun time trying to win prizes with our badges with PAX XP.
The Stern Pinball Arcade was a good addition but I did miss the arcade cabinets that ACAM brought.
*My biggest issue with the show was on Level 1 of the BCEC where the League of Legends Shop, Cosplay & Creator Lounge and Kickstarter rooms were all adjacent to one another. At one point in the hallway it became a crowded and jam-packed mess with everyone from these rooms standing outside, conversing with one another and posing for pictures. I witnessed an enforcer loudly announce that everyone had to keep moving along (where Swery from Japan was pitching The Good Life) was told not to pose with fans in front of the room since the hall walkway had to remain clear. It was understandable, but I imagine rather embarrassing and maybe frustrating for Swery and the rest of us who had to disperse. His interpreter was there and I'm sure he understood the situation. However, I don't understand why there was a couch placed in front of the KickStarter room.
I highly recommend that PAX give cosplay in general its own larger area for photography. I think PAX/ReedPop will have to balance out this need for space necessary for eSports, dance stage (I could be wrong but was anybody utilizing the dance stage on level 1?) and possibly explore utilizing more time in the main theater or outside the BCEC on the Lawn on D. Overall, there should be a larger space (or an allotted time in the Main Theater) where photographers and cosplayers can gather to help lessen the walkway congestion. The Lawn on D would be a great place to have a large heated tent there for cosplay, League of Legends or other sponsored events. I just wonder overall just how much the Main Theater is utilized during the day.
*The Overwatch stage in the main lobby of the BCEC was a bad idea. This added to more congestion in the lobby and there would have been an issue had there been a need to evacuate the area in the event of an emergency.
*There was nothing to do on Thursday night regarding music, the JamSpace was closed and there were no concerts - kind of a disappointment.
I wonder if you could pick a few of the hallway glass areas that get less foot traffic and have little "photo stops" setup. Like just small backdrops for cosplay photos, maybe a couple that look like castle stone and a few generic sci fi. It would be super cheap and having them on the official map might help pull people out of heavy traffic areas trying to take pictures.
And I agree it might be time to retire the dance stage. Jack box is way better (as was the Rock Band stage years ago).
I feel like a change to the panel schedule is a big deal and justifies more than just a stealth update in the phone app. Why not have the official Twitter make a mention, right?
There are more than a few changes (like 50+) that happen between printed program and the show. It would significantly increase the amount of Tweets we send out to put them there and unless you were monitoring all the tweets, would not guarantee you saw a change you cared about. Sometimes if a large\popular panel is changed significantly it does get tweeted out, but we have to be sensitive to how much information @official_pax tweets out so we don't flood people.
To clarify the context, the type of 'change' I was talking about was the newfound existence (or non-existence) of a panel.
I appreciate how economical the official PAX twitter is in what it tweets out; I would never suggest adding 50+ tweets to that feed. Just now, I sampled all of the panels of Thursday this year, comparing the app to the book, and every one was completely in sync. I'm going to boldly extrapolate, based on that one-day-out-of-four sampling, that when you allude to 50+ changes to panels, you are referring to more minor tweaks, rather than panels materializing out of nowhere. I stand by my opinion that, if a panel is added late enough that it is not in the book AT ALL, and not in the app when it launched, help these panelists get the word out a little! That is absolutely the type of information I expect to see on the convention's feed. (and same goes for if a panel is outright canceled)
- the skybridge was not open on Thursday yet was open every day after that takes away a huge advantage of the Westin if it can't be used.
I took the Skybridge on Thursday at 10am. I was actually surprised it was open that early, as it usually doesn't open until sometime around noon. What time did you try to cross it?
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
- the skybridge was not open on Thursday yet was open every day after that takes away a huge advantage of the Westin if it can't be used.
I took the Skybridge on Thursday at 10am. I was actually surprised it was open that early, as it usually doesn't open until sometime around noon. What time did you try to cross it?
I tried between 8 and 9 am, as I said just a minor thing on Thursday. It is often an issue the first day, and then fine all following days.
Freeplay PC. My son and friend were getting super frustrated at how hard it was to play ANY game on the floor, this was a pretty great outlet for them. I did get feedback that they could have used some more games actually installed on them though - they ended up playing a shitton of the Duck Game.
Enforcers. As usual, great experiences all around, no complaints.
Food Trucks. We had a bowl with korean bbq beef and rice and salad and it was a great alternative to the con food.
Walking space. With the exception of some of the paths on the outside, there felt like more walking space this year in general which was nice.
Board Game Companies. Just wanted a chance to call out the Gamewright reps, the Sparkle Kitty folks and the Wild East Games folks who were all inviting and knowledgeable and just the cream of the crop for booth people. They were all rewarded with my credit card.
Game Show Night: Second night I've been and it's wonderful and fun and we had a blast. I'll never forget Diddy Kong's cosplay.
Cons -
The VIP stuff. I know I'm an idealist but PAX is supposed to be for everyone, and I didn't feel those lounges areas fit that mold. I will say it's fun to see what huge corporation tries to jump into gaming each year though - last year we had the huge DirecTV presence, this year Geico?
Coat check. We had to go into the coat check room to help them find our stuff on Saturday night. They were unprofessional, goofing off, and in the end our coats were exactly where they were supposed to be numerically so it was a waste of our time.
Gaming in general. It was nearly impossible to sit and play a game on the floor and finding a table in Tabletop was tough. I don't know the solution, but finding a way to ensure someone can't just wander for hours trying to find something to actually get their hands on would be nice. I'm not a outgoing person (which is admittedly my fault but I'm 41 and pretty unlikely to change) so trying to push in to get next game honestly just comes very, very hard for me. I really wanted to try Shaq Fu as an example but space to watch was really limited and you felt in the way all the time and the demo was long enough that standing waiting felt like you were being an imposition to the other people just trying to pass by.
Suggestions - I'd really like to see them find a way to get more people able to play games on the floor. I don't know if it's pushing exhibitors to do booth layouts more conducive to playing/watching, limiting demo lengths, having some off floor "demo arcades" or finding a way to open up table top more for free tables, but just in general make it easier to play things (especially for someone like me that didn't really card what I played, I just wanted to try things).
Could you consider running a few buses each day to the hotels on the onpeak system that aren't on the normal routes? It cost us $35 each way for Lyft/Uber and it would be great if just a few could be run each day (we were at the Embassy Suites Logan).
+ As most people have said Thursday was great lines were fairly short and the show floor wasn't overly crowded. I was able to get in a Nintendo line that was relatively short.
+ acq inc being Thursday night was great. The line was handled very well and it gave them freedom to go long so the show didn't seem rushed like it sometimes has on the past.
+ All lines for panels I went to were handled very well by enforcers
A couple areas for improvement:
- in one case the panelists in guide book were not up to date I went expecting one group of panelists and saw a completely different group.
- bandland seems to have less and less people every year maybe it was the difference in concerts but I didn't even see Paul and Storm there (having bill amend was a positive surprise)
- the skybridge was not open on Thursday yet was open every day after that takes away a huge advantage of the Westin if it can't be used.
- lack of variety in PC Freeplay, while console Freeplay has a huge selection for single and multiplayer games PC Freeplay seemed to have not only less gsmes but mostly multiplayer focused ones.
Overall a great show and I can't wait for next year. Oh and I know they don't have a ton of control but PLEASE try to stay in April.
-The line statuses in the app is brilliant!
-Logistics on the expo floor continue to be better. I remember my first time coming here, how many times I literally couldn't move on the floor!
-I see some shade being thrown at the PAX Arena, so I am putting it in the pros. I enjoy the rare chance to see some live esports. And you can just saunter up whenever, you don't need a ticket or even to wait in a line.
-Classic Console has a Vectrex!! Maybe that's normal, I rarely make it to the console rooms, but that blew my mind.
-Likewise this was my first time checking out Jamspace. That is a really cool deal. And a few console stations on the side, nice touch!
-D&D Adventurers League (what a great concept) was being run smoothly and the 'stations' to play in were nice.
-Herding the people in the morning queue is a thankless job, y'all probably get a lot of dirty looks, so THANKS to those enforcers.
-The 'League of Legends Shop' was not a shop at all. So, that was a wasted walk for my group, one of whom wanted to buy something for a friend who couldn't make it to PAX.
-There was an Ashes of Creation panel that was not in the schedule. A late addition? Is there a way to know about stuff like this?
-Classic Arcade. Is it dead forever? If it is, I'd like to know, so our group can stop getting our hopes up.
-Outside lines on Friday were a horror show. That's no secret!
I can't really think of anything substantial on the con side. We had a great time overall.
The programs are printed weeks before the show and last minute changes happen, so it's rare that the printed program matches the final schedule 100%. The Guidebook app will be accurate though, as that can be updated very quickly.
This. The SL1(Silver Line 1) fancy bus line runs from WTC station to airport for $2.75. Your hotel has a free shuttle from airport. On the return trip it is free hotel shuttle to airport then the silver line bus is free from airport to WTC. So only $2.75/person/day.
P&S were definitely there throughout the weekend.
mod edit: removed embed of oversized image
My largest complaint comes today - I’ve gotten my third email from a publisher at pax, and this one specifically says they got my email from the people at pax. I KNOW I didn’t sign up for any booths. I didn’t scan my badge anywhere and I didn’t fill anything out. I’m really not happy that it looks like pax gave my email out to publishers/developers. As someone who works in marketing, this is a huge no no; adding people to a mailing list who never even interacted with you.
DOTS RPG Project - Guild Master Jess | @dotsrpg
DOTS RPG Project - Guild Master Jess | @dotsrpg
Got one as well.
I never clicked that link.
Yeah, not THAT much free space. I'm not super sure of the details either, first PAX East for me - but it sounded like there was part of the conv center that we don't use...yet.
I feel like a change to the panel schedule is a big deal and justifies more than just a stealth update in the phone app. Why not have the official Twitter make a mention, right?
There are more than a few changes (like 50+) that happen between printed program and the show. It would significantly increase the amount of Tweets we send out to put them there and unless you were monitoring all the tweets, would not guarantee you saw a change you cared about. Sometimes if a large\popular panel is changed significantly it does get tweeted out, but we have to be sensitive to how much information @official_pax tweets out so we don't flood people.
This is good feedback. From what I was told they actually stopped enforcing that rule during the concerts, although i'm not sure at what point they did that. Trying to find a better way to be language inclusive is something we are thinking about.
Better placement of food trucks outside the BCEC. Overall, a better placement of food vendors in the Expo Hall than the last couple of years where they were all over the place and people just sat in the middle of expos walkways eating food.
Fun time trying to win prizes with our badges with PAX XP.
The Stern Pinball Arcade was a good addition but I did miss the arcade cabinets that ACAM brought.
*My biggest issue with the show was on Level 1 of the BCEC where the League of Legends Shop, Cosplay & Creator Lounge and Kickstarter rooms were all adjacent to one another. At one point in the hallway it became a crowded and jam-packed mess with everyone from these rooms standing outside, conversing with one another and posing for pictures. I witnessed an enforcer loudly announce that everyone had to keep moving along (where Swery from Japan was pitching The Good Life) was told not to pose with fans in front of the room since the hall walkway had to remain clear. It was understandable, but I imagine rather embarrassing and maybe frustrating for Swery and the rest of us who had to disperse. His interpreter was there and I'm sure he understood the situation. However, I don't understand why there was a couch placed in front of the KickStarter room.
I highly recommend that PAX give cosplay in general its own larger area for photography. I think PAX/ReedPop will have to balance out this need for space necessary for eSports, dance stage (I could be wrong but was anybody utilizing the dance stage on level 1?) and possibly explore utilizing more time in the main theater or outside the BCEC on the Lawn on D. Overall, there should be a larger space (or an allotted time in the Main Theater) where photographers and cosplayers can gather to help lessen the walkway congestion. The Lawn on D would be a great place to have a large heated tent there for cosplay, League of Legends or other sponsored events. I just wonder overall just how much the Main Theater is utilized during the day.
*The Overwatch stage in the main lobby of the BCEC was a bad idea. This added to more congestion in the lobby and there would have been an issue had there been a need to evacuate the area in the event of an emergency.
*There was nothing to do on Thursday night regarding music, the JamSpace was closed and there were no concerts - kind of a disappointment.
And I agree it might be time to retire the dance stage. Jack box is way better (as was the Rock Band stage years ago).
To clarify the context, the type of 'change' I was talking about was the newfound existence (or non-existence) of a panel.
I appreciate how economical the official PAX twitter is in what it tweets out; I would never suggest adding 50+ tweets to that feed. Just now, I sampled all of the panels of Thursday this year, comparing the app to the book, and every one was completely in sync. I'm going to boldly extrapolate, based on that one-day-out-of-four sampling, that when you allude to 50+ changes to panels, you are referring to more minor tweaks, rather than panels materializing out of nowhere. I stand by my opinion that, if a panel is added late enough that it is not in the book AT ALL, and not in the app when it launched, help these panelists get the word out a little! That is absolutely the type of information I expect to see on the convention's feed. (and same goes for if a panel is outright canceled)
I tried between 8 and 9 am, as I said just a minor thing on Thursday. It is often an issue the first day, and then fine all following days.