Will there be anything going on for PokemonGo Families this year at PAX? Any special events or releases? I heard they had Unown at PAX East... Is that true? Will West have similar event?
It's still early, but I don't remember any specific events for PoGo last year. It was pretty hit and miss; signals seemed poor (likely because of, well, PAX) and you basically had to leave the CC to get a signal, and even then about half the time my GPS couldn't find itself (I just sat there in PoGo Purgatory, waiting for something to happen, but it never did )
Then again I hear that's basically how all the events go (crashed servers, nobody able to play), so maybe that IS their attempt at an event? I really couldn't say :rotate:
(disclaimer: it might be my phone/carrier that sucks)
"Try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damned fool about it."
Niantic tends to spawn Unowns spelling the name of the event they're at (PAX, GDC, SD COMIC CON), and they also did LETS GO! for E3. It's likely they'll still be promoting the upcoming Let's Go, so hopefully they'll spawn something for us. Cell reception in general is poor in the WSCC during PAX, but the special spawns usually extend for a several block radius.
A trading meet up would be great. Swapping friend codes now would be good so we can work on those friendship levels to save some dust, especially for special trades.
Cascade games usually does a pokemon go games where they have competitions for pogo. That would seem like the best place to meetup or ask them to set up a friends list as the eggs you collect will count towards miles traded. Sdcc had a pokemon area and the friends and trading area seemed to work well. Ill have a ton of unowns from san diego to trade so hit me up
Jenny_SpaghettiI am 3 ginger midgets in a trench coat. Calgary, CanadalandRegistered Userregular
I'll be coming from Calgary if anyone needs trading mileage.
If anyone has a tropius or relicanth that they're willing to trade me, I have a ton of shinies up for offer... (I can list them all out if anyone is interested)
I'd say if there isn't an "Official" event we could get a group together for some trading for sure!
If anyone is going to the Tri-Wizard Drinking on Thursday night I'll be there, or any other time during the weekend works too.
I'd say if there isn't an "Official" event we could get a group together for some trading for sure!
If anyone is going to the Tri-Wizard Drinking on Thursday night I'll be there, or any other time during the weekend works too.
Trainer Code is in my signature 8-)
Oh cool. Im the huffledrunk house elf this year so I'll be there
I'd say if there isn't an "Official" event we could get a group together for some trading for sure!
If anyone is going to the Tri-Wizard Drinking on Thursday night I'll be there, or any other time during the weekend works too.
Trainer Code is in my signature 8-)
Oh cool. Im the huffledrunk house elf this year so I'll be there
My only missing Gen 1 in my Pokedex is Kangaskhan. Anyone have one they'd be willing to trade at PAX? We could become friends now, and it wouldn't cost TOO much by then....
Sorry to bump! Hoping there is a POGO meetup sometime during PAX - for sure would love to get some regionals. Heading in from Cleveland and have some Unown I can part with from GDC
Bad news everybody. Cascade games just anounced they are not coming to pax this year. So no general place to meet up to trade codes or pokemon. If you want to have a meetup it might be best to set something up at the handheld lounge as there doesnt appear there is going to be a general pokemon area this year and the pokemon league should be there in the lounge
Lvl 40 from Whidbey Island going to my first ever PAX. I'm only able to attend on Mon Sep 3 because of work commitments. For those that attended PAX East...did the Unowns still spawn on the last day of the convention? (technically not the weekend)
I live in BFE and Unkown dont exist on my little island.
Id be up for a trade meetup time. Let me know when people prefer like morning afternoon or after the hall closes etc. as yo when the unown stop spawning they typically stop spawn after that night as they run for awhile after the events end usually
Id be up for a trade meetup time. Let me know when people prefer like morning afternoon or after the hall closes etc. as yo when the unown stop spawning they typically stop spawn after that night as they run for awhile after the events end usually
I like the idea of meeting up in the handheld area after the expo hall closes
The way trading works in Pokemon Go, we might want to consider more than one meetup over PAX. Trading a Pokemon not in either party's Pokedex is considered a "special" trade - and I believe you can only do one special trade per day
The way trading works in Pokemon Go, we might want to consider more than one meetup over PAX. Trading a Pokemon not in either party's Pokedex is considered a "special" trade - and I believe you can only do one special trade per day
Hey everyone. Unown had been been at stops tonight 3 versions they spell PAX. Teehee.
I'm a little sad that it only spells PAX...they could have done PAX West or PAX Seattle. At least more than three letters. Dont get me wrong I'm glad they're there but still. They could have done more for us.
I have some Mr. Mimes, Farfetch'd, Volbeat, and a few unown's that I'd trade for the following:
Kangashkan, Heracross, Corsola, Torkoal, Tropius, Relicanth
Then again I hear that's basically how all the events go (crashed servers, nobody able to play), so maybe that IS their attempt at an event? I really couldn't say :rotate:
(disclaimer: it might be my phone/carrier that sucks)
A trading meet up would be great. Swapping friend codes now would be good so we can work on those friendship levels to save some dust, especially for special trades.
If anyone is going to the Tri-Wizard Drinking on Thursday night I'll be there, or any other time during the weekend works too.
Trainer Code is in my signature 8-)
PAX PRIME 2018 Status: Badges [√] Room [√] Waiting [ :x ]
PoGo Trainer Code:4505 8413 2232
Oh cool. Im the huffledrunk house elf this year so I'll be there
Well.... At least you're in the right house!
PAX PRIME 2018 Status: Badges [√] Room [√] Waiting [ :x ]
PoGo Trainer Code:4505 8413 2232
I’m coming in from Philly if you need to rack up miles!
6017 1197 2699
3DS: 0817-4905-9201
XBL: Brandobaris
I live in BFE and Unkown dont exist on my little island.
I like the idea of meeting up in the handheld area after the expo hall closes
I'm a little sad that it only spells PAX...they could have done PAX West or PAX Seattle. At least more than three letters. Dont get me wrong I'm glad they're there but still. They could have done more for us.
I have some Mr. Mimes, Farfetch'd, Volbeat, and a few unown's that I'd trade for the following:
Kangashkan, Heracross, Corsola, Torkoal, Tropius, Relicanth