'18 cosplayers

kaZombiekaZombie AlbertaRegistered User regular
Who is dressing up and what are peeps wearing??

I'll only be attending fri, and sat. So far I am putting together a quick retro swing style dress in vault suit colors to have something comfy to wear.

Still unsure if I want to bring something the other day I go.



  • HalseySpartan2HalseySpartan2 Quality Assurance Engineer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2018
    I'm going as a Helghast infantry trooper and am attending all four days


    HalseySpartan2 on
  • RiDERiDE the WORST! Hotel CaliforniaRegistered User regular

    I'll be attending Saturday and Sunday (maybe Monday?) dressed as Ada from RE2, with my spouse who will be Leon Kennedy. I've used the costume before, but this is the year I think we've finally nailed all aspects of it (shoes, hair, makeup, all the excruciating little details that go into really good cosplay). I have spray painted fake bullets and glued them into my holster. I have gotten over my fear of stabbing myself in the eye so I can wear contacts and actually see what's going on. I have practiced walking around in Ada's ridiculous high heels so I can race everyone else to the RE2 demo station. MY TIME HAS COME

    (I may or may not have waited 3 years for this)

    "Try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damned fool about it."
  • sediroxsedirox Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    mod edit: removed img tags from oversized image
    Here’s my lineup this year. Tressa is dependent on if I can figure out how to make her hat.

    zerzhul on
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Working on my first cosplay. Super nervous...so I will only be wearing it one day, Saturday. I'll be going as Michonne from TWD.

  • ploogleploogle Registered User regular
    Question! We're looking at having a prop that generates "steam" aka heated glycerin clouds aka vape pen. It's not truly a vape as it will be pure glycerin more akin to a fog machine. Does anyone think we'll have a problem with this?

    If you can't handle me at my Worcestershire, you don't deserve me at my Bestershire.
  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular
    I'm in no way official, but I would say yah...If it's smoking inside, I think they will dislike that. Not to say you can't have it work outside, there's a great spot people use for photos, but in the con? I would bet no...

    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Yeah...we don't even allow panelists to use fog machines after the '15 PAX Royal Rumble caused the entire Grand Hyatt to be evacuated for 20 minutes. Plus, vaping is not allowed inside the WSCC (and probably not any of the other buildings we use), so I'd say that's very much a no-go.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    reminder, please remove the img tags for images larger than 1MB if you use our uploader
    if you are sharing an image from off-site that is larger than 1MB (not using our uploader), post a link instead of embedding it.

  • sediroxsedirox Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    reminder, please remove the img tags for images larger than 1MB if you use our uploader
    if you are sharing an image from off-site that is larger than 1MB (not using our uploader), post a link instead of embedding it.

    Sorry about that. I was uploading from my phone and couldn’t check the size >.<

  • divisiontendivisionten Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    I’ve got-
    Kiibo from Danganronpa

    Ratchet and Clank

    And Dipper with an animatronic floating Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls.

    Find me as Dipper if you want to try controlling Cipher and freak people out :)

    divisionten on
  • ScunosiScunosi WashingtonRegistered User regular
    I'm going all 4 days but am mostly going to be re-wearing stuff from past cons. I've been too busy with other events and buying a condo and getting engaged to worry about building something new.

    I'm bringing Table Tennis (Summer Games Spray) Mei from Overwatch, Shy Gal, and probably my frog kigurumi for the last day as usual, unless I just go in casual nerd-wear. Assuming the pieces from Amazon come in on time I'll be doing (spoilers?) New Donk City Peach from Mario Odyssey, but a lot of it's shipping from China and has an arrival window of about a month so she might not actually happen.

    As for days, I'd planned on doing Mei whenever the OW group was going to happen but that FB event recently got cancelled so...who knows. Hit me up if you're doing anything OW or Nintendo.

    I'll speak for my non-forum friends in case anyone is trying to round up people for group stuff. My fiance may be wearing my Sans from Undertale at least one day since he doesn't have much else ready to go. He's also thinking of whipping together a Hollow Knight cosplay since it wouldn't take much more than the mask. Another friend is bringing his usual Ryu from Street Fighter and now has a few alt costumes for him. Another will be doing Eevee from Pokemon and may have her husband do the new trainer from Let's Go! Eevee with her.

  • ploogleploogle Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    whypick1 wrote: »
    Yeah...we don't even allow panelists to use fog machines after the '15 PAX Royal Rumble caused the entire Grand Hyatt to be evacuated for 20 minutes. Plus, vaping is not allowed inside the WSCC (and probably not any of the other buildings we use), so I'd say that's very much a no-go.

    Yeah, kinda figured. What about a non-glycerin solution like an ultrasonic water vaporizer?

    ploogle on
    If you can't handle me at my Worcestershire, you don't deserve me at my Bestershire.
  • divisiontendivisionten Registered User regular
    ploogle wrote: »
    whypick1 wrote: »
    Yeah...we don't even allow panelists to use fog machines after the '15 PAX Royal Rumble caused the entire Grand Hyatt to be evacuated for 20 minutes. Plus, vaping is not allowed inside the WSCC (and probably not any of the other buildings we use), so I'd say that's very much a no-go.

    Yeah, kinda figured. What about a non-glycerin solution like an ultrasonic water vaporizer?

    I would REALLY err on side of caution. Don’t use it inside. You don’t want to be that guy.

  • midnamidna Greater Seattle AreaRegistered User regular
    I'll be going as a mash up of Breath of the Wild Link and Linkle!


    [ ] Badges [ ] time off [ ] cosplay

  • ScunosiScunosi WashingtonRegistered User regular
    ploogle wrote: »
    whypick1 wrote: »
    Yeah...we don't even allow panelists to use fog machines after the '15 PAX Royal Rumble caused the entire Grand Hyatt to be evacuated for 20 minutes. Plus, vaping is not allowed inside the WSCC (and probably not any of the other buildings we use), so I'd say that's very much a no-go.

    Yeah, kinda figured. What about a non-glycerin solution like an ultrasonic water vaporizer?

    I don't think it matters what the solution is. I know there's a Sub Zero cosplayer I've seen a few years that has a vaporizing mask that isn't supposed to use it indoors. Anything that looks like smoke/vapor is probably going to be a no-go just on a "better safe than sorry" basis for the convention center. They don't want to risk people accidentally starting fires, or making others sick with the smell/residue, so it's likely just a blanket ban.

    The safest way to get an indoor-friendly effect is light fabric and a fan, same as anyone doing indoor moving "fire."

  • anifirebirdanifirebird Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Weird curious question - Does anyone have any cosplays that can be borrowed to wear? Is that weird to ask? Can I google rent a cosplay?!

    5'5 lean frame for reference. Is there such a thing? I'd love to cosplay but am bad with home ecs and laziness. :O

    anifirebird on
  • divisiontendivisionten Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Weird curious question - Does anyone have any cosplays that can be borrowed to wear? Is that weird to ask? Can I google rent a cosplay?!

    5'5 lean frame for reference. Is there such a thing? I'd love to cosplay but am bad with home ecs and laziness. :O

    Rent a cosplay really isn’t a thing. Most people who have cosplay either made it themselves or purchased. If the former, it likely cost an insane amount of time and resources, and also is probably fit to the wearer. If it’s bought, it wasn’t cheap. Have you considered a closet cosplay? That is, a character that could be made from pieces of clothing you own (or could double as regular things in your wardrobe).

    My Dipper, for example, is all stuff I already had. While I made he Bill Cipher animatronic, the clothes I’m wearing are all pretty basic (grey shorts, red T, blue puffy vest, and the official GF hat which you can grab on Amazon). And still, I know my costume is instantly recognizeable even if I didn’t have any props. Rick from Rick and Morty is also easy to do from found clothes, plus a blue wig and a lab coat.

    Edit: if you’re a Gravity Falls fan I could probably help you throw together Robbie or Wendy if you wanted to cosplay together. Controlling the Cipher animatronic takes two people and I’d gladly trade some help for cosplay stuff.

    divisionten on
  • anifirebirdanifirebird Registered User regular
    I appreciate it and I know you need help with the controlling. I can't give ya a bunch of time as I'm Omeganaut but if you want for a couple hours on one of the days, I don't mind helping out.

    It's probably gonna be hard to find help so maybe if a few of us pitch in for a couple hours on the day you wear it?

    Let me know!

  • RiverglowRiverglow Registered User regular
    I’m also going to be wearing my first cosplay! Going as Shani from the Witcher series:


    Haven’t decided what day I’m wearing it yet, but I’ll be at the convention all four days. I'm the biggest introvert ever, so kind of nervous, but excited to show off my hard work too!

  • anifirebirdanifirebird Registered User regular
    That looks so dope, lol.

  • VGguy49VGguy49 Registered User regular
    sedirox wrote: »
    mod edit: removed img tags from oversized image
    Here’s my lineup this year. Tressa is dependent on if I can figure out how to make her hat.

    Oh an Octopath cosplay!
    I was thinking of doing Therion for East. Good luck!

    Wishes he could change his username
  • dorkboatdorkboat Vancouver, WARegistered User new member
    I'll be cosplaying as my really high elf bard, Yoelow Swaggins. https://i.imgur.com/3fUHiWx.jpg

  • InitialdorInitialdor Seattle's Carl Registered User regular
    For the eighth time at PAX PAX Prime PAX West... Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force

    2018 West: Badges [x] TWDT [Rclaw TT] Cosplay: Still bald. Still single. Still lovin' it!
    "Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
  • Croatian SensationCroatian Sensation Registered User regular
    Initialdor wrote: »
    For the eighth time at PAX PAX Prime PAX West... Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force

    This looks like the most comfortable cosplay!

  • azombieatemyshoelaceazombieatemyshoelace Registered User new member
    edited August 2018
    I’ll be going as Jill Valentine one day and Claire Redfield another. I’m glad I’m not going to be the only RE cosplayer. I’ll be there Friday and Sunday. Haven’t decided who I’m going to do what day

    azombieatemyshoelace on
  • dorkboatdorkboat Vancouver, WARegistered User new member
    I'm making a sword using 3-D printing right now, if I use a threaded steel rod in the interior as the stabilizing core, will I get reprimanded, or will it be fine as long as I'm not brandishing it and have it peace bonded? The entirety of the sword will be painted PLA, just a thin steel rod glues in the interior.

  • CharmingDevilCharmingDevil Token Awkward Muffin Graham, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    I'm probably just gonna rewear some older cosplays this year but I still can't decide who to wear. I'm going Sat and Sun. Thinking Tifa and/or Red XIII from FFVII, Ashley from Until Dawn, or Bendy from Bendy and the Ink Machine. I really wanted to wear Jace again this year but I think I'm gonna upgrade him quite a bit first. I was also thinking cosplaying my character from The Secret World but most likely won't be recognized.

  • ArtDragonArtDragon Registered User regular
    Going as the Volunteer from Prey's DLC: Mooncrash. My first time cosplaying as well! Putting everything together has not been too difficult and it should be fun!

  • okami423 okami423 Registered User new member
    Anyone know if there is a specific place to check for cosplay gatherings? The only one I'm finding on Facebook is the overwatch gathering. I have a couple friends who will be doing bloodborne cosplay and we were hoping to track down some fellow Fromsoft cosplayers.

  • rorshack6rorshack6 Registered User regular
    There looks to be a tentative gathering for Final Fantasy on reddit

  • rorshack6rorshack6 Registered User regular
    And if you're looking for Devil May Cry this might be just the thing

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    For anyone who is interested, Child's Play is doing a Cosplay for Child's Play fundraiser where you can win a set of badges to PAX West 2019

  • wrenwodewrenwode Registered User new member
    I'll be dressing as Pamitha from Pyre, Red from Transistor, and a human Amaterasu from Okami.

  • ScunosiScunosi WashingtonRegistered User regular
    okami423 wrote: »
    Anyone know if there is a specific place to check for cosplay gatherings? The only one I'm finding on Facebook is the overwatch gathering. I have a couple friends who will be doing bloodborne cosplay and we were hoping to track down some fellow Fromsoft cosplayers.
    FB is the general place to be, but if you don't find a specific meet-up as a separate event check the largest fan group for whatever fandom you're interested in and ask there if they already have one.

  • rorshack6rorshack6 Registered User regular
    wrenwode wrote: »
    I'll be dressing as Pamitha from Pyre, Red from Transistor, and a human Amaterasu from Okami.

    Cool to see another fan of supergiant, I'll have to keep an out

  • okami423 okami423 Registered User new member
    Scunosi wrote: »
    okami423 wrote: »
    Anyone know if there is a specific place to check for cosplay gatherings? The only one I'm finding on Facebook is the overwatch gathering. I have a couple friends who will be doing bloodborne cosplay and we were hoping to track down some fellow Fromsoft cosplayers.
    FB is the general place to be, but if you don't find a specific meet-up as a separate event check the largest fan group for whatever fandom you're interested in and ask there if they already have one.

    Ok cool thanks I'll try that

  • RavenHuskyRavenHusky Registered User regular
    Riot is holding League of Legends cosplay meetups at Westlake Park on Saturday and Sunday.



  • midnamidna Greater Seattle AreaRegistered User regular
    I made an event on FB for a Legend of Zelda cosplay meet up! : https://www.facebook.com/events/308336966600075/


    [ ] Badges [ ] time off [ ] cosplay

  • bubblegirl22bubblegirl22 portlandRegistered User regular
    I'll be cosplaying as chun li on Saturday and mystery girl from Steven universe on Sunday. Also I know I'm going to be alone most of the con. The group I go with all have very different taste. So if anyone wants to wait in lines for demos and check out the main floor with me then let me know!

  • rorshack6rorshack6 Registered User regular
    I'll be cosplaying as chun li on Saturday and mystery girl from Steven universe on Sunday. Also I know I'm going to be alone most of the con. The group I go with all have very different taste. So if anyone wants to wait in lines for demos and check out the main floor with me then let me know!

    I'm hitting the capcom booth for the DMC5 demo

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