I find it extremely unrealistic that avowed gamers would be ignorant of "Mountain Dew."
They were sprite men for too long, you choose your side in the vaguely citrus drink war and forsake the other.
Was Jerry actually a Sprite man? I know Mike was, or rather was actually a Sprite Man (homo spriteus), before The Reckoning. Not sure if he's allowed it anymore.
I especially like this one because of the instant shift from the second panel's emotions to their usual playing with words. A very "podcasty" or "Mike & Jerry" comic, if you will.
If liking Doritos and Mountain Dew make me a bro, then pardon me while I pop this collar and turn my baseball cap backwards.
Marathon on
H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
edited August 2018
One time when I was in 1st or 2nd grade, my mother bought a 6-pack of mountain dew for one of my older siblings. Me and my best friend at the time spent an afternoon making up challenges, and the loser had to drink the soda.
But I've always liked Doritos, both cool ranch & nacho cheese flavors (although I liked the latter more back before they had the "nacho cheesier" promotion when they increased the cheese and seasoning).
I believe it would be "Mountains Dew" when referring to the multiple flavors, and "Mountain Dews" when referring to multiple bottles. I could be wrong though.
Mountain Dew doesn't need any added letters to indicate plural. If anything, the 's' would be added to the container that holds the Dew, bottles, cans, that sort of thing.
I believe it would be "Mountains Dew" when referring to the multiple flavors, and "Mountain Dews" when referring to multiple bottles. I could be wrong though.
They forgot the red bull and axe deodorant. Probably something else missing.
Sprite wise I miss when it had cane sugar in it. Tasted better back then. All this artificial sugar crap ruins things.
I have to admit baha blast mountain dew and the very brief world of warcraft mountain dew are really good. Oh and the dark blue one. Especially those 3 as freezies, slushies or whatever you would call them at various places that serve them. I wish they'd bring back the wow one. It was easily the best caffeinated carbonated fruit punch soda I have ever had.
Vitamin T and The Rad Chad.
So unrealistic, it might be described as "comical".
They were sprite men for too long, you choose your side in the vaguely citrus drink war and forsake the other.
But I still think it's wrong.
It's 'non standard' or 'incorrect', yeah. Use no one.
Was Jerry actually a Sprite man? I know Mike was, or rather was actually a Sprite Man (homo spriteus), before The Reckoning. Not sure if he's allowed it anymore.
What if you get some regular and also some code red?
Kind of a fish v fishes scenario.
Gaze long into the brobyss and you find out bros are also people and you might have a lot in common.
Or at least it should be.
Mountains Dew.
So, what? A lion crossbred with ginger?
But I've always liked Doritos, both cool ranch & nacho cheese flavors (although I liked the latter more back before they had the "nacho cheesier" promotion when they increased the cheese and seasoning).
Morning Dew is a totally different liquid, though potentially related.
Multiple flavors is actually a mountain dew range
Sprite wise I miss when it had cane sugar in it. Tasted better back then. All this artificial sugar crap ruins things.
I have to admit baha blast mountain dew and the very brief world of warcraft mountain dew are really good. Oh and the dark blue one. Especially those 3 as freezies, slushies or whatever you would call them at various places that serve them. I wish they'd bring back the wow one. It was easily the best caffeinated carbonated fruit punch soda I have ever had.