
[Monster Hunter] Astera Fest: Catch 'em all.



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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    IceBurner wrote: »
    Wish they'd done away with gunner armor one game earlier, because I really want to Adept LBG, HBG, and Bow, but I don't want have to build separate armor for it.

    good news!

    you can just be lazy like me and build the final boss armor, then slot in everything you want and make it look fashionable.
    bam! instant outfit for all 3 guns! the hardest part is getting a decent 3 slot talisman (which you'd also need for everything else, so whatever!)
    i'm currently rocking that set with Normal/Rapid up, Focus, Critical Eye +1, and Crit Boost.

    plus, unless you're going for those killer speedrun times, the difference in performance doesn't matter that much.
    at least, not as far as i know...?

    meanwhile my GS armor is ridiculously specific to that weapon and wouldn't carry over to other blademaster stuff anyway.
    Focus, Crit Draw, Punish Draw, Crit Boost, (free horn maestro from talisman). with +1 more on my talisman i could pull off sheathe sharpen.

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    Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    Lucedes wrote: »
    IceBurner wrote: »
    Wish they'd done away with gunner armor one game earlier, because I really want to Adept LBG, HBG, and Bow, but I don't want have to build separate armor for it.

    good news!

    you can just be lazy like me and build the final boss armor, then slot in everything you want and make it look fashionable.
    bam! instant outfit for all 3 guns! the hardest part is getting a decent 3 slot talisman (which you'd also need for everything else, so whatever!)
    i'm currently rocking that set with Normal/Rapid up, Focus, Critical Eye +1, and Crit Boost.

    plus, unless you're going for those killer speedrun times, the difference in performance doesn't matter that much.
    at least, not as far as i know...?

    meanwhile my GS armor is ridiculously specific to that weapon and wouldn't carry over to other blademaster stuff anyway.
    Focus, Crit Draw, Punish Draw, Crit Boost, (free horn maestro from talisman). with +1 more on my talisman i could pull off sheathe sharpen.
    Eh. In order to max out the entire set, you need 5 Alluring Gems. That's a tall ask. I've maxed out Blademaster and 2 of the weapons (7 Alluring Gems!), but I haven't maxed out my Gunner Armor.

    Luckily, there are Ahtal-Ka farming runs going pretty much 24/7.

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    IceBurnerIceBurner It's cold and there are penguins.Registered User regular
    Lucedes wrote: »
    IceBurner wrote: »
    Wish they'd done away with gunner armor one game earlier, because I really want to Adept LBG, HBG, and Bow, but I don't want have to build separate armor for it.

    good news!

    you can just be lazy like me and build the final boss armor, then slot in everything you want and make it look fashionable.
    bam! instant outfit for all 3 guns! the hardest part is getting a decent 3 slot talisman (which you'd also need for everything else, so whatever!)
    i'm currently rocking that set with Normal/Rapid up, Focus, Critical Eye +1, and Crit Boost.

    plus, unless you're going for those killer speedrun times, the difference in performance doesn't matter that much.
    at least, not as far as i know...?

    meanwhile my GS armor is ridiculously specific to that weapon and wouldn't carry over to other blademaster stuff anyway.
    Focus, Crit Draw, Punish Draw, Crit Boost, (free horn maestro from talisman). with +1 more on my talisman i could pull off sheathe sharpen.
    I'm still in Generations for now.

    3DS: 3024-6114-2886 | NNID: Rabites | Steam: IceBurner
    PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
    Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
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    Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    Today is Switchmageddon, the day that Nintendo rolls out their online service. I hope all of you MHGU folks subscribed. If not, well... it was nice hunting with you, and maybe we'll hunt together again sometime in a different MH game.

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    SaldonasSaldonas See you space cowboy...Registered User regular

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/carthuun
    Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053
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    SeidkonaSeidkona Had an upgrade Registered User regular
    I have my switch code ready to input for the year.

    Bring me more MHGU.

    More more more.

    Mostly just huntin' monsters.
    XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
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    SaldonasSaldonas See you space cowboy...Registered User regular
    I'm still questioning if I'll ever make it out of 5* hub quests.

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/carthuun
    Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053
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    TimFijiTimFiji Beast Lord Halfway2AnywhereRegistered User regular
    Anyone wanna hunt Lao Shan or whatever that been urgent dragon is called? In like 30 minutes or 40

    Switch: SW-2322-2047-3148 Steam: Archpriest
      Selling Board Games for Medical Bills
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      SeidkonaSeidkona Had an upgrade Registered User regular
      TimFiji wrote: »
      Anyone wanna hunt Lao Shan or whatever that been urgent dragon is called? In like 30 minutes or 40

      I am in

      Mostly just huntin' monsters.
      XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
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      flammiebcflammiebc Registered User regular
      Will probably activate that switch online trial tonight and continue on as normal; still working through HR village requests and G4 keys before I can get to the cool stuff.

      Been having a lot of fun with the valstrax LS and DBs trying to learn valor mode on both. Being able to go a couple screens between sharpens with no armor skills is the biggest QoL improvement these weapons give, hands down.

      Switch: SW-7753-7176-1119
      PSN: LucidStar_BC
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      dporowskidporowski Registered User regular
      edited September 2018
      Naphtali wrote: »
      dporowski wrote: »
      15m Lunastra Arena:


      I would go LBG, get out of the pit and try to kite/dodge her. Don't have to kill her, just survive I think. Head, tail/butt and wings are weak points for gunners

      I'll have to try that. I was doing LBG, but in the pit, and I just could NOT do enough damage within 15m, and that nova is stupid. I feel like I was reasonably close, since she was getting real mad there towards the end. Other than the nova, it's just the timer is my problem.

      Edit: It probably helps that charitably, my LBG playstyle could be described as "mobile", and uncharitably as "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" as I roll around like I was on fire.

      dporowski on
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      biscuitbutt81biscuitbutt81 Registered User regular
      I beat EX Bloodbath Diablos, but it wasn't really a satisfying victory, because he's such a vile 1-shotting shit lord. I guess it's cool to have the crown next to my name, but I'm not a tremendous fan of the 1 MISTAKE = DEATH U NOOB LOL style of gameplay.

      I actually might just use tonight's transition to PAY TO PLAY as an excuse to bow out of multiplayer MHGU, because I'm not responsible or savvy enough to balance things like school (which starts next week) and games like Monster Hunter.

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      Ratsult2Ratsult2 Registered User regular
      When I see a giant bug, I burn it
      and I'm not talking about the giant spider

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      GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
      I love the final mounting attack with the HH, you just start banging on them over and over with the horn like it's a Looney Tunes cartoon and it sounds like someone's tripped and fell in the music room.

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      TimFijiTimFiji Beast Lord Halfway2AnywhereRegistered User regular
      Entaru wrote: »
      TimFiji wrote: »
      Anyone wanna hunt Lao Shan or whatever that been urgent dragon is called? In like 30 minutes or 40

      I am in

      We playing tonight if others wanna join. I had issues getting on yesterday so I just played rocket league.

      Switch: SW-2322-2047-3148 Steam: Archpriest
        Selling Board Games for Medical Bills
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        darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
        Been using Long Sword a bunch lately, I can see why it is the most popular weapon in MHW, simple to use and that evade slash is just fantastic. Been doing ok vs all the monsters so far, even that bitch Deviljho. So far Val Hazak and Teastro have gotten chopped down, havent bothered with Kushala as I dont need anything from her. Will try some tempered next.

        So far have been using my Xeno'Jiva armor setup with it.

        Critical Eye 4
        Weakness Exploit 3
        Power Prolonger 3
        Flinch Free 3
        Blight Resistance 3
        Health Boost 3 (I swap these out with various resists etc)
        Protective Polish
        Mind's Eye/Ballistics

        Set bonus -Razor Sharp/Spare Shot

        this is pretty much my insect glaive setup as well.
        I am sure i could scale back some defensive measures for more offensive skills but so far I am doing pretty good

        Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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        SatsumomoSatsumomo Rated PG! Registered User regular
        So in MH4, when you were in an online room, you could talk to the gong lady and change the room settings.

        I'm struggling to find this in MHGU. Is this actually possible?

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        PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
        Satsumomo wrote: »
        So in MH4, when you were in an online room, you could talk to the gong lady and change the room settings.

        I'm struggling to find this in MHGU. Is this actually possible?

        It's just the ZL multiplayer menu I think.

        Steam: Polaritie
        3DS: 0473-8507-2652
        Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
        PSN: AbEntropy
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        IceBurnerIceBurner It's cold and there are penguins.Registered User regular
        Ratsult2 wrote: »
        When I see a giant bug, I burn it
        and I'm not talking about the giant spider
        What .... am I even seeing?

        3DS: 3024-6114-2886 | NNID: Rabites | Steam: IceBurner
        PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
        Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
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        SatsumomoSatsumomo Rated PG! Registered User regular
        Polaritie wrote: »
        Satsumomo wrote: »
        So in MH4, when you were in an online room, you could talk to the gong lady and change the room settings.

        I'm struggling to find this in MHGU. Is this actually possible?

        It's just the ZL multiplayer menu I think.

        As far I've tried, it only gives me the option to connect/disconnect... So I'd have to create a new room. Or so I think, I might be really dumb.

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        TimFijiTimFiji Beast Lord Halfway2AnywhereRegistered User regular
        Satsumomo wrote: »
        Polaritie wrote: »
        Satsumomo wrote: »
        So in MH4, when you were in an online room, you could talk to the gong lady and change the room settings.

        I'm struggling to find this in MHGU. Is this actually possible?

        It's just the ZL multiplayer menu I think.

        As far I've tried, it only gives me the option to connect/disconnect... So I'd have to create a new room. Or so I think, I might be really dumb.

        Press +, there's an option (Maybe multiplayer settings) that let's you change hub stuff.

        Switch: SW-2322-2047-3148 Steam: Archpriest
          Selling Board Games for Medical Bills
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          SeidkonaSeidkona Had an upgrade Registered User regular
          edited September 2018
          Not that anyone is surprised but MHGU does not have chat app support.

          We're all using Discord anyway but it's good to know.

          Seidkona on
          Mostly just huntin' monsters.
          XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
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          Ratsult2Ratsult2 Registered User regular
          IceBurner wrote: »
          Ratsult2 wrote: »
          When I see a giant bug, I burn it
          and I'm not talking about the giant spider
          What .... am I even seeing?

          Two Konchu getting what they deserve. Also, two barrel bombs killing a Nerscylla and a pretty cool hunter not looking at the explosion.

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          ZanshinretsuZanshinretsu About 20% more deathstare Seattle, WARegistered User regular
          flammiebc wrote: »
          Will probably activate that switch online trial tonight and continue on as normal; still working through HR village requests and G4 keys before I can get to the cool stuff.

          Been having a lot of fun with the valstrax LS and DBs trying to learn valor mode on both. Being able to go a couple screens between sharpens with no armor skills is the biggest QoL improvement these weapons give, hands down.

          I ran a couple Boltreaver quests with randoms last night. Hoo boy is that a tough fight.

          My studio's main site
          PSN: Zanshiretsu <-- misspelled because I am dumb.
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          Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
          This was one weird-ass Mitsusune killshot. Look at those feet! I'm flying headfirst into it with the Ahtal-Ka Lance.

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          IceBurnerIceBurner It's cold and there are penguins.Registered User regular
          edited September 2018
          I can hardly wait to have a better time in 2nd Jungle than I ever did in MH2.

          I just wish the MH2/MHF2 music was intact. In every case it was way more interesting than the MHFU replacements they've reused ever since (which are all apparently lifted from MH Frontier Online). They didn't even bother redoing the stage intro bits to match the new music, so every trip I'm reminded of the permanent mismatch. With 600+ hours in MH2 I sometimes forget and get confused, then disappointed when different music starts playing.

          I wonder if it's a music licensing issue.

          IceBurner on
          3DS: 3024-6114-2886 | NNID: Rabites | Steam: IceBurner
          PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
          Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
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          TimFijiTimFiji Beast Lord Halfway2AnywhereRegistered User regular
          Got a G room up doing 11/12 keys if anyone wanna join

          Switch: SW-2322-2047-3148 Steam: Archpriest
            Selling Board Games for Medical Bills
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            IceBurnerIceBurner It's cold and there are penguins.Registered User regular
            What the heck is the version of MHFU (seeing as the player has an Ukanlos GS) being played in this video?


            3DS: 3024-6114-2886 | NNID: Rabites | Steam: IceBurner
            PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
            Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
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            Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
            IceBurner wrote: »
            What the heck is the version of MHFU (seeing as the player has an Ukanlos GS) being played in this video?

            I think it's MHFU for iOS, given the massive size of the icons?

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            IceBurnerIceBurner It's cold and there are penguins.Registered User regular
            edited September 2018
            The idea of playing with touchscreen controls makes PSP and 2DS/OG3DS clawing seem appealing.

            I was surprised to see the 2nd generation areas at what appears to HD resolution in a game that's not MHFO or MHGU. For all their many, many faults, they're actually quite pretty when not compressed to hell.

            IceBurner on
            3DS: 3024-6114-2886 | NNID: Rabites | Steam: IceBurner
            PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
            Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
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            biscuitbutt81biscuitbutt81 Registered User regular
            Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
            IceBurner wrote: »
            What the heck is the version of MHFU (seeing as the player has an Ukanlos GS) being played in this video?

            I think it's MHFU for iOS, given the massive size of the icons?

            Does that video not include mhg and mhgu when it talks about old monster hunters not having “op attacks”. Because the hunter styles are busted as hell and allow you to do insane shit that is at least on par with the various moves in mhw.

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            Mr KhanMr Khan Not Everyone WAHHHRegistered User regular
            Much like how my first day in G2 saw me fight Lao Shan Lung, my first day in G3 saw me fight Valstrax.

            My goals for G3 are to get a few simple Rathalos parts to up my fire lance, and then to get parts from:

            Gore Megala

            To supplement the ass-ton of Lao Shan Lung parts I have to build Borealis armor, which will be a great late-game set for the non-lance adventures I have, and give me the raw def to lance up to G4 and the promised one, Agnaktor and the glorious Agnaktor X armor.

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            Ratsult2Ratsult2 Registered User regular
            The update for MHGU added an option to click the left stick to toggle sprint (and separate option to make it sheathe too). It doesn't replace the R button and you can't use it for certain draw attacks.

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            VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
            Ratsult2 wrote: »
            The update for MHGU added an option to click the left stick to toggle sprint (and separate option to make it sheathe too). It doesn't replace the R button and you can't use it for certain draw attacks.

            I just want the left stick to not toggle my map constantly...

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            Ratsult2Ratsult2 Registered User regular
            Vyolynce wrote: »
            Ratsult2 wrote: »
            The update for MHGU added an option to click the left stick to toggle sprint (and separate option to make it sheathe too). It doesn't replace the R button and you can't use it for certain draw attacks.

            I just want the left stick to not toggle my map constantly...

            This toggle sprint option changes the map zoom to a button when the + menu is open, so will probably fix that problem.

            Also, have you tried the option to turn the map off? It hides the map unless you are holding the L button. Really cleans up some screen space and it's not like you need the map open 100% of the time. It would be another way to fix accidentally zooming the map.

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            PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
            So how do I ping in MHGU anyways?

            Steam: Polaritie
            3DS: 0473-8507-2652
            Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
            PSN: AbEntropy
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            Ratsult2Ratsult2 Registered User regular
            Polaritie wrote: »
            So how do I ping in MHGU anyways?

            open the + menu, then X button

            While we are on the subject of hidden options/buttons, is there a combination of buttons that does the same thing as the - button? On GS it kicks, and on DB it lets you do the spin forward move while standing (normally you have to run forward and hit X+A).

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            PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
            Ratsult2 wrote: »
            Polaritie wrote: »
            So how do I ping in MHGU anyways?

            open the + menu, then X button

            While we are on the subject of hidden options/buttons, is there a combination of buttons that does the same thing as the - button? On GS it kicks, and on DB it lets you do the spin forward move while standing (normally you have to run forward and hit X+A).

            No, - is usually the same as X+A moves, but in a couple cases it's different and then it's the only button for it.

            Steam: Polaritie
            3DS: 0473-8507-2652
            Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
            PSN: AbEntropy
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            KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
            So I'm at work, but... Some people on steam are having huge issues and the game isn't working anymore. Any info?

            3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
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            UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
            Ratsult2 wrote: »
            The update for MHGU added an option to click the left stick to toggle sprint (and separate option to make it sheathe too). It doesn't replace the R button and you can't use it for certain draw attacks.

            Can you do it in town?!

            Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
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