
[Monster Hunter] Astera Fest: Catch 'em all.



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    SyngyneSyngyne Registered User regular
    Jesus fuck the MHW arena is an exercise in masochism.

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    RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    You have to do the MHW arena in multiplayer. It doesn't scale to one player. Even then, it's tough.

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    Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited September 2018
    Renzo wrote: »
    You have to do the MHW arena in multiplayer. It doesn't scale to one player. Even then, it's tough.
    Eh. Is it? The only one I had trouble with was Nergigante. All of the rest of them are doable with not-terrible times solo. Yeah, you hit less hard with sub-optimal armor/weapons/skills, but it's not that bad.

    Hahnsoo1 on
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    RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    Renzo wrote: »
    You have to do the MHW arena in multiplayer. It doesn't scale to one player. Even then, it's tough.
    Eh. Is it? The only one I had trouble with was Nergigante. All of the rest of them are doable with not-terrible times solo. Yeah, you hit less hard with sub-optimal armor/weapons/skills, but it's not that bad.

    For folks who haven't used multiple weapon types, it can be at the very least annoying to have to use something you're not familiar with. A group I hang out with all got into MH for the first time with MHW PC and they were completely thrown by the arena.

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    otoh, arena is what finally got me to branch out from GS/hammer and try Bow, which was great.

    also 2 person arena is laughably easy in comparison to solo arena, at least in MHG/U.

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    PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    Fuck khezu and fuck lightning sacs

    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
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    SyngyneSyngyne Registered User regular
    Renzo wrote: »
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    Renzo wrote: »
    You have to do the MHW arena in multiplayer. It doesn't scale to one player. Even then, it's tough.
    Eh. Is it? The only one I had trouble with was Nergigante. All of the rest of them are doable with not-terrible times solo. Yeah, you hit less hard with sub-optimal armor/weapons/skills, but it's not that bad.

    For folks who haven't used multiple weapon types, it can be at the very least annoying to have to use something you're not familiar with. A group I hang out with all got into MH for the first time with MHW PC and they were completely thrown by the arena.

    It's even more fun trying to take down an azure rathalos with an unfamiliar weapon, and running out of time because the fucking thing won't stay on the ground long enough to do damage. And before anyone says "flash pods," they were gone within the first 10 minutes of the match.

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    NEO|PhyteNEO|Phyte They follow the stars, bound together. Strands in a braid till the end.Registered User regular
    Started up a new hunter in World so I could give him an in-character name (Jolly Fiver), trying out GS while I'm at it. Am I correct in figuring that once you start swinging, your direction is locked until you stop comboing? At the very least it seems like it doesn't track via camera.

    It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing... And take away its pain.
    Warframe/Steam: NFyt
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    dporowskidporowski Registered User regular
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    Polaritie wrote: »
    Yeah, MHW improves on material sourcing some.

    Like right now I'm hunting Khezu (ugh) to make Astalos armor (because fashion hunter mainly).

    And I keep getting the HR version of the material I need.

    But Diablos droppung LR parts is very unusual for MHW. Par for the course for older games though.
    ... HR enemies often drop rares from the previous tier as a more common drop, even in MHW. Odogaron Plates, for example.

    I wouldn't mind if they weren't taking the place of the god damn HR horns. Apparently it's only something like 8% to get a HR horn if you break both the damn things and get a kill/capture. Like... What? Come on.

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    SyngyneSyngyne Registered User regular
    I farmed Black Diablos for almost a week looking for majestic horns before looking in my monster guide and finding out they dropped from vanilla Diablos. >_<

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    dporowskidporowski Registered User regular
    Syngyne wrote: »
    I farmed Black Diablos for almost a week looking for majestic horns before looking in my monster guide and finding out they dropped from vanilla Diablos. >_<

    "Dropped" is only in the most generous of senses. I get more gem drops than horns.

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    Ratsult2Ratsult2 Registered User regular
    Syngyne wrote: »
    Renzo wrote: »
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    Renzo wrote: »
    You have to do the MHW arena in multiplayer. It doesn't scale to one player. Even then, it's tough.
    Eh. Is it? The only one I had trouble with was Nergigante. All of the rest of them are doable with not-terrible times solo. Yeah, you hit less hard with sub-optimal armor/weapons/skills, but it's not that bad.

    For folks who haven't used multiple weapon types, it can be at the very least annoying to have to use something you're not familiar with. A group I hang out with all got into MH for the first time with MHW PC and they were completely thrown by the arena.

    It's even more fun trying to take down an azure rathalos with an unfamiliar weapon, and running out of time because the fucking thing won't stay on the ground long enough to do damage. And before anyone says "flash pods," they were gone within the first 10 minutes of the match.

    When it does one of the dive moves where it stand on the ground for a second before taking off again, you can use slinger shots to flinch it, and it will stay on the ground. It also helps to save your first mount and try and judge the tail break for when it is in the air.

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    NaphtaliNaphtali Hazy + Flow SeaRegistered User regular
    NEO|Phyte wrote: »
    Started up a new hunter in World so I could give him an in-character name (Jolly Fiver), trying out GS while I'm at it. Am I correct in figuring that once you start swinging, your direction is locked until you stop comboing? At the very least it seems like it doesn't track via camera.

    you direction is slightly locked, but aiming the stick does give you some ability to adjust left and right up to a limit on follow up swings

    Steam | Nintendo ID: Naphtali | Wish List
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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    i've set a goal to solo all tge arch-tempereds/T Jho with the hammer over the festival

    did jho last night and honestly it wasn't even that bad

    i had it figured for a rough match-up. 18 minutes with a lot of prefight faffing, no carts

    kinda feeling like i took off the limiters starting the hammer

    was my bae swaxe underpowered all along

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    VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    I had forgotten how quickly purple sharpness tears through HR tails. Just amusing myself while working through 9* village...

    Also, for all you Gen completionists be sure to check the LR and HR hub quests. A bunch of new quests were added to the lower tiers to accomodate the new monsters in GenU and your pretty checkmarks have been removed. (You still keep your Guild Card cheevos, though.)

    Vyolynce on
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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular


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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    I'm still not a big fan of fighting Jho. I don't think his patterns are very fun, and generally speaking I don't find him as well-designed as other monsters.

    A big part of that is down to how the only weak spot he has for the hammer is his noggin, and he's tall enough to be out of range of the level 2 charge and won't hold still for my Big Bang Combo

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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »
    I'm still not a big fan of fighting Jho. I don't think his patterns are very fun, and generally speaking I don't find him as well-designed as other monsters.

    A big part of that is down to how the only weak spot he has for the hammer is his noggin, and he's tall enough to be out of range of the level 2 charge and won't hold still for my Big Bang Combo
    i just focused on his chest/legs because yeah you can't capitalize on stuns a whole lot

    it's kind of like how shitty mounting is on him too

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    KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    I fought a Tempered Kushala Daora for the first time.

    Holy shit those tornados hit way harder than I expected them to. Finished with 2 minutes and fifteen seconds on the clock.

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
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    FremFrem Registered User regular
    Monster Hunter Stories launched on mobile today. Looks like a port of the 3DS version modified for a single screen with a much smoother framerate.
    iOS | iOS Demo | Android | Android Demo

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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    got both my lavasioth crowns

    seeya in the sequel, fucker

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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    AT Kirin down, AT Vaal Hazak down with hammer. Yeah okay I can handle my shit with this, especially with this sick nasty build

    Kirin is actually a lot of fun with hammer and I got a real kick out of doing that fight. Only modification to my build was subbing the attack charm for para resistance.

    Vaal Hazak was a bit rougher, and i ate a dumb cart on it. Is he resistant to blunt? Damage seemed loooow. Want to work on this fight a bit more. Actually rolled Guild Cross head/Drachen on this case. Not quite everything i have on my regular build, but fairly close, with room for Miasma resistance and Divine Blessing.

    Still need to do AT Teostra, but he should be a chump

    My hammer build fucken owns

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    ProhassProhass Registered User regular
    Is there any way to track how many investigations youve completed?

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    NEO|PhyteNEO|Phyte They follow the stars, bound together. Strands in a braid till the end.Registered User regular
    Prohass wrote: »
    Is there any way to track how many investigations youve completed?
    Pretty sure it's listed on your guild card, at least in World.

    It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing... And take away its pain.
    Warframe/Steam: NFyt
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    VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Vyolynce wrote: »
    Also, for all you Gen completionists be sure to check the LR and HR hub quests. A bunch of new quests were added to the lower tiers to accomodate the new monsters in GenU and your pretty checkmarks have been removed. (You still keep your Guild Card cheevos, though.)

    I was mistaken about LR; nothing new was added there.


    HR got non-event hypers for Jho, Rajang, Goldie, and Silver, plus a hyper Gold/Silver duo. I have some work to do...

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    AretèAretè infiltrating neo zeed compoundRegistered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    AT Kirin down, AT Vaal Hazak down with hammer. Yeah okay I can handle my shit with this, especially with this sick nasty build

    Kirin is actually a lot of fun with hammer and I got a real kick out of doing that fight. Only modification to my build was subbing the attack charm for para resistance.

    Vaal Hazak was a bit rougher, and i ate a dumb cart on it. Is he resistant to blunt? Damage seemed loooow. Want to work on this fight a bit more. Actually rolled Guild Cross head/Drachen on this case. Not quite everything i have on my regular build, but fairly close, with room for Miasma resistance and Divine Blessing.

    Still need to do AT Teostra, but he should be a chump

    My hammer build fucken owns

    share with me pls and thx

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    AT Kirin down, AT Vaal Hazak down with hammer. Yeah okay I can handle my shit with this, especially with this sick nasty build

    Kirin is actually a lot of fun with hammer and I got a real kick out of doing that fight. Only modification to my build was subbing the attack charm for para resistance.

    Vaal Hazak was a bit rougher, and i ate a dumb cart on it. Is he resistant to blunt? Damage seemed loooow. Want to work on this fight a bit more. Actually rolled Guild Cross head/Drachen on this case. Not quite everything i have on my regular build, but fairly close, with room for Miasma resistance and Divine Blessing.

    Still need to do AT Teostra, but he should be a chump

    My hammer build fucken owns

    Vaal's head takes less damage from blunt than you would expect, yeah. Its biggest blunt weak spot is actually its chest.

    That is, unless you break its head, in which case the armoring falls off and it takes nearly full damage from blunt to the noggin. Breaking its head and going to town is still probably the fastest way to take it out.

    I know we've all had tons of Teostra practice, but when fighting AT Teostra with the hammer I really recommend slotting in full Fire Defense, and also bringing the Fireproof Mantle alongside the Temporal Mantle. Fire resistance matters against AT Teostra like it never did against regular Tempered

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Frem wrote: »
    Monster Hunter Stories launched on mobile today. Looks like a port of the 3DS version modified for a single screen with a much smoother framerate.
    iOS | iOS Demo | Android | Android Demo
    Neat, that was a fun game and the art style works great when up upscaled! Though, one of the reviews mentions the game requires an always-on connection? If that's true, a hard pass for me...

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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    Aretè wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    AT Kirin down, AT Vaal Hazak down with hammer. Yeah okay I can handle my shit with this, especially with this sick nasty build

    Kirin is actually a lot of fun with hammer and I got a real kick out of doing that fight. Only modification to my build was subbing the attack charm for para resistance.

    Vaal Hazak was a bit rougher, and i ate a dumb cart on it. Is he resistant to blunt? Damage seemed loooow. Want to work on this fight a bit more. Actually rolled Guild Cross head/Drachen on this case. Not quite everything i have on my regular build, but fairly close, with room for Miasma resistance and Divine Blessing.

    Still need to do AT Teostra, but he should be a chump

    My hammer build fucken owns

    share with me pls and thx

    the slugger spot's a freebie.

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    CesareBCesareB Registered User regular
    I'm a lowly HR 64 scrub, barely into the lategame, but I got the fabled Attack Gem today!

    Of course I main GL and focus on shelling and survival so, like, attack is not a priority skill, but it's nice to have. Will definitely help as I continue my experiment of branching out into IG.

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular

    Three Tenderizer Gems???

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    NaphtaliNaphtali Hazy + Flow SeaRegistered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »

    Three Tenderizer Gems???

    it can happen

    do we want to get a big PA Kulve group going some night this week? Might be fun

    Steam | Nintendo ID: Naphtali | Wish List
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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »

    Three Tenderizer Gems???
    they're not even rare!

    the crit jewels are scarier (though you can use the alpha kulve chest to help with that)

    you don't want to know how many artillery and handicraft jewels i have

    (it's four)

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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    you could also sub out two of the tenderizers for the kaiser alpha gloves, then gem in two experts, one in the gloves and one in place of one of the attack jewels. you lose 5% affinity and teeny bit of raw and end up with a meager 100% affinity on weak spots

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    SatsumomoSatsumomo Rated PG! Registered User regular
    Yeah I've gotten like 8 tenderizers and over 10 critical boosts, but only 1 attack gem.

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Tenderizer jewels aren't real, y'all just 'shopping up those picture, you can't fool me.

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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    i'm surprised to see tenderizers as a sticking point, honestly

    i think i hit at least three before HR100

    RNG gonna RNG i suppose. I'm nigh 700 hours in and still ain't got Guard Up

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    TimFijiTimFiji Beast Lord Halfway2AnywhereRegistered User regular
    We should put our text in a certain color for each game so I can follow this thread haha. Blue for MHGU, and Red for MHW?!

    Switch: SW-2322-2047-3148 Steam: Archpriest
      Selling Board Games for Medical Bills
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      SeidkonaSeidkona Had an upgrade Registered User regular
      Red would make it hard for me to read it and I am following both games

      Mostly just huntin' monsters.
      XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
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      darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
      edited September 2018
      Elendil wrote: »
      i'm surprised to see tenderizers as a sticking point, honestly

      i think i hit at least three before HR100

      RNG gonna RNG i suppose. I'm nigh 700 hours in and still ain't got Guard Up

      I have two Tenderizer jewels and i'm on PC, HR 65

      darkmayo on
      Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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