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Is PAX an experience worth going to alone to?

AwesomeChadAwesomeChad Registered User new member
So I've been to PAX once before. My first time was back in 2011 at Pax Prime (Pax west) and I generally enjoyed the experience. There was tons of awesome "SWAG" and it was fun playing the beta versions of the games. But, it was also somewhat awkward as I was alone and didn't know anyone. I'm not good at socializing. In fact, I have social anxiety. I couldn't even gather the courage to ask cosplayers who were wearing these amazing works of art if I could take a picture of/with them. I even snuck in a photo without consent because I didn't know how to ask(that's bad of me, I know). But anyways, I've stayed away from PAX (its the only con I go to) because I feel sad telling people that I go by myself. I'm a huge gaming nerd but didn't really make friends from gaming on the internet and I definitely have no one IRL.


  • cpmcpm dishwasher flowery branch gaRegistered User new member
    yes it is.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    it sure can be! there's a huge amount of people who share your hobbies if you want to make new friends, and there's lots of stuff to see and do if you just want to experience the show solo. Also many other people likely have the same feelings as you about it. Just be respectful and do your best! If you feel overwhelmed, there's the AFK lounge where you can chill out and relax until you are ready to tackle the con again.

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    I go alone every year and travel 6,000 miles to be there. Then again I am covering the event and over the years I have made friends with whom we only meet during PAX.

    The key is to know that you have a common interest and build from there.


  • ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... ... and hard.Registered User regular
    In some ways, it's nice. You can go do whatever you want, when you want. Even when I'm there with friends I still try to split up when we tackle the expo hall. It just works better since have different tastes and different tolerances for the sort of lines we're willing to wait in.

  • DashDDashD Dread Pirate Chef Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    I have stopped going to PAX with people because I find that I have a better time if I can completely control how I spend my time. I still might meet up with others if we are going to the same panel or want to play a game, but if I spend the whole weekend without seeing friends I'm totally okay with that. Because of this, I have made some of the best Line Friends ever. Throw some quick, easy games in your pack every day, and while waiting in line, see if people want to play. Sit at the bar when you get lunch/dinner (assuming you are of legal drinking age) and chat with the people sitting next to you (even non PAX people! Tourists have some interesting stories, too). I met someone at lunch three PAXen ago who then moved to Seattle and we are now good friends.

    I know it can be hard to strike up conversations with perfect strangers. Although, I have found it is easier to interact with people I know I will never see again (think I won't see again, because sometimes you end up spending 18 hours over three days with someone out of pure chance) than with minor acquaintances. This forum is a great way to begin interacting with other PAX goers. And, if you feel comfortable with it, go to some of the community events next year and put names to faces. I now have more than a few IRL friends that I met through the forums.

    Long story short: It is totally okay to go to PAX solo.

    "Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
  • OmniscientlyMeOmniscientlyMe Registered User regular
    I prefer PAX solo. It's okay to join up with people for common interests, but generally, if you have different tastes, it's best to do your own thing.

  • bacon_avengerbacon_avenger Defender of Pork Products Pacific NW, USARegistered User regular
    While my housemate and I make the trip to PAX together and share a room, we are more or less solo when we arrive. If a booth or panel strikes our common interests, we will make plans to head there at the same time, but it's perfectly acceptable to not as well.

  • Rhea_starstormRhea_starstorm Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    For board games the looking for players and lfg signs were useful. I always make new pax buddies that way :) also introvert here

  • SolelronSolelron Wandering Gamer Cornelius, ORRegistered User regular
    For board games the looking for players and lfg signs were useful. I always make new pax buddies that way :) also introvert here

    Rhea you just need to play games with the rest of us locals :)

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