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Penny Arcade - Comic - Temporary Adequacy Syndrome

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited September 2018 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Temporary Adequacy Syndrome

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • KageraKagera Imitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered User regular
    TAS is a disease that strikes millions every year. Whether it be nailing a presentation, offering supportive parenting, or even just finishing house chores, these occurrences only serve as a temporary reprieve from the dread and fear that is existence and sure as the sun rises for many these spurts of life affirmation will only be the catalyst for a run of suckage that will far outweigh the positive stroke of luck.

    My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
  • ziddersroofurryziddersroofurry Registered User regular
    I spent quite a bit of time feeling this way back when I began playing Team Fortress 2. After 20 or 30 hours playing it I became a decent player. By 100 hours I was good enough I stayed in the top ten players in a 40k player community. My main was Medic and I loved it. It allowed me to be a supportive playing (I'm a support class irl) but also gave me plenty of moments to shine (well timed ubercharges were always fun-especially with a good heavy in front of me). There were even moments when I was able to take on other classes solo. I was very, very good at running backwards while needling people. After 1k hours or so It started to lose its luster but i still look back on the game with great fondness. I made some great friends-some of whom I'm still friends with ten years later and have a lot of great memories. Managing to avoid serious carpel tunnel is a definite bonus. Games like that can be murder on your wrist.

    I guess what I'm saying is I hope Jerry via Tycho isn't selling himself short. If a clumsy oaf like me can 'git gud' I'm certain he and others can, too.

  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    I love these stories. They remind me of when I was an avid Warhawk player.

    I've never been good at multi-player shooters, and I generally avoid them altogether simply to save myself money and frustration. But Warhawk was a different beast. It was approachable, and no death ever felt cheap. A lot of different play styles were viable. I found my calling as, essentially, a skirmisher. While most people would try to secure the flag, or capture a zone, I was the guy being annoying, attacking from the flank or rear, or simply doing strafing runs. I managed to get my KDR to almost 1 (I died a lot during the first few months of playing the game before I figured out how to best play... I'm talking 0.25 and below KDR) before the game withered and died.

  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    Sorry, guys, didn't mean to kill the conversation :-/

  • DelzhandDelzhand Agrias Fucking Oaks Registered User, Transition Team regular
    This is such a versatile comic. With minor tweaks to the first speech bubble, you can then send it to friends, coworkers, family, or anyone else who appreciates a little friendly hostility.

  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Delzhand wrote: »
    This is such a versatile comic. With minor tweaks to the first speech bubble, you can then send it to friends, coworkers, family, or anyone else who appreciates a little friendly hostility.

    I feel like Nick Foles has a copy of it in his locker.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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