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[PAX East 2019 Challenge Coin] Batch 2 shipping estimated: 4/29/2019

SutibunRiSutibunRi Montreal, Quebec, CanadaRegistered User regular
edited April 2019 in PAX East
What's this then?
It's the Pax East 2019 Challenge Coin Thread!
Here's a bit of history about the PAX Challenge Coins

Go to the top of page 2!

SutibunRi on


  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    SutibunRi wrote: »
    Questions are welcome as well.
    Is there a taste to the caulk?

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    I cannot remember the gaming pattern. Since board games was last year (Scrabble), is it handheld or console this year?

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • ScoJoMoScoJoMo Registered User regular
    For landmarks, I don't think we've had the Hatch Shell, the old state house, Faneuil Hall (with Samuel Adams statue included), or the Aquarium. I could be mistaken though. As far as gaming.... Based on how streaming has blown up, maybe something along those lines? Although, I have no idea what that would look like.

  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    ScoJoMo wrote: »
    For landmarks, I don't think we've had the Hatch Shell, the old state house, Faneuil Hall (with Samuel Adams statue included), or the Aquarium. I could be mistaken though. As far as gaming.... Based on how streaming has blown up, maybe something along those lines? Although, I have no idea what that would look like.

    I believe Aquarium was one of the finalists last year until the T-Rex barged in at the last minute and killed the two raptors.


    In any case, I'm down for the Aquarium or Faneuil Hall. As for the gaming side, my mind gravitates towards things like Tetris and Battleship but I don't know off hand all the ones that have been done before.

    Or the PC killer app Minesweeper. :D


  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    I don't have every year's coins either. Can someone post what's been on all of them over the years? Then I wont through out an idea that has already been done, hehe.


  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    Regarding monuments, I like the idea of Faneuil Hall, the Aquarium, and the Old State House as candidates since that area isn't far from the BCEC and, by extension, plays host to PAX parties and the like.

    Looking through the Wiki page, I don't actually see a Tetris one yet, so that seems a strong possibility. Only real problem off the top of my head is that it might be considered too similar to last year's Scrabble by virtue of being a bunch of squares.

    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • iltailta Registered User regular
    for what it's worth, 2019 is the 35th anniversary of tetris, which is pretty cool. also the 35th aniversary of the apple macintosh

  • ScoJoMoScoJoMo Registered User regular
    ilta wrote: »
    for what it's worth, 2019 is the 35th anniversary of tetris, which is pretty cool. also the 35th aniversary of the apple macintosh

    How about Tetris being played on a Macintosh?

  • SutibunRiSutibunRi Montreal, Quebec, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Le_Goat wrote: »
    SutibunRi wrote: »
    Questions are welcome as well.
    Is there a taste to the caulk?
    I'm pretty sure it tastes like the souls of the damned, but y'know, I can't actually verify that.

    If you look at the link on the 3rd line of the OP, or right here you can see all the coins that have been done for every PAX, up to East 2018. :biggrin:

    I still hope one day the Swan Boats will win the landmark side.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    ScoJoMo wrote: »
    ilta wrote: »
    for what it's worth, 2019 is the 35th anniversary of tetris, which is pretty cool. also the 35th aniversary of the apple macintosh

    How about Tetris being played on a Macintosh?

    According to Wikipedia, Tetris came out for the Apple II in 1988, so 2019 would be the 31st anniversary!

  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    Xenigma wrote: »
    Looking through the Wiki page, I don't actually see a Tetris one yet, so that seems a strong possibility. Only real problem off the top of my head is that it might be considered too similar to last year's Scrabble by virtue of being a bunch of squares.

    I can see that comparison, especially on the silver coins. But I think if it's a zoomed out grid with various blocks it could help differentiate itself just enough. Especially on the colored coins if the NES scheme is used. Although, if we do go the handheld route, that monochrome GB color palette would be interesting.

    And I'm also down with the Old State House as a landmark idea. But one of these years we need to do @SutibunRi a service and get those ducks their time in the limelight.


  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    The 40th anniversary of Asteroids is coming up as well. Might be a cool game idea for this year. I could see maybe having the space ship in the middle surrounded by P, A, and X shaped asteroids like they do with the PAX on the hoodies. Maybe even have one of them getting partially blown up. Here's a mockup:


  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    Astroids is a fantastic idea. I wasted so many hours on that game.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • iltailta Registered User regular
    Just to put a pin this idea, but as long as we're talking milestones, 2022 will be the 50th anniversary of Pong, which is to say the 50th anniversary of video games in general.

  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    ilta wrote: »
    Just to put a pin this idea, but as long as we're talking milestones, 2022 will be the 50th anniversary of Pong, which is to say the 50th anniversary of video games in general.

    Computer Space takes offense to that statement, but since Pong looks better on a coin it will allow it. :)


  • iltailta Registered User regular
    Ha, fair! I hadn't actually heard of Computer Space and just took it as a given that Pong was the first video game, since that's what most popular histories remember, but you're totally right, Pong was merely the first COMMERCIALLY SUCCESSFUL game. Sorry, Computer Space. I won't forget you again!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    that asteroids design is rad

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    I just realized that the mockup looks like it says PAX, which is obviously intentional. Love the hellz out of it.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    Le_Goat wrote: »
    I just realized that the mockup looks like it says PAX, which is obviously intentional. Love the hellz out of it.

    Yep that was the intent =) Glad it came across!

  • PlatinumTPlatinumT Registered User new member
    Solanales wrote: »
    The 40th anniversary of Asteroids is coming up as well. Might be a cool game idea for this year. I could see maybe having the space ship in the middle surrounded by P, A, and X shaped asteroids like they do with the PAX on the hoodies. Maybe even have one of them getting partially blown up. Here's a mockup:


    What if you made the "A" the shape for the ship since it's fairly close in shape

  • ironysparklesironysparkles Lowell, MARegistered User regular
    Since we already did Space Invaders I'm not really into the Asteroids idea, personally. Doing some googling, it looks like 2019 will be the 30th anniversary of Mother, Sim City, or the release of the Game Boy and the Powerglove (though we've also done a Game Boy coin too).

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    Since we already did Space Invaders I'm not really into the Asteroids idea, personally. Doing some googling, it looks like 2019 will be the 30th anniversary of Mother, Sim City, or the release of the Game Boy and the Powerglove (though we've also done a Game Boy coin too).

    Is there someone artistically inclined who could draw the BCEC area like SimCity? That would certainly be a unique gaming-side.

    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    Since we already did Space Invaders I'm not really into the Asteroids idea, personally. Doing some googling, it looks like 2019 will be the 30th anniversary of Mother, Sim City, or the release of the Game Boy and the Powerglove (though we've also done a Game Boy coin too).

    I stopped reading after Mother.

    This. All day.


  • PlatinumTPlatinumT Registered User new member

  • MattBSGMattBSG Registered User regular
    Sim city definitely strikes a good chord for me, a Boston area themed map would be awesome as Xenigma said -- although not sure if it will fit/be appropriate in size for a coin

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    So...are we doing this? I don't know deadlines but less than two months out without a design feels like a bad sign.

    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • brokenvegetablebrokenvegetable Virtual Photographer BostonRegistered User regular
    Yea these coins won’t be ready for pax, it will be a repeat of last year. People getting coins a month after pax

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    Yea these coins won’t be ready for pax, it will be a repeat of last year. People getting coins a month after pax

    Except last year, we had mockups in December/January and voted early Feb. Going this late in the game without anything isn't a good sign.

    Hopefully our fearless leaders are well.


  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    I'm no replacement for SutibunRi, but I can give this a go. I helped put together the PAX Unplugged 2018 coin, so if you guys can help, let's get some mockups and make some decisions to get this made.

    Did the coins last year get epoxy coating? Like a smooth clear coat over the coin? I see it on the design documents, but I don't have one to check. It looks like previous years did not get the coating, and I know it was an issue this past PAXU, so I want to make sure it's done correctly.

    As far as landmarks, it looks like the following has been mentioned:
    Hatch Shell
    the old state house
    Faneuil Hall
    Swan Boats

    For gaming, the following has been mentioned:
    Asteroids (with a cool mockup)
    Sim City
    GameBoy (was also on East 2013)

    Fill out this form to make your choice!

    We don't have a lot of time, so I'll leave this open until maybe Sunday night, and we'll start working on specific mock ups and submitting the design next week.

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    Votes are in, and you voted for Asteroids and Faneuil Hall!


    We need to pick an image for Faneuil Hall though, do you guys like one of these or do you have a different one you'd like to see?
    In order to maintain detail on the windows and such, the building will probably need to be without color.
    EDIT: I just thought of this, but if we did the statue one, we could ask for a spot treatment on it like the t-rex from last year. Have the building in the standard silver coin finish, but do up the statue in black nickel or something so it stands out. Dunno if that's an option, but maybe.

    Which one do you like the most? Or send me a link for one you would rather see.
    ^(Google Form)

    Solanales I hope it's ok if we use your art? Also, may need to widen the lines to make them more visible on the coin.

    Unless there's any strong opinions, I'm thinking we'll keep the same black colored ring band as last year? Would you guys rather do a red East themed one, or go back to not having a colored outer ring?
    Also, I'm going to order these without the epoxy coat, as has been done previously. I don't think there was one last year.

    ArcSyn on
  • ScoJoMoScoJoMo Registered User regular
    ArcSyn wrote: »

    Unless there's any strong opinions, I'm thinking we'll keep the same black colored ring band as last year? Would you guys rather do a red East themed one, or go back to not having a colored outer ring?
    Also, I'm going to order these without the epoxy coat, as has been done previously. I don't think there was one last year.

    Definitely dig the colored outer ring. "East Red" is a good idea too. Either way, I'm on board.

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular

    This is what red could look like. It does kinda mess up Ms. Pacman's bow.

  • std73std73 Extra Life Guild President Weymouth, MARegistered User regular
    ArcSyn wrote: »

    This is what red could look like. It does kinda mess up Ms. Pacman's bow.

    What if you left the Ring Black and made the lettering with in the ring Red. That would keep Ms. Pac Man's Bow pronounced and Still have the East Red?

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    The lettering is raised metal. The color is just paint filling in the area around the letters. If we wanted to have painted letters, that would require them to have thin raised metal outlines, and lettering large enough to have space inside to fill with paint.

    It also means the unpainted coins would look weird, or require their own die which increases costs.

    I don't know that it's entirely doable at this point in time for this year to explore those options.

  • std73std73 Extra Life Guild President Weymouth, MARegistered User regular
    I personally don't have an issue with the bow tie blending in a little if it has some sort of outline like it has in the image. As long as there isn't a strong opposition, I like the Red Ring. (insert your xbox 360 joke here)

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    Someone requested to see this image for Faneuil Hall. Not sure that the framing will work well, but it's not my decision.

  • MattBSGMattBSG Registered User regular
    As long as the ms pacman now is noticeably outlined, the red ring adds contrast to the background. Could we consider lightening the shade of black if we are also still thinking about the black ring though? I think a closer up front view of the statue will give it detail and generally look better (front shot with building backdrop). I definitely like the red outside

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    All colors should have some sort of metal outline around them, as it holds the paint in place.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    maybe a darker red?

This discussion has been closed.