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eriepopeeriepope Registered User regular
So prereg was open for one hour? Does anyone else find this silly?


  • pandoras.lunchboxpandoras.lunchbox Registered User new member
    Agreed. 1 hour and full already? What's even the point at that rate? Kind of a joke and unfair. I was happy to see they set up pre-registration to try and avoid standing in long lines for 3-4 hours, but I guess I'm still going to have to stand around and miss half the con just waiting in lines to still possibly be shut out. Huge let-down. Definitely considering not going to another one after this.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    prereg was stressful and filled up quickly but it beats, by a million miles, standing around in lines. especially for really big events like the DnD open. no way would i give an entire day, half of which was standing in a line, just on the chance to go to that.

  • bubba0077bubba0077 College Park, MDRegistered User regular
    I mean, there are a limited number of spots. If there is overwhelming demand, they will fill fast. Maybe next year there will be more slots.

  • DCGaymerDCGaymer Registered User new member
    I was actually kind of surprised the D&D Epic lasted five minutes.

  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    Pre-reg was not open for only an hour. It never closed, and it still open. Many of the miniatures and tourney events still have seats.

    There was a reminder event on the PAX schedule called "pre-reg opens" set for 1PM on Nov 9th. Events require an end-time, so it defaulted to 2PM. If you logged in after 2PM and saw that the event was grayed out or closed due to it now being in the past, that did not mean pre-reg was closed. It meant you could no longer set a reminder for "pre-reg opens" because that launch event was over. If you click any of the PAX days, the events there show their own registration statuses.

    The "pre-reg opens" event was deleted later in the evening to clear up this confusion, so nobody else should get confused. If reg is handled this way in the future, the pre-reg launch reminder event will be set for a much longer duration.

  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    Agreed. 1 hour and full already? What's even the point at that rate? Kind of a joke and unfair. I was happy to see they set up pre-registration to try and avoid standing in long lines for 3-4 hours, but I guess I'm still going to have to stand around and miss half the con just waiting in lines to still possibly be shut out. Huge let-down. Definitely considering not going to another one after this.

    What's the point? So you don't have to stand around in lines. You know what's already full and can plan around that. You know what's FAR worse? Standing in an hour+ line just to find out that you can't get into something. Or waking up an extra hour early, skipping breakfast to get there, just to find out the line is already capped since some crazies showed up at 6-7 AM to line up.

    This is 1000x better a system for registration than last year. You can argue that some things are extra popular and need to have more sessions opened up, which this actually helps. They can see how fast things filled (and I think there's a waiting list?) and if they have the capabilities, they can adjust things to run more sessions to allow more people to play what they want. If they did it like last year, there's no way to adjust on the fly.

    (I'm not saying they WILL open more sessions of popular things, I don't know if they have the capabilities, but this at least gives them the data they need to do that, if they so choose)

  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    We already expanded the capacity of Pandemic Survival, and will be doing so for the Star Wars Legion and Song of Ice and Fire minis events, due to high demand. Similar options explored for RPGs but we've already quadrupled the number of RPG tables, and finding even more GMs may be a challenge. Doing everything we can!

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