Are you excited for PAX Unplugged? How about RPGs specifically? Are you a DM, GM and/or storyteller and were thinking, “Hey while I am at PAX I’d like to run some one shots or a very short campaign, but where will I play?”
Well have no fear! The PAX RPG Department is here to help. We now have more than
FOURTY freeplay tables spread between three rooms available for your usage!
”But how do I find players for my game?” I hear you cry.
There are lots of ways you can do that, including right here on this post, as well as on any other forum to organize time and space with other players, but that is not your only option. The RPG Department will be organizing a “Looking for Players” area where GMs can have registration for their games be posted to be reviewed by other attendees.
“I have to organize this at the show? I already have so much ELSE to do.”
If you are ready to go with all your details, you can reserve your space now! With this handy link you can give us all the information about your game and we will reach out to you before the show to finalize your schedule and table assignment. At that point, all you will need to check in at the HQ 5-10 minutes before your game to grab your sign up sheet. find your table, and get playing!
These are not PAX Scheduled Events but our Enforcers will post a Looking for Group sheet at our RPG HQ and reserve you a table at your preferred time as a well to help you get connected with other interested players.
Until 10AM, RPG HQ will be busy processing registration for official PAX schedule games run by our Exhibitor partners. So please let this queue clear and then you can come through and browse our selection of LFG games or speak to an Enforcer about reserving a table for your own game.
After all the love shown to us last year, the PAX RPG Department has grown dramatically, and we are excited to see you and hopeful you will come down and say hello, and perhaps run some games.
Feel the HYPE, and hopefully we will see you soon!!
Do you think I could find a home with you all or should I just look to grabbing my own table in the freeplay area when one is available? Thanks for any input you can offer and I would be glad to answer any questions that need answering.
You might be benefited as well by having extra print outs as we are likely going to have a lot of people looking for AL games and not being able to get into the official events, and may have extra GMs with them.
That sounds doable to me. I'll pop in Friday during the day and say hey. I'll make sure to bring a number of printouts considering that I'm sure people will be looking for other options than the official league.