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Entrances and Security

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
PAX tweeted this morning that there will be three entrances for PAX Unplugged, and these will have metal detectors and bag checks for safety reasons.

just something to be aware of!

They have answered some questions on twitter, so I would encourage tweeting about concerns in this area.


  • Dragonbear82Dragonbear82 Registered User regular
    The seemingly innocuous inclusion of metal detectors is problematic for me. As an Orthodox Jew and I can't go through a metal detector on Saturday. This decision is essentially going to force me to miss a day of the convention.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    In lieu of the metal detector, you may opt for a wand/patdown inspection.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • Ithilia1125Ithilia1125 Registered User new member
    On a similar note, I just wanted to make sure that we don't need to scan our badges or anything like that as we go in and out? (Also orthodox Jew. To make it easier to understand - anything that requires electricity, we can't do. Also anything that involves writing, drawing, creating words or images, or erasing these things we can't do. This is for Friday after 4:20 pm and Saturday before 5:20 pm.)

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Badge check is purely visual.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
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