Is there any way I can get my feedback from the Arcadian Brush? The judging was 35 minutes late and I had to catch my flight. Is there any way I can get that sent to me?
This was the worst run event I've ever seen. First there was nearly no info posted about it. Then on Saturday morning they stopped taking entries. After capping entries they still struggled to judge them, only about 50 of the 74 entries ever were fully judged. I don't even know who the judges were, there was no display of their own work. The only detail of the event was that feedback would be provided, but none was.
Saying this is the first time running it is not a valid excuse. There are numerous conventions each year that hold painting contests with Nova having just taken place 3 months prior. There was plenty of time for organizers to reach out and learn how to properly run this but they did not. They should not be allowed to run this sham of an event again and waste attendees time and energy.
I am hearing on the other thread that there was some form of Enforcer Nepotism that played a role in determining a winner. I'm not sure how true this is but if it's remotely possible, it's extremely troubling.
Everything I'm seeing about this is troubling and disappointing. My entry was #001 and I had to withdraw about 3:30 because I had conflicting travel plans.
I was told at that point that the judging had not started even though it had been scheduled to start at 2. If judging had indeed taken place then I really would have liked to receive feedback. However, I've seen rumors that if someone wasn't present then they just kicked prizes to the next on line. That's a BS way to run a skill competition. They had every person's contact info so there is no excuse for that.
I really feel bad for the other guy that had to withdraw when I did (#048) because this was his first ever competition and all he wanted was some professional feedback.
The rumors (which at this point is all they are and should be considered as such) of favoritism/nepotism are extremely troubling and at the very least measures should be taken to ensure such shenanigans do not take place going forward.
The most shameful part of this is that a bunch of people left PAX on a really down note because of how all this was handled.
@wreckeur That is exactly what happened. They called out the number of the winner and if they didn't come up to collect the medal they moved to the next. Then they said 'Who here entered a mini that was their first ever?" and gave out two to people who raised their hands. It felt very anticlimactic.
@wreckeur That is exactly what happened. They called out the number of the winner and if they didn't come up to collect the medal they moved to the next. Then they said 'Who here entered a mini that was their first ever?" and gave out two to people who raised their hands. It felt very anticlimactic.
@turhan I think that I am the source of those rumors. I'm only one account and I really can't be sure how it went down. However, this is what I know. At around 2:30 my partner and I went to the Mini HQ for the judging. Nothing much seemed to be happening so we didn't stick around. However, we did see a woman with short hair (who was not wearing an enforcer shirt) unlocking the case and moving miniatures from it to the table. We didn't think anything of it at the time.
Some time after 5 when the winners were announced, she was hanging out with the enforcers behind the table. All of the other contestants were in front of it. She was the only person to win two awards out of the seven awarded (4 categories with 2 awards each, there was only one entry in the duel category so only one medal was awarded). I think it's totally likely that she was just very good, but since it was done by number there's no way for me to connect her to whatever miniatures she entered. Either way, it's not a good look as @wreckeur said.
Hi - I was #48. I'm new to painting and I had no real expectation of how this was going to work, but honestly I walked away super disappointed. Reading this makes it even worse.
My main goal was to have a professional review my model ( to help me become better. So I'll ask the rest of you all who walked away unhappy, post links to your entry, and let's all provide the feedback to each other that the event didn't.
I am not one to complain about an issue and not offer to help. I would so love for the Arcadian brush to work So I am offering my help in running this event in the future. (even if it means I wont be able to enter myself) Does anyone know how I get a hold of the Penny Arcade Staff?
@jonathanflavius I'm thinking we should start a thread either here or somewhere else for all of us to post our work.
@eriepope - im hoping we find out. I sent PAX a constructive email and just got a generic automated response so im not sure if they are even listening to us.
PAX folks read the feedback threads here on the forums usually and I'm sure that they read the emails sent to The folks that read the emails may or may not have been on-site at PAX or know right away where to send that information, though.
You could try tweeting at as well to see if they can route the info to someone that can give you a faster answer?
I would definitely suggest submitting your thoughts on it if they send you an official survey as well.
@zerzhul I sent an email to the PAX questions email asking who I contact to offer my help running this event next year. Is there a better way to get a hold of somebody? I have not yet got a response back. I know we are still in post event recovery but I would like to start working out if this is even an option.
It's possible that @Gundabad or @Lackey would know. They're enforcers involved in the tabletop areas and might be able to point in the right direction?
Generally I would say that the best way to have a hand in helping the show be a success would be to apply to be an Enforcer, but there's no guarantee that if you were accepted that you would be assigned to that event or department. I also don't know if that was *run* by enforcers or a company (I'm not directly familiar with this arcadian brush event).
GundabadPAX East & Unplugged Tabletop ManagerNJRegistered Userregular
I've been speaking to the folks who ran this event, and the story checks out. It was very poorly run. A lot of unexpected problems creeped up on Sunday, combining to make this much more of a challenge than it ever should have been, but I really can't offer excuses, only apologies to those attendees who's weekend was soured with a bad experience.
The only two points I'd want to address from the feedback are (1) early closure of submissions and (2) claim of Enforcer favoritism in judging. Was demand underestimated and too small of a case purchased? Yes. But IMO it'd be worse to take further priceless entries without a safe way to store them. As for the judging, it was to be anonymous (hence the judging by ticket #). Some Enforcers were allowed to enter and did place in categories. Not a good look, I agree, so with that being said, here are all of the improvements (so far) scoped out for next year:
- Better signage promoting and explaining the event
- More prominent location for display cases
- More storage to allow larger number of entries
- Earlier judging and pickup
- Deliver on promise for feedback on submitted models aka "report card"
- Winners do not need to be present at judging time
- Submissions to be grouped by category in cases
- Only industry guest/non-PAX judges
- Enforcers not allowed to enter
- Better communication all around
And I'm sure there will be more.
As for requests to help run the event or serve as a judge, feel free to email with your qualifications. You likely won't hear back until well into the new year, when planning begins in earnest. While all offers are appreciated, we're aiming for a 3-5 person panel to be filled with industry guests, so I'll want to leave spots open until I can speak with all of our new and returning exhibitors from the miniatures industry.
I do also have the photos taken at the judging table. They're not all the greatest photography, and not every model was photographed, but you all deserve to have whatever we've got:
@Gundabad I am so happy to see all of these things recognized and addressed. These seem like good ideas that will help the competition a lot. I've got a small suggestion, not sure if it's a good one. It might be nice to have people provide a title for their work when they enter. That way when the winners are announced we can hear the name of the work (not just the number) and we can connect it to the model that won. I think it would be more fun that way.
Disappointed my model wasn't in the photos. I was looking forward to a lightbox photo of mine as well. Unfortunate. I was really down on this event, but if the changes above are implemented, I'll try again next time.
GundabadPAX East & Unplugged Tabletop ManagerNJRegistered Userregular
This question came up in another forum, but in light of all the changes/improvements for next year, there is definitely no restriction on re-submitting 2018 entries at Unplugged 2019.
@Gundabad Thank you so much for posting the link with the photos. Its truly appreciated!
One small thing to consider. In lieu of prizes, even a blast of these photos on social media would be awesome for those of us who are trying to pursue this on social media.
Thank you for taking time to listen to the community. I think this could really become a special event for Unplugged if its better managed with some higher exposure to attendees!
Saying this is the first time running it is not a valid excuse. There are numerous conventions each year that hold painting contests with Nova having just taken place 3 months prior. There was plenty of time for organizers to reach out and learn how to properly run this but they did not. They should not be allowed to run this sham of an event again and waste attendees time and energy.
Here's the Slaughter Priest I entered if you're interested:
I was told at that point that the judging had not started even though it had been scheduled to start at 2. If judging had indeed taken place then I really would have liked to receive feedback. However, I've seen rumors that if someone wasn't present then they just kicked prizes to the next on line. That's a BS way to run a skill competition. They had every person's contact info so there is no excuse for that.
I really feel bad for the other guy that had to withdraw when I did (#048) because this was his first ever competition and all he wanted was some professional feedback.
The rumors (which at this point is all they are and should be considered as such) of favoritism/nepotism are extremely troubling and at the very least measures should be taken to ensure such shenanigans do not take place going forward.
The most shameful part of this is that a bunch of people left PAX on a really down note because of how all this was handled.
This was a mess that was completely avoidable.
This is not a good look.
And yes @wreckeur - At this point it is just rumor but if this does prove to have any degree of merit i am deeply troubled.
Some time after 5 when the winners were announced, she was hanging out with the enforcers behind the table. All of the other contestants were in front of it. She was the only person to win two awards out of the seven awarded (4 categories with 2 awards each, there was only one entry in the duel category so only one medal was awarded). I think it's totally likely that she was just very good, but since it was done by number there's no way for me to connect her to whatever miniatures she entered. Either way, it's not a good look as @wreckeur said.
My main goal was to have a professional review my model ( to help me become better. So I'll ask the rest of you all who walked away unhappy, post links to your entry, and let's all provide the feedback to each other that the event didn't.
@jonathanflavius I'm thinking we should start a thread either here or somewhere else for all of us to post our work.
You could try tweeting at as well to see if they can route the info to someone that can give you a faster answer?
I would definitely suggest submitting your thoughts on it if they send you an official survey as well.
Generally I would say that the best way to have a hand in helping the show be a success would be to apply to be an Enforcer, but there's no guarantee that if you were accepted that you would be assigned to that event or department. I also don't know if that was *run* by enforcers or a company (I'm not directly familiar with this arcadian brush event).
The only two points I'd want to address from the feedback are (1) early closure of submissions and (2) claim of Enforcer favoritism in judging. Was demand underestimated and too small of a case purchased? Yes. But IMO it'd be worse to take further priceless entries without a safe way to store them. As for the judging, it was to be anonymous (hence the judging by ticket #). Some Enforcers were allowed to enter and did place in categories. Not a good look, I agree, so with that being said, here are all of the improvements (so far) scoped out for next year:
- Better signage promoting and explaining the event
- More prominent location for display cases
- More storage to allow larger number of entries
- Earlier judging and pickup
- Deliver on promise for feedback on submitted models aka "report card"
- Winners do not need to be present at judging time
- Submissions to be grouped by category in cases
- Only industry guest/non-PAX judges
- Enforcers not allowed to enter
- Better communication all around
And I'm sure there will be more.
As for requests to help run the event or serve as a judge, feel free to email with your qualifications. You likely won't hear back until well into the new year, when planning begins in earnest. While all offers are appreciated, we're aiming for a 3-5 person panel to be filled with industry guests, so I'll want to leave spots open until I can speak with all of our new and returning exhibitors from the miniatures industry.
I do also have the photos taken at the judging table. They're not all the greatest photography, and not every model was photographed, but you all deserve to have whatever we've got:
One small thing to consider. In lieu of prizes, even a blast of these photos on social media would be awesome for those of us who are trying to pursue this on social media.
Thank you for taking time to listen to the community. I think this could really become a special event for Unplugged if its better managed with some higher exposure to attendees!