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2019 PAX East "Concerts"

Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
edited February 2019 in PAX East
Aqusitions Incorporated
Aqusitions Incorporated C Team
Dice Camera Action
Bit Brigade
Double Clicks

zerzhul on


  • Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
    "There's at least one more big performance in the pipeline we're excited about, but there's unlikely to be any additional musical acts added (beyond what we have in Jamspace)." Via PAX Twitter

  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    Last year's FFXV concert wasn't announced until just before the show, so I'm guessing we'll see something similar this year. I'll go ahead and guess it'll be last year's typo: FFXIV, as part of promotion for the new Shadowbringers expansion coming this Summer. Doesn't hurt that they've already been doing Fanfests with concerts, so they've already have to work on that sort of logistic, and their last Fanfest is in Tokyo the previous weekend.

    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
    Xenigma wrote: »
    Last year's FFXV concert wasn't announced until just before the show, so I'm guessing we'll see something similar this year. I'll go ahead and guess it'll be last year's typo: FFXIV, as part of promotion for the new Shadowbringers expansion coming this Summer. Doesn't hurt that they've already been doing Fanfests with concerts, so they've already have to work on that sort of logistic, and their last Fanfest is in Tokyo the previous weekend.

    That was VGO doing the FF music last year, so I'm thinking this is a different artist.

  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    edited February 2019
    Considering Final Fantasy XIV was a lead sponsor for PAX East last year in a year when Yoshida didn't attend and a major expansion wasn't coming out, it's safe to say that XIV will have a strong presence at the SE booth and panels for Shadowbringers. So if Yoshida does make the trek to Boston a week after Tokyo FanFest and decides to bring The Primals along with him for a performance, I wouldn't be shocked. I'd cry. But I wouldn't be shocked.

    And I'll watch VGO play the phone book melodically.

    MephistoN7 on

  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    Bit disappointed at how light this year is. Guess they'll be doing a night of stage shows and a night of music?

  • MarinoMarino Giant Bomb Moderator / League of Heels Webmaster Macon, GARegistered User regular
    Bit disappointed at how light this year is. Guess they'll be doing a night of stage shows and a night of music?

    I'm guessing 2 nights of shows and 1 night of music.

  • thorkonthorkon Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    I've been to every Pax East and it was awesome at first with big names showing up (JoCo, Paul and Storm, MC Frontalot, Protomen, Etc). These last few years have been disappointing to my group and I. No offense to the performers (I've seen all these current listed ones), but they don't have the same crowd fun/interaction as the classic bands. Now that they only do 1 night of concerts and don't have any PAX band staples I don't see my group attending at night. Glad I went to MAGFEST this year to catch a lot of bands because it seems PAX is moving away from the concerts which was a huge part for me. Still surprise no Frontalot, he's been there every year from what I can remember.

    I wonder if it is because attendance is down in the concert room?

    thorkon on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    As someone who's been attending PAX concerts at both West and East since 2007, yeah the general concert attendance has been dwindling a bit over the years. I personally love Bit Brigade and VGO and won't pass up an opportunity to see them, but I'm disappointed we're only getting one night. The other two nights are for the big D&D shows, and that's all fine and good (I actually love Acq. Inc. too) but I feel like the east coast already has Unplugged for all of that so it's kinda weird to see it taking over East as well. I work for MAGFest and Jamspace so I'm glad we'll be able to bring in some more concerts and help alleviate the smaller main stage presence, but I know it won't be the same.

  • thorkonthorkon Registered User regular
    I think attendance would be up if they would bring in the bigger band names (and have 2 nights). As is, it will just keep dropping and they will assume people dont want to see cconcerts :(

  • Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
    Especially with the extra night. 2 nights of concerts and a Game Night would be perfect.

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    I would say this is just part of the con evolving. While I really enjoyed protomen and JoCo (who hasn't been here for years now).
    Live D&D is becoming more and more a part of all PAX shows with concerts being deemphasized, as seen by South moving acq inc into a night slot.

    Also, PA and the folks at DCA have a very good relationship so it's not that surprising they have a live game one of the nights and acq inc. does as well.

  • thorkonthorkon Registered User regular
    I do think it's a surprise, at least in my group and from what I seen online.. in The same regard, PA have a very good relation with mc frontalot, so I don't think it's a relations being the reason. I know they are moving to dnd related things unfortunately which is what broached this topic.

  • MarinoMarino Giant Bomb Moderator / League of Heels Webmaster Macon, GARegistered User regular
    I feel like the concerts kinda ran their course. I used to go to them a long time ago, but after seeing a lot of the same acts over and over, my friends and I stopped going. I'm all for putting other entertainment options on the main stage at night.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think it's likely a combination of cost and attendance. I don't know for sure, but I am guessing that PAX pays the musical artists, whereas things like D&D pay to be there. If something is costing you money and not bringing in attendees, that seems like a no-brainer to me (again, I do not know for sure that musical artists are paid... I guess I hope that they are?).

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2019
    They are paid (at least last I heard), and yeah considering that ya got a good point too. Even if they weren't, they're still provided exhibitor-equivalent badges and hotel space for the weekend.

    Coldbrew on
  • imPokerFaceimPokerFace Registered User regular
    I wouldn't mind something like an AGDQ charity stream one night if concerts are kinda phasing out. I think speedrunning isn't as popular as it used to be though lol

  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    I wouldn't mind something like an AGDQ charity stream one night if concerts are kinda phasing out. I think speedrunning isn't as popular as it used to be though lol

    Hard to say the way they keep breaking their donation records. AGDQ 2019 holds the current record, so interest is there at least.

    A rotating schedule each year couldn't hurt, though.


  • Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
    I wouldn't mind something like an AGDQ charity stream one night if concerts are kinda phasing out. I think speedrunning isn't as popular as it used to be though lol

    I would be for this 100%

  • charfoxcharfox Dot Matrix with Sound Chicago, ILRegistered User new member
    I just wanna say that I need Anamanaguchi to come back thru..

  • Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
    Bit Brigade will be performing Mega Man III

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