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No true bagless line

edgar5310edgar5310 Registered User new member
Went bagless his year to save time and they decided to cut his out and force everyone into one line. The line to get in is 3 blocks away. ;(. Not sure why they did this but please bring this back.


  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    edgar5310 wrote: »
    Went bagless his year to save time and they decided to cut his out and force everyone into one line. The line to get in is 3 blocks away. ;(. Not sure why they did this but please bring this back.

    Not sure what time or where you're entering, but there's been a bagless line at the Main Entrance that I've used numerous times so far this year.

    (Skybridge is still faster if it's after 10, with or without a bag.)


  • Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
    edgar5310 wrote: »
    Went bagless his year to save time and they decided to cut his out and force everyone into one line. The line to get in is 3 blocks away. ;(. Not sure why they did this but please bring this back.

    Been here since Thursday, every day there has been a bagless line.

  • flaznarflaznar Registered User regular
    There is/was a bagless line this year also. I will say that at the two times I used it the line shared metal detectors with people that have bags, so there was not a fast lane at all. I got to wait in line with others that didn't have bags, but not having separated metal detectors kinda defeated the purpose.

  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    From where the lines start you can't really tell which line is which. We were in the bagless line without knowing it, only realized it too late and had to hop over since my daughter had her backpack.

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Yeah the separation of bag/bagless people happened near the front of the BCEC. There was practically no signs really directing people except a small stanchion sign that said "Bag Check Line".

    The line wrapped down the whole left side of the building beside the Westin. It was mixed there until it got closer. There should have been someone from security at the split directing people.

    I too also noticed they did not have barriers dividing the bag and bagless scanners and people with bags where being checked in bagless area. Kinda silly. I heard people talking they took a bag because the line went faster than the bagless lines.

    Next year.... while I would love it if they just removed the MST3K (Mystery Security Theater 3000) but I know this will never happen so how about just make every line bag OR bagless like 99% of EVERY OTHER venue I have ever been too. Just feel like it would move more people faster. Just zig-zag queue everyone to the checkpoint and they can spread out to separate lines when they get there.

    45 mins to get into the BCEC is not fun. Could be spending 30 of those minutes in lines on the expo floor :surprised:

  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
    The "No Bag" line only had 2 metal detectors, so I ended up getting through the "Bag Check" line faster than my friends got through the "No Bag" line on Thursday haha!

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