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Badges Not Displaying on Profile

ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster ApocalypseThe Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User, Moderator mod
I just noticed the badges on profiles aren't displaying as of, like, 10-20 minutes ago after getting a "Something went wrong" page for a few minutes.

I don't really mind about the badges so much as I figured I'd report it unless some bigger problem was going on and it was related.

Allegedly a voice of reason.


  • NFytNFyt They follow the stars, bound together. Strands in a braid till the end.Registered User regular
    edited April 2019
    Oh hey, this seems related to a thing I encountered earlier today.

    NFyt on
    It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing... And take away its pain.
    Warframe/Steam: NFyt
  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User, Moderator mod
    i do know the april fools badge being a broken image is intended and basically is the joke

    but i don't know if that's what you're referencing because i don't know php

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    We deployed, Im generally aware of this and looking into it.

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